The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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OK, OK. I won't be able to post the stats and all for another hour or two, but here is number eight...
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Cuckoos Nest was number five on my list. I remember watching it for the first time with my dad, who really liked the film. I immediately loved the film as well. I really need to buy this film.

So now this means that I have 4 films that are left to be unveiled from my list. 3 of them I hope rock it.

1. Annie Hall
2. Picnic at Hanging Rock
3. Network
4. Hausu
5. Play It Again, Sam
6. Harold and Maude
7. Barry Lyndon
8. Love and Death
9. Carrie
10. Sleeper
12. Alice in the Cities
13. Being There
14. Blazing Saddles
15. Nashville
16. American Graffiti
17. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
19. Walkabout
21. The Conversation
22. A Woman Under the Influence
23. Wake in Fright
25. Aguirre, Wrath of God

Well I got the prediction right finally. Saw the movie awhile ago. Great movie, but I did not vote for it.

Seen 76/93

My list: 15

1. ?
2. Apocalypse Now (9)
3. Stalker (20)
4. Blazing Saddles (33)
5. Eraserhead (26)
6. Pink Flamingos (1972)
7. Dirty Harry (34)
8. Dawn of the Dead (35)
9. Coffy (1973)
10. ?
11. Mean Streets (77)
12. Superman (23)
13. Rocky Horror Picture Show (46)
14. ?
15. Mad Max (70)
16. Foxy Brown (1974)
17. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (13)
18. Death Wish (1974)
19. The Exorcist (12)
20. ?
21. Young Frankenstein (15)
22. ?
23. ?
24. All the President’s Men (75)
25. Network (32)

Cuckoo's Nest is a long time favorite of mine; I had it at #9. It's the 12th movie from my list to appear.

My list-
#3 Saturday Night Fever (87)
#4 Animal House (66)
#5 The Warriors (37)
#7 The Exorcist (12)
#8 Coming Home
#9 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (8)
#10 The Deer Hunter (38)
#12 Little Big Man (61)
#13 Apocalypse Now (9)
#14 Mean Streets (77)
#15 Deliverance (51)
#16 Smokey and the Bandit (124)
#17 Mikey and Nicky
#18 The Beguiled
#19 Marathon Man (73)
#20 The Gauntlet
#21 The Marriage of Maria Braun
#22 The Last House on the Left
#23 Straw Dogs (83)
#24 3 Women (126)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Cuckoo's Nest was my #5. Just a great character drama. One of the best characters ever put to screen IMO. I need to re-watch it. Been a few years.

Cukoos Nest was eigth on my list. It's one of those movies i take the time to watch whenever it's on. I remember someone made a biggest bastards in movies thread and my first response was Nurse Ratched of course. Nicholson and Fletcher usually overshadow him, but i'd say Brad Dourif is just as good as both of them here.

2.The Exorcist
6.The Godfather Part 2
7.Apocalypse Now
8.One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest
10.The Jerk
12.Paper Moon
13.Dog Day Afternoon
14.Aguirre, the Wrath of God
15.Five Easy Pieces
16.Enter The Dragon
17.Get Carter
19.The Outlaw Josey Wales
20.Little Big Man
21.Mean Streets
22.The Bad News Bears (wont make it)
24.Close Encounters of the Third Kind
25.Watership Down (wont make it)

Finished here. It's been fun.
Cuckoo's Nest is a remarkable film, glad to see it rank so high in the countdown.

I doubt Chinatown will be next. It is a top 5 movie on this forum due to it's extremely popularity. Between all these remaining movies I see Alien or Star Wars next. A Clockwork Orange is an outside possibility. I just can't see The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Jaws, or Chinatown outside the top 5.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I doubt Chinatown will be next. It is a top 5 movie on this forum due to it's extremely popularity. Between all these remaining movies I see Alien or Star Wars next. A Clockwork Orange is an outside possibility. I just can't see The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Jaws, or Chinatown outside the top 5.
I had Star Wars pegged for the seven spot.