Best Ending to a Movie This Year (2015)

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Not alot of memorable endings for me this year. I like the endings of Force Awakens, Steve Jobs, and Ex-Machina.

I would say Hateful Eight for worst ending in a good, even great, movie. I just hate that type of ending. Such a let down after all the greatness that came before it.

Welcome to the human race...
Tense, meaningful and Visually stunning!!
I'll grant you the third one.

Also, as much as you seem to have liked the ending for The Gift, I must admit that it kind of ruined the movie for me.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I have to return some videotapes...
I liked Fury Road's ending. It just evokes so much hope for that humanity and Max leaves because he knows he can't be a part of it.

I think Luke saying nothing at the end was pretty cool really. You could tell in his stair that he was feeling kinda what Rey must bee at that moment and more and Luke just didnt need some cheesy line to say what he was feeling.Reys big reveal was always gonna be in Episode 8 so why does Luke gotta say a word in an obvious cliff hanger moment.

I would say Hateful Eight for worst ending in a good, even great, movie. I just hate that type of ending. Such a let down after all the greatness that came before it.
Would have to agree with that, great film but that pay-off wasn't really there after everything.

I liked Fury Road's ending. It just evokes so much hope for that humanity and Max leaves because he knows he can't be a part of it.
Indeed, would have to be my best ending for the year as well. Also reinforces the idea that it's just one small part of Mad Max's journey and that there's more in store for him yet.