Hollywood Blockbusters Are Masterpieces; Art Is Pretentious


I am too ignorant to understand this. I am so cocky, like a sixteen-year-old kid with a small dick who has parents with money. I wish I could appreciate the simple pleasures in life, but alas, ever since I was a child I've been forced to watch The Color of Pomegranates and things like that. I've never really understood art, I just pretend to because it makes me feel superior to others. My ego is so small that I desperately need to boost it by belittling others. I wish I had a valid opinion like everyone else. The expression, "The ignorant masses," applies more to me than any kind of "majority" of people anywhere who are obviously a lot more cultured than I am. You see, the problem is that my parents never loved me and that's why I've become so insecure. It's almost as if I think I'm, not so much the center of the universe as, the reason why the universe exists.

This isn't an emotional rant against a group of people who've offended me. This is a cry for help. How can I learn to understand why The Lord of the Rings were such great movies? Help me understand why Klaus Kinski is not as talented an actor as Nicholas Cage. Help me understand why movies directed by Jean-Luc Godard merely appear good on the surface, and the real quality comes from Steven Spielberg.

Answer me, you plebians. But don't forget to attack my personal character and completely ignore my arguments.

Edit: The above post was an emotional rant. I was angry and frustrated and had to sort some things out. I was actually so stressed out that I took a sick day from work, and had to have a chat with a sort of mentor to help get my head straight. It can safely be discarded now, and I'm sorry for being such a douche bag. I'm sorry to the movieforums community for being harsh, critical, and negative towards those who have different tastes and perspectives in film from my own.

Thanks for replying seanc. You're a very insightful person who I look up to. Thanks to your input I should be able to grow more as an individual. I really appreciate the support, and the fact that you didn't respond in a superficial manner. I hate it when people just boost their own ego, so thanks for not being one of those shallow people. I can tell you're a real christian.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thanks for replying seanc. You're a very insightful person who I look up to. Thanks to your input I should be able to grow more as an individual. I really appreciate the support, and the fact that you didn't respond in a superficial manner. I hate it when people just boost their own ego, so thanks for not being one of those shallow people. I can tell you're a real christian.
I haven't seen one person tell you art film has no value. You have consistently said "Hollywood" films have no value. Eventually maybe you will see the error in how you present your argument. There are plenty of people on the forum who come pretty close to your views on this, they don't even come to your defense because you present your argument in such a poor manner. TIme to look inward brother.

I haven't seen one person tell you art film has no value.
Neither have I.

You have consistently said "Hollywood" films have no value.
A flat out lie.

Eventually maybe you will see the error in how you present your argument.
Hopefully I'll come to understand the error of my ways at least. I'm sure you'll be helpful in that though.

There are plenty of people on the forum who come pretty close to your views on this, they don't even come to your defense because you present your argument in such a poor manner.
What argument? You're confused. I am not presenting an argument. I am merely expressing frustration. And I don't need rescuing like some helpless child, thank you very much for that insult.

What argument? You're confused. I am not presenting an argument. I am merely expressing frustration. And I don't need rescuing like some helpless child, thank you very much for that insult.
Listen, youre setting yourself up for ridicule, and when it assuredly comes, then you act shattered. Its a vicious cycle that begins and ends in between your ears.

Stop-personalizing the OPs, thread, & posts. Seriously Zotis, try that, and you will enjoy the results. Drama comes in life, dont paint a bullseye on your own head

Some Hollywood Blockbusters are masterpieces and some art is pretentious, yes. It's possible for Hollywood films to be as artistic as "arthouse" films, it's possible for "arthouse" films to be bad or pretentious. It's possible to enjoy Jean-Luc Godard and Steven Spielberg. To enjoy Lord of the Rings and Breathless. The main problem is that you seem to see this forum, or life, as a competition to become the most cultured, and act as if people need to try harder to be enlightened, and once they are, they will realise that the films they liked previously are actually poor, and the new artistic films they are watching are great.

