The Batman


Gotham is a dangerous city, even within the DCU. Gotham has regular bombings, gas attacks, and other acts of terror, in addition to occasionally being attacked by cosmic and mystical beings. And this is over and above the everyday robbery, assault, rape, and murder that is happening to everyday citizens by everyday thugs. The cops are notoriously corrupt and the city is flagrantly controlled by mob bosses of various stripes. Gordon is one of the few clean cops that be trusted. The most dangerous criminals are not put away in SuperMax prisons, but rather a single asylum that is (apparently) easier to escape than a pair of toy handcuffs.

Gotham is a dark mirror reflecting our world. It is bad enough that people accept vigilante justice meted out by people in costumes. It turns up the volume on our problems a bit to dramatize them and create a space where a Batman makes sense.
One small correction - from the comics - (or at least from the comics of my day, anyway)...

The only criminals sent to Arkham were those deemed by the courts as insane. At times, Arkham was also a hospital for those with mental illness who were not necessarily criminals, but in the modern age, the asylum focuses on the criminally insane.

For criminals without an insanity clause there was Blackgate prison which is located on a small island in Gotham Bay.

Now, a criminal such as the Penguin has never been locked up in Arkham because he's not insane, just bad. However, he has served time at Blackgate.

The point about Arkham being easy to escape is valid, and the same could probably be said of Blackgate. Story wise, Batman needs a steady flow of villains, and since fans love reappearances of villains from former stories, these places (apparently sorely lacking in security) help supply them.

The only criminals sent to Arkham were those deemed by the courts as insane.
Sure, but these just so happen to be the most dangerous criminals.

Maybe Wayne own Arkham and lets his pets out every now and then to do battle?

Victor: C.A., I'm doing my best.

Amazing: Oh, your best. Uh. Quick question: (rips off Pepsi patch & throws it at Victor) is this your best?

Victor: Okay, I realize you're upset. Amazing: Victor, I'm positioned. Okay? Do you understand what that means? On a very personal level--here--to know that the companies that make these fine products want me to be their spokesperson? Their voice?

Victor: I think now that we should focus on the positive. Tonight was good.

Amazing: Yeah? You think so? 'Cause I was worried it was--um, you know--pathetic! "Amazing Triumphs At a Nursing Home!" That's great copy, Vic.

Victor: Look, I'm a publicist, not a magician. If you want big news, you have to have big fights. A superhero needs a supervillain and, thanks to you, we've got none left.

Amazing: Then get the...Deathman.

Victor: Deathman is dead.

Amazing: Okay. Father Doom.

Victor: Life without parole. Apocalypta's doing 50 years. Armagezzmo's in exile. Baron vonChaos got the chair.

Amazing: Really?

Victor: Casanova Frankenstein is locked up in a nuthouse... Amazing: Casanova Frankenstein. Now there was a supervillain. You know he just...he got those eyes, you know...(tries to do the expression) I can't do it. And that voice--what pure evil. The battles we used to have. Extraordinary.

Victor. "Used to." That's the problem, Captain. "Used to."

(Close on Amazing's thoughtful expression.)

[And at the Sanitarium...]

(The Board Of Directors sits at a long table.)

Man: Let the record show, this parole hearing has officially begun. (Casanova Frankenstein, hands chained, is led to a chair before the council.)

Banyon: We now commence the 7th parole hearing of Casanova
Frankenstein. Dr. Leek, you may begin.

Leek: Thank you. Gentlemen of the board, the man who sits before you, the once infamous evil genius, is entirely cured. (Gasps all around.)

Banyon: What?

Leek: I give you my word that he is of no more danger to the city now, than I am.

Banyon: This is outrageous.

Member of the Board: Yes.

Banyon: Mr. Casanova Frankenstein. Do you have anything to say on your own behalf?

Casanova: Blessed disciples of Hippocrates, my heart is split in two. It brims with such sorrow for my abominable crimes. And yet, it swells with love...for you. For this...this sanctuary, this...this place of healing. Within my soul, I feel the choir singing...Beethoven's immortal "Ode To Joy"...where all men...become...brothers!

(Lance bangs the door on his way in.)

Lance: Am I too late to cast my vote?

Banyon: Not at all, Lance. I was just about to remind the board that Casanova once had our city in a stranglehold of terror. Parole is not an option for this man...this, this monster. We cannot risk the danger of releasing him.

