Movie Tab II


Chappie doesn't like the real world
I had no idea there was A Handmaid's Tale movie. I'm going to have to check it out. Atwood is one of my favorite authors and I always thought The Handmaid's Tale would make a good movie.

omg,just wrote a bunch of mini reviews and accidently turned off the thread. :/ Ok,this will be reviewless:

Dead Man's Shoes (2004)

The Silence of The Lambs (1991)

The Departed (2006)

50/50 (2011)

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Funny Games (1997)

Red State (2011)

28 Days Later (2002)

Jarhead (2005)

American Psycho (2000)

Mysterious Skin (2004)
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

omg,just wrote a bunch of mini reviews and accidently turned off the thread. :/ Ok,this will be reviewless:
Did you close the tab? Otherwise you could've used ctrl+shift+t.

Anyway, I more or less agree with your ratings for The Silence of the Lambs, The Departed, TDKR and Mysterious Skin, but I personally rate The Dark Knight a little lower (although it's still good) and American Psycho a bit higher.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I agree with all her ratings except I'd rate The Dark Knight two popcorns lower and give one each to Funny Games and 50/50.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Every Which Way But Loose (James Fargo, 1978)

Seconds Apart (Antonio Negret, 2011)

Cavalcade of San Francisco (James A. FitzPatrick, 1940)

Judgment at Nuremberg (Stanley Kramer, 1961)

Midnight Son (Scott Leberecht, 2011)

What Planet Are You From? (Mike Nichols, 2000)

The Night Stalker (John Llewelyn Moxey, 1972)

The World’s End (Edgar Wright, 2013)

South Sea Woman (Arthur Lubin, 1953)
Ten Tall Men (Willis Goldbeck, 1951)
Week End in Hollywood (No Director Listed, 1947)

Gravity (Alfonso Cuaron, 2013)

Shadow in the Sky (Fred M. Wilcox, 1952)

Glory Alley (Raoul Walsh, 1952)

Code Two (Fred M. Wilcox, 1953)
Prisoners (Denis Villaneuve, 2013)

Jeopardy (John Sturges, 1953)
The Parallax View (Alan J. Pakula, 1974)

Primary (Robert Drew, 1960)

Blue Thunder (John Badham, 1983)
(harebrained but very entertaining popcorn flick)
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Did you close the tab? Otherwise you could've used ctrl+shift+t.
no,I didn't but it's too late anyway.

I just don't care for American Psycho.It's quite stylish and it seems like a suitable role for Bale yet,I'm not sure,it lacks drama since I feel emotionless the whole movie.

Pikachiu, what's with the Funny Games love? :/

Judgment at Nuremberg (Stanley Kramer, 1961)
Please, tell me you've seen Epilog Norymberski. It's just as good as Judgment at Nuremberg!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I don't think there are English subtitles available anywhere, which is a pity given how good the movie is.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
no,I didn't but it's too late anyway.

I just don't care for American Psycho.It's quite stylish and it seems like a suitable role for Bale yet,I'm not sure,it lacks drama since I feel emotionless the whole movie.

Pikachiu, what's with the Funny Games love? :/
I didn't love it. I'd give it three popcorns which for me means I think it's a decent to good movie. It was well acted and I thought it had interesting things to say.

omg,just wrote a bunch of mini reviews and accidently turned off the thread. :/ Ok,this will be reviewless:

Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
Some thoughts on Dead Man's Shoes? I've only seen it once and I was completely unprepared for it and it knocked me sideways.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Yeah,I enjoyed the movie.

I don't know how to explain it but I saw This is England (also directed by Shane Meadows) and I like how he deep he goes with the emotions of the characters.

What seemed to be a racism story in This Is England,turned out that it's just jealousy for immigrants who are lucky(Combo pouring his hate on the black guy towards the end,loved that scene).Of course,TIE is not all about that but I like to search for similarities. :P

What seemed to be a typical revenge movie in Dead Man's Shoes,ended up being a self-redemption story.It starts as a typical Oldboy type movie and then you see the twist about Anthony and the climax is so unpredictable and in the end you realize that this movie is not about revenge at all.Yet it makes perfect sense.

That's what I liked most about both of these films - they are very clever and easy to connect with.Hope you got the idea what I'm talking about.

Anyway,I didn't give a maximum because I rarely do for the first time watches. But I can easily see it growing on me.Maybe I should give it an 8 in IMDB as I normally never get back to "7" movies,I've been thinking about it a lot since my watch.

Thanks, Gab. Have you seen either of the tv 'sequels' of TIE? They're a continuation of the story (one set in 1986 the other in '88) and have the main cast and Meadows directing. You might also like Twenty Four Seven and Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Dead Man's Shoes. So powerful and deep especially the relationship between Richard and Anthony. "They all shook your hand but I didn't" and " we'll he was an embarrassment to me".

Based on Meadows own experience in living in those type of crappy towns with the type of Drug dealing lowlife we see in the film. As you say not just a straightforward revenge movie.


Based on Meadows own experience in living in those type of crappy towns with the type of Drug dealing lowlife we see in the film.


I live in one of those crappy towns, which makes the film kind of documentary for me.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
PT 109 (Leslie Martinson, 1963)

It Happened on Fifth Avenue (Roy Del Ruth, 1947)
Four Days in November (Mel Stuart, 1964)
Earthlings (Shaun Munson, 2005)

Judge Priest (John Ford, 1934)

Break of Hearts (Philip Moeller, 1935)

Two Flags West (Robert Wise, 1950)
+ (fine B&W photography)
Cold Mountain (Anthony Minghella, 2003)

By Your Leave (Lloyd Corrigan, 1934)
Gridiron Flash (Glenn Tryon, 1934)

Star of Midnight (Stephen Roberts, 1935)
Syriana (Stephen Gaghan, 2005)

Sylvia Scarlett (George Cukor, 1935)

Somewhere I'll Find You (Wesley Ruggles, 1942)

Shop Talk (Lloyd French, 1936)

Oslo, August 31st (Joachim Trier, 2011)
- (probably overrated it, but it is affecting)

Medea (Lars von Trier, 1988)
Doctor Who (Geoffrey Sax, 1996)
Journey to Italy (Roberto Rossellini, 1954)

My Man Godfrey (Gregory La Cava, 1936)