Kevin Spacey sexual advance accusations


There are a bunch of other allegations now and he has decided to go into treatment.

Why are you guys trying to defend him by only debating the first allegation? It's over.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Who's next? Rowan Atkinson?

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Well, it's obviously innaoropriate behaviour. It also reminds me of Hoffman. I wonder why it goes on for so long and everyone reinforces the behaviour and then all of a sudden one day they just slam them with everything all at once.

No, he apologized IF he did it. He has not confessed to doing it.
Please… He made a very careful legally minded statement that amounts to “I was drunk. Cant confirm.” That’s basically trying to walk the fine line between “Im not saying Im innocent” and “I did it”. You can choose to believe that means hes completely innocent and never did anything at all but that’s either laughably naive or purposeful denial on your part. His only concern in releasing that statement was being careful not to actually declare himself innocent which could ultimately be proven to be a lie while at the same time being careful not to actually admit guilt either. It amounts to a no contest non admission in my book. And why would he do that? Because he knows theres many other incidents out there similar to this one involving him. He has a known reputation for being “predatory”. And if he were to categorically declare he never did what this guy is saying he’d almost certainly have a number of other folks coming out of the word work to talk about what happened to them. It already seems to be happening among his co workers on the set of House of Cards:

'House of Cards' employees allege sexual harassment, assault by Kevin Spacey
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Please… He made a very careful legally minded statement that amounts to “I was drunk. Cant confirm.”
Which is a perfectly viable defense.

Originally Posted by I. Rex
that’s either laughably naive or purposeful denial on your part.
It's due process.

Originally Posted by I. Rex
It amounts to a no contest non admission in my book. And why would he do that? Because he knows theres many other incidents out there similar to this one involving him.
Have I ever told Movie Forums that I particularly loathe kafkatrapping?

Originally Posted by I. Rex
And if he were to categorically declare he never did what this guy is saying he’d almost certainly have a number of other folks coming out of the word work to talk about what happened to them. It already seems to be happening among his co workers on the set of House of Cards:
*yawn* Wake me up when you have evidence.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

So kinky! I almost threw up laughing. I think I was molested by him/you/this GIF???!!!


F*ck Fashwave, we got a new genre:


Please… He made a very careful legally minded statement that amounts to “I was drunk. Cant confirm.”
Which is a perfectly viable defense.
Not in court. Voluntary intoxication is not a legit legal defense. Cali is the same as Texas.

Otherwise DWI/DUI’s would get even more of a headache then they already are.

and this is why people don't speak up. just read this last page.

Rape culture is a sociological concept used to describe a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.
Behaviors commonly associated with rape culture include victim blaming, slut shaming, sexual objectification, trivializing rape, denial of widespread rape, refusing to acknowledge the harm caused by some forms of sexual violence, or some combination of these.
It's pretty gross that Ash is regularly ignored.

I think the climate in the 80's towards that sort of thing was very different too. Not to justify it or anything. I remember hearing a woman's testimony about how after she was raped and called the police they insisted she must have done something to lead him on or entice him, and they basically blamed her. And yeah, with publicity there is a lot of shame, so I understand people keeping it quiet. People feel more comfortable now in today's climate to reveal their hurt. I guess it doesn't surprise me that someone like Spacey is a sexual deviant.

I think the climate in the 80's towards that sort of thing was very different too. Not to justify it or anything. I remember hearing a woman's testimony about how after she was raped and called the police they insisted she must have done something to lead him on or entice him, and they basically blamed her. And yeah, with publicity there is a lot of shame, so I understand people keeping it quiet. People feel more comfortable now in today's climate to reveal their hurt. I guess it doesn't surprise me that someone like Spacey is a sexual deviant.
Lets not do this Zotis, i'm ready to show why your post is embarrasing. Like lets not defend pedo's bro i'm ready to fcking destroy your bull!