Lance: I cannot agree with you more.

Banyon: Excellent.

Lance: However, I uh, I did just have dinner with an old friend recently. Maybe you've heard of him...Captain Amazing? (Murmers.)

Lance: And he asked, if I would, to read this: "Dear members of the board, we all know that society cannot exist without absolute justice. But society is also built upon...compassion. Let us set the tone for the new millenium by making an historic gesture of forgiveness. (We see now that it is a grocery list) Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you, let us grant Casanova Frankenstein a second chance."

Banyon: Oh well, um...With Captain Amazing's recommendation and protection, I suppose we could consider. I pronounce you...cured. (stamps document with large word CURED) [Casanova speeds away in the back of his limo.]

Casanova: Hello...Champion City. home.

I think I’ve listened to so much about this movie, that I’m being pulled into a re-watch I don’t necessarily want. Reeves talking about how they shot on digital, transferred it to film, etc. When they were ordering the camera lens, the company was telling them not to use them because there were better options. All the behind-the-scenes stuff I absorb.

I’m not sure I want to commit to watching it in public again and the HBOMax premiere will be here very soon. Even at home, it’s still 3 hours and this isn’t Forrest Gump we’re dealing with. What’s the solution?

We merry few, here at MoFo, ban together and start the groundswell for a new cut. An abbreviated version. WB has already shown a willingness to concede to the whims of a fan base over Zack Snyder’s film, so why not Reeves movie?

Obviously, The Batman is already the Reeves’ Cut, so what would this shortened version be known as?

I also saw this opening weekend and really didn't like it, which was quite disappointing, since Batman has always been the comic book hero that I have most appreciated and enjoyed historically. For me, both the Tim Burton Batman movies and all of the Nolan films were far superior, but "The Batman" does have a very high rating on IMDB (8.4/10, I think), as well as strong reviews from critics, which has me kind of questioning my own judgment on this. I just don't understand why people like this movie so much. Can those of you who liked it go into some more depth on your thoughts on it?

For me, I found it to be much too long. I found the story to be highly convoluted and at times difficult to follow. The tone of the film felt far too dark and gloomy, and even visually, I found the cinematography, which a lot are loving, to also be far too dark. Yoda is right that some scenes were well done, such as the scene where the screen was illuminated largely by the bullets flashing. However, at times, it was actually difficult to see what was happening on the screen for me, and most of the scenes were set during the evening, or when it was raining, etc. I do have an OLED TV though, so that could help explain why I felt this way, as I find watching movies in theaters generally don't have the color vibrancy and contrast between color and the deep black levels that I am used to from watching my TV.

For a Batman film, I also found the pacing to be uneven, with at times a much too slow moving plot, with much less action than I would have expected when compared to the other films in the series. In terms of the performances, I felt several of the actors were miscast, including Jeffrey Wright, who acted much the same as he did in "Westworld," which I felt to be an odd depiction for the character, as well as Zoe Kravitz, who played Catwoman. I also didn't much like Paul Dano's performance as the Riddler, and also felt like Andy Serkis was miscast as Alfred.

Regarding Robert Pattinson's performance as Batman, which a lot of people were concerned about when he was cast, I actually felt that he was mostly fine, but I did find that there was very little of Bruce Wayne in this film, and that Robert Pattinson really acted much the same portraying both Batman and Bruce Wayne, which I found to be quite odd and a flaw in his acting, given that the duality of the character has always been a large part of the portrayal in other films. Casting is a very subjective determination though, so many may like the casting better than I did. I also felt that since the film focused largely on Batman, with many of the other characters being more in the periphery, that most of the other actors had much less character development, which I didn't like, so I may have liked these performances better if the writing and character development to support those performances was, in my opinion, stronger.

I also found that due to the dark and gloomy tone and slow pace, much less action, and relative absence of Bruce Wayne, that the film kind of lacked the fun factor and broader action set pieces that made a lot of the other movies in the series entertaining. This film felt more insular, more confined in scope, and the action felt more interior, which I didn't really like, since that made it feel less like epic and less like a Batman film to me when compared to both Burton and Nolan's films.