You are acting like a petulant child Zotis. You even had to make your point in movie you're watching tonight as well - http://www.movieforums.com/community...14#post1606014

Real mature.
Tha'ts because I AM childishly sulking in a bad manner. You know what Camo, you are someone who've I've gotten along with in the past. We've had some interesting conversations and good laughs. But then all of a sudden if I say something you don't like all of that just get's flushed down the toilet and you come in with harsh words. Heaven forbid I should have the opinion that Star Wars isn't a great movie, EVEN THOUGH THE ENTIRE TRILLOGY ARE AMONG MY FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME!!! Because unlike you I don't feel the need to say a movie is great just because I've loved it ever since I was a kid. Why can't you respect me? I like you. I actually do. You're an interesting guy. And yet, for some reason I just feel like you don't give me any credit and you come and insult me. What is going on with you? Are you going to tell my that my perspective and my opinions are invalid? Am I not allowed to have emotions or something? What is with this place?

This website, movieforums.com has been instrumental in my personal film growth. I only discovered arthouse films because of this place, hearing about Jodoworsky, Godard, Ozu, etc... And then when I started watching all of that stuff, people turned against me. They stuck with their flashy visuals and inception music and could not take a negative comment about The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Suddenly I feel like an outsider. Suddenly I feel like I don't even belong here anymore. What is going on? I feel like I've been slapped in the face. Shame on me for being upset. I should be a nicey McNiceton Disney animal and eat clovers and never say anything that anyone else doesn't want to hear.

I am angry. What do you, movieforums, have to say to me? Shut up? Go away? Stop complaining? Don't criticise? Oh, is it mature to repress my feelings and put on a fake smile and pretend everything is okay when it's not? All I want is for you to be honest with me. Don't insult my intelligence. Please don't tell me that you are actually that shallow, because if that's the case then I will leave.

People turned against you because you turned against them. When I first joined I mainly watched mainstream American stuff. Now I watch all sorts of films by all sorts of directors from all sorts of countries. But I don't look down on others or patronise them with condescending language. I get on with loads of people on here and can relate to a lot of movies tastes. There are people on here who have seen all sorts of films and who I would consider to have "artistic" tastes but I have never seen anyone act in such a condescending and superior manner as you.

Listen, youre setting yourself up for ridicule, and when it assuredly comes, then you act shattered. Its a vicious cycle that begins and ends in between your ears.

Stop-personalizing the OPs, thread, & posts. Seriously Zotis, try that, and you will enjoy the results. Drama comes in life, dont paint a bullseye on your own head
I act shattered? Okay, that's a valid exaggeration of the fact that I'm upset. But when I've had meaningful conversations with you and been a member here for a couple of years, I am a little surprised when you seem to have no faith in me. I feel like I have too much faith in you. That sadly, many of the prominent members of this site have no interest in their personal film growth, but merely want to be couch potatoes.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Zotis, no one is saying your opinions on movies can't change. All of our opinions change. Star Wars slips farther down my favorites list yearly. I have discovered a lot of art film since I have been here. One of the reasons I have stuck around.

You consistently present your opiniins in a factual, dogmatic, and argumentative way. Everyone is telling you so. You need to see that for the discourse around your premise to change.

Read your OP in this thread as an outside view point. Tell us what you see. Maybe then the conversation can change.

Some Hollywood Blockbusters are masterpieces and some art is pretentious, yes. It's possible for Hollywood films to be as artistic as "arthouse" films, it's possible for "arthouse" films to be bad or pretentious. It's possible to enjoy Jean-Luc Godard and Steven Spielberg. To enjoy Lord of the Rings and Breathless.
I agree completely.

The main problem is that you seem to see this forum, or life, as a competition to become the most cultured.
That's because I am passionate about art and culture, and I think that life is too short to waste time on anything less. I try to impress upon other people the importance of what I think is extremely important. Why do you seem to think that it doesn't matter, that it's okay to waste your life?

and act as if people need to try harder to be enlightened, and once they are, they will realise that the films they liked previously are actually poor, and the new artistic films they are watching are great.
This is actually accurate. Because that is what I've experienced. Why is that so hard to understand?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That sadly, many of the prominent members of this site have no interest in their personal film growth, but merely want to be couch potatoes.
There it is Zotis. You are straight up being an arrogant prick. Change it or no one else will act any different talking to you. It really is that simple.

That's because I am passionate about art and culture, and I think that life is too short to waste time on anything less. I try to impress upon other people the importance of what I think is extremely important. Why do you seem to think that it doesn't matter, that it's okay to waste your life?
I am also passionate about art and culture, and find myself frustrated when someone tells me a film I like is bad or pretentious, but I don't take it out on them personally and launch insults that insinuate that I am a better film watcher than them. If you want people to come around to your way of thinking, don't insult them but attempt to understand why they may not like a film and convince them why they should.

