Things that annoy you...


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Believe it or not, I'm responsible for the trend of gift card giving...or at least you can say I was an early pioneer in popularizing the idea some 25 years ago. 25 years ago my brother didn't know what to buy his girlfriend for Christmas as he had just met her. I suggested getting a gift card for the mall. It was such a popular idea that gift card giving became standardized in my family, then later it spread all over America, maybe even the world and you guys are even talking about now. I kinda regret kicking off this trend as I find giving gift cards lazy and well I am lazy so most people this Christmas got gift cards from me.

But did you put some thought into it and get people the right gift cards for each person, or did you just randomly pick gift cards based on what was easy to find so you didn't have to go shopping?

I used to buy my father gift cards for restaurants because he loved to go out to dinner with my mother, and it was a great way for him to try new restaurants. That wasn't laziness. I always put a lot of thought into which restaurants I chose, and I tried to pick restaurants that I thought he would like.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I think gift cards are the height of laziness, and fall just short of being disrespectful. I suppose they might be alright if intended as a thank you for someone who was of help to you without payment. For example, years ago a surgeon friend of mine removed a small skin cancer from my back in his office. He refused payment, so I bought him a $300 gift card from an upscale store-- for his daughter. They both loved it!

But at Christmas or a birthday, if you know someone well enough to give them a gift, show your respect by giving them a thoughtful actual gift. And NOT in a bag...

I personally don't like gift cards (unless, maybe they're for a pizza place that you order from regularly). Otherwise, gift cards are like a new chore that's been put upon you - now you HAVE to go shop at a specific store (whether you want to or not) if you don't want the giver to forfeit their money. And if you're like me, after Christmas you've had it with shopping.
True, but a gift card such as Amazon would please just about everyone I would imagine. Just go online & redeem the darn thing.

I think one of the advantages of Amazon Prime is that you get free shipping on everything, regardless of how much you spend. Without Prime, I think you have to spend at least either $25 or $35 to get free shipping.

With the shipping charges rising to about $5 or $6 every time I order something on other sites, it probably only takes two or three small orders every month to make it worth the price.
True, but I never buy small items from Amazon one at a time. I can wait until I accumulate a few things in my wishlist. I almost never pay for shipping: it irks me horribly to do this. Yeah, prime is not for me.

I think gift cards are only a good gift if you know the person who you are buying the gift card for, and you buy the right card. For example, if someone loves reading, then a gift card to Barnes & Noble Bookstore is a great gift.

But if you just randomly buy gift cards for people without knowing what they like, then it's not a very thoughtful gift.
I’m fine if someone gives me a gift card to - wherever. I can always use it.

I think gift cards are the height of laziness, and fall just short of being disrespectful. I suppose they might be alright if intended as a thank you for someone who was of help to you without payment. For example, years ago a surgeon friend of mine removed a small skin cancer from my back in his office. He refused payment, so I bought him a $300 gift card from an upscale store-- for his daughter. They both loved it!

But at Christmas or a birthday, if you know someone well enough to give them a gift, show your respect by giving them a thoughtful actual gift. And NOT in a bag...
This is harsh imo. Who knows what people want? Who even has time to figure it out.

A gift card is a real gift imo. Someone has spent the money on you!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think gift cards are the height of laziness, and fall just short of being disrespectful. I suppose they might be alright if intended as a thank you for someone who was of help to you without payment. For example, years ago a surgeon friend of mine removed a small skin cancer from my back in his office. He refused payment, so I bought him a $300 gift card from an upscale store-- for his daughter. They both loved it!

But at Christmas or a birthday, if you know someone well enough to give them a gift, show your respect by giving them a thoughtful actual gift. And NOT in a bag...

Sometimes you know someone well enough to know what they like, but you don't know what they already have. For example, isn't it better to give someone a gift card to a bookstore that you know they like, rather than a book that they already read?

Sometimes you know someone well enough to know what they like, but you don't know what they already have. For example, isn't it better to give someone a gift card to a bookstore that you know they like, rather than a book that they already read?
Yes, of course, in that particular instance. And there are exceptions to every rule, so to speak. But in this case one could simply buy the person another type of gift.