As for what I did like, the corruption theme, and the fact that fighting corruption in Gotham and exposing its hypocrisy was front and center in the film. I also liked that Reeves seemed to be trying to make a film that was different than the other films in the series, and offer something we hadn't seen before, even if I didn't like the execution of it. If I were to rate it, I think I'd give it a C. "Batman v. Superman" and "Batman and Robin" were definitely worse, and I do think that the director was successful in achieving the aesthetic that he was obviously going for, so the film was technically proficiently made, but I just didn't find the movie to be entertaining to watch.

Hope those of you that are looking forward to seeing this like it better than I did! For those that disagree with this review, I'm totally fine with that, as I like to hear different points of view. What did you appreciate that I'm missing here?

I'm surprised to say this, but I'm kinda wanting to see this again.
Multiple choice question for you, ynwtf...

A.) Because you liked it so much that you can't wait to relive the thrill.
B.) Because it was long & intricate, so you want to see if there were things you missed.
C.) Because of the controversy (that some really don't like it), you want to view it with a more objective perspective.
D.) All of the above.
E.) None of the above.

You left off
F.) Absolutely terrible memory, can't even remember what it was about

is that the one from the 90s with ben stiller? if so i loved that movie lol

It is indeed.

Did you like Wandavision?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Multiple choice question for you, ynwtf...

A.) Because you liked it so much that you can't wait to relive the thrill.
B.) Because it was long & intricate, so you want to see if there were things you missed.
C.) Because of the controversy (that some really don't like it), you want to view it with a more objective perspective.
D.) All of the above.
E.) None of the above.
There's a lot of B here. I think, too, that I got something very different than what I went in expecting, so I'm not sure I was prepared to take it all in. Not to draw comparisons or anything here, but I had a similar reaction to both The Green Knight and The Last Duel. With both of those viewings, I got something different than what I expected. I may have assumed The Last Duel was just that, a historical set piece of some conflict leading to a fight to the death. The presentation of three very different points of view was more involved and demanding of the audience than say Braveheart, which is probably closer to what I thought it might be. With The Green Knight, I knew there would be liberties taken to spread the poem enough to cover a featured film length of time, but I'm not sure I expected what was offered. Both encounters required a second viewing for me, and both views confirmed my enjoyment of each movie, even if my first view was taken off guard, so to speak. I mostly enjoyed The Batman and, now that I've had a few weeks away from it, I'm curious if my second viewing will confirm the positives and soften the negatives now that I won't be surprised by anything.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

thought so
and yes ofcourse i love it , its my top #1 fav tv series

I liked it too. I didn't think I would, but it was quite clever and deft in handling the play of running through TV genres. The
WARNING: "Spoilers! Gasp!" spoilers below
"And I killed sparky too" moment was hilarious. I was totally sold on the show after that moment.

I liked it too. I didn't think I would, but it was quite clever and deft in handling the play of running through TV genres. The
WARNING: "Spoilers! Gasp!" spoilers below
"And I killed sparky too" moment was hilarious. I was totally sold on the show after that moment.
well i been told some people think few episodes were boring i always tell them to watch it it will get intense goood episodes . it is im glad it got some awards and hoping it will win in kids choice awards i know i love loki tv series also but wanted wandavision to win
loved agatha harkness im glad she got her own tv series

well i been told some people think few episodes were boring i always tell them to watch it it will get intense goood episodes . it is im glad it got some awards and hoping it will win in kids choice awards i know i love loki tv series also but wanted wandavision to win
loved agatha harkness im glad she got her own tv series

I've heard the same criticism of Season 1 of Breaking Bad. I don't buy it in either case. You have to do stage-setting and introduce the players. Wandavision was solid all the way through, IMO. It's too bad that there are some who have to be encouraged to be patient for the bard.

I've heard the same criticism of Season 1 of Breaking Bad. I don't buy it in either case. You have to do stage-setting and introduce the players. Wandavision was solid all the way through, IMO. It's too bad that there are some who have to be encouraged to be patient for the bard.
i use to watch breaking bad only season 1 then stopped watching it :/. thats would be true. i know right especially when ur marvel fan u would know the comic also. i know right i loved it alot im hoping for season 2

This wasn't too shabby. Looks good. Nice to see some better choregraphed Batman fighting / action that doesn't make one cringe. Didn't really dig the Paul Dano / Riddler until I thought they were going a certain way that I didn't expect, but they aborted that idea. Kind of a chore to sit through in spots but they placed the action parts in good spots.