But the fact you think if they don't like the same stuff as you then they are wasting their life. That's the type of attitude that is wrong. Who are you to say that one type of film watching is better than another, and the correct way of living a life? People get happiness from different things, and I think that is the most important thing to me, and some people legitimately won't enjoy certain films the way you do, it's cool that your so passionate but when you start to thing that you're better for it, it becomes a problem.

This is actually accurate. Because that is what I've experienced. Why is that so hard to understand?
It's possible that it could happen, but again just because it happened to you what makes you think it should, and must happen to everyone else. Why do you get upset when it doesn't? I think I largely addressed this above, but I don't understand why you feel your way is objectively the right way and that everyone else is misguided. Your language comes across as if you are a God-like messiah put on this planet to set everyone else on the right path.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cheer up Zotis, I like you! And this is the most interesting thread on the board at the moment! If we all thought the same we would be robotic, clones with no personality. Oh...and I don't like or even watch new Hollywood block buster super hero comic book, sequel-prequel-reboot-franchise crap. See! you're not alone.

Zotis, no one is saying your opinions on movies can't change. All of our opinions change. Star Wars slips farther down my favorites list yearly. I have discovered a lot of art film since I have been here. One of the reasons I have stuck around.

You consistently present your opiniins in a factual, dogmatic, and argumentative way. Everyone is telling you so. You need to see that for the discourse around your premise to change.

Read your OP in this thread as an outside view point. Tell us what you see. Maybe then the conversation can change.
As an outsider when I look at my OP I see someone who is upset and wants some closure, someone who is getting at something deeply personal. You don't act like your opinions are factual? How about everything you just said matter-of-factly without considering my point of view? I'd like the conversation to change, but what about you? Do you think you might be someone who needs to change and grow too? I hardly know you. In the two years I've been here I've hardly interacted with you. But several times you've spoken to me as if you know me. You don't know me. I'm ignorant. I know that. I'm arrogant. I know that I have a tendency when I learn a little to get big headed and act like I've always known it. I act like I've always been an art house buff when I've only been watching art house movies for a year. Two years ago I didn't even know what arthouse was. I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface. But I am not the only person who has a lot of room for growth. We all do. We're all in the same boat. Why can't you validate my opinions even if they aren't facts, and even if you disagree? I hope that I'll change. I hope that I'll learn and grow. And I hope that we'll get along and have fun talking about movies together. But right now I feel pretty miserable.

I act shattered? Okay, that's a valid exaggeration of the fact that I'm upset. But when I've had meaningful conversations with you and been a member here for a couple of years, I am a little surprised when you seem to have no faith in me. I feel like I have too much faith in you.
EXACTLY! Youre putting way too much into what other people think, and what you think they think of you. Stop putting me or anyone here on a pedestal that will assuredly get knocked over because we all are flawed in some aspect.

How you say something is insulting now. You have anger built up in you, and its manifesting itself in random posts, threads. If you got a problem with someone then hash it out, throw them on Ignore User if you have to, but dont carry it internally. That makes it worse on you, and the end result worse for us.

That sadly, many of the prominent members of this site have no interest in their personal film growth, but merely want to be couch potatoes.
Insulting, see. Your tone is like this now more times than not. Btw, Hollywood Blockbusters are pretentious too.

Tha'ts because I AM childishly sulking in a bad manner. You know what Camo, you are someone who've I've gotten along with in the past. We've had some interesting conversations and good laughs. But then all of a sudden if I say something you don't like all of that just get's flushed down the toilet and you come in with harsh words.
I'm coming in with harsh words because your post warranted them. I didn't post a single time in your other thread which should tell you i'm not arguing with your thoughts on movies but to the way you've responded to other peoples reactions to your thoughts on movies. The rest of your post is irrelevant to me because again i didn't say a single thing in your other thread; i'm only criticizing your actions in making this thread and that other post which to me seemed childish.

No need for me to derail this thread because there seems to be some discussion going on. I still like you i just think you should watch and post about whichever movies you want to while not criticizing or questioning other peoples motives for watching them. At least not in the manner you have been that has came across really smug and off-putting.