At Christmastime I usually buy my wife some gifts from her "wish list" on Amazon. But I always also buy her gifts that she hasn't requested. If she doesn't like them, she can return or exchange them. But the non wish list gifts are more thoughtful, personal and affectionate.

Also to me it's silly to trade "wish list" gifts, which require no deliberation or circumspection. It's a formality, and would make more sense for each person to simply buy their own!..

Got to my front gate just now & observed some neanderthal tidying his car by chucking out numerous beer cans, etc. into the street in front of my house. I called to him to stop & as he drove away he threw out more & more stuff. What a jerk!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cordless vacuum cleaners
Interesting but why? Because the battery doesn't last? Or they don't have a lot of suction power? I never used one myself so I'm curious what the drawback is.

Interesting but why? Because the battery doesn't last? Or they don't have a lot of suction power? I never used one myself so I'm curious what the drawback is.
Don't know what you call it in English but the head/front is too thick/big/large/heavy and doesn't fit underneath furniture and certain corners, flexibility / weight, time to switch to a smaller head and back again.. etc..
With my old vacuum cleaner 'heads' I could do a more precise job with less effort/time..
Example, underneath this couch;

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ah, I see that's a lot different looking that the cordless vacuums we have in the U.S. But like I said I've never used one...I do need to vacuum the house though

I have a general problem with most cordless tools. You can charge the battery, but it won't hold a charge forever... then when you need it the most, the battery is usually either already dead or dies quickly. Invariably, batteries always seem to die just before you've completed the job. Give me a drill or vacuum with an electric cord - then I'm ready to go as long as I want whenever the need arises.

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I have a general problem with most cordless tools. You can charge the battery, but it won't hold a charge forever... then when you need it the most, the battery is usually either already dead or dies quickly. Invariably, batteries always seem to die just before you've completed the job. Give me a drill or vacuum with an electric cord - then I'm ready to go as long as I want whenever the need arises.

batteries overrall are very sensitive, you have keep running their charge down about 30% and recharging them in order to keep them healthy, never worth it when you don't use it that often.

Don't know what you call it in English but the head/front is too thick/big/large/heavy and doesn't fit underneath furniture and certain corners, flexibility / weight, time to switch to a smaller head and back again.. etc..
With my old vacuum cleaner 'heads' I could do a more precise job with less effort/time..
Example, underneath this couch;
People here seem to love Dyson. I’m no expert on vacuum cleaners as I prefer to use a broom.

I have a general problem with most cordless tools. You can charge the battery, but it won't hold a charge forever... then when you need it the most, the battery is usually either already dead or dies quickly. Invariably, batteries always seem to die just before you've completed the job. Give me a drill or vacuum with an electric cord - then I'm ready to go as long as I want whenever the need arises.
My local hardware store told me to always remove the battery from things I use when I’m not using them. Flashlights, for example. They told me it saves battery life if it’s not in the flashlight, etc. when I’m not using it. No idea if this is true. Whenever I need a flashlight it always seems like the battery has died on me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...My local hardware store told me to always remove the battery from things I use when I’m not using them. Flashlights, for example. They told me it saves battery life if it’s not in the flashlight, etc. when I’m not using it. No idea if this is true...
That's a good idea about removing batteries when not in use, but the main reason is batteries can leak acid and ruin the device they are in. It's happened to me, especially with Duracell batteries that are made in China.

That's a good idea about removing batteries when not in use, but the main reason is batteries can leak acid and ruin the device they are in. It's happened to me, especially with Duracell batteries that are made in China.
Good to know. I reckon Duracell are the best batteries. But not if they’re from China? So I should check the package in future for made in America?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good to know. I reckon Duracell are the best batteries. But not if they’re from China? So I should check the package in future for made in America?
It's happened several times to me and to my dad he's the one who told me they can leak acid.

Got to my front gate just now & observed some neanderthal tidying his car by chucking out numerous beer cans, etc. into the street in front of my house. I called to him to stop & as he drove away he threw out more & more stuff. What a jerk!
Sorry I didn't hear you