Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Host - I'd give it a 8/10. It was entertaining, but a bit predictable.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I watched The Lone Ranger in theaters recently, and I have to say that I enjoyed it much more than what critics made me think that I was going to. There were flaws with it, and moments were boring at some points, however, I think that it came through thanks to the outlandishness that could be seen throughout the movie.

I watched Indiana Jones 2 and 3 back to back and it's even better than I remembered it to be

Temple of Doom

Last Crusade
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

The Gold Rush

Universal and heartwarming. Chaplin was a total genius.
I'm very happy you enjoy Chaplin just as much as I do! I agree that he was a genius both in terms of comedy and drama.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Wall Street - 7.5/10 I thought it was a pretty solid movie, and definitely very informative about the stock market. Also Michael Douglas was a fantastic ruthless villain.
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"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T.E. Lawrence

Side Effects 7/10 Interesting and well made

The Call 7/10 Cheesey but entertaining

Ginger Snaps 8/10 I've been watching a lot of extreme horror lately but this reminded me of the horror films from the 80's I loved. Good stuff.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time

The Graduate - 9/10

Really well done. Hoffman's change in character is played well. I never realized how depressing Paul Simon's music can be. I've been meaning to see this for a long time, especially since I bought and watched Rumor Has It (modern rom-com movie in a different, lower-but-still-good league) which is about the movie and book The Graduate and the rumors of it.

This Is The End - 7.5/10

I love all the actors/comedians in this so I thought it was hilarious. Thought it got a little weird at the end, trying to put a plot into a movie where no real plot is needed, or is even appropriate in. Michael Cera's appearances were HILARIOUS, anyone who sees it will know why, and its mostly because it's Cera like you've never seen or imagined. Also, thought I should just throw this out there, despite the temptation to go trippin balls or on drugs of most sorts, I wouldn't recommend doing it. I was sober, but I was thinking that while watching.

Despicable Me 2 - 7.5/10

Very cute and lovable movie. For some reason the chicken had me cracking up, don't ask me why, but I thought it was hilarious and would start laughing uncontrollably when ever it appeared.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

So I finally watched Lynch's Eraserhead. And I am very disappointed. This is the man that made Mulholland Drive, which is a perfect movie. How could he have made something as ugly as this? You could call this a stupid question, I know, since he made Eraserhead 20+ years before he made Mulholland Drive. But still.

Eraserhead was not scary, at all. It was not disturbing or creepy, either. Extremely bizarre, yes. But other than that, what?

To sum up,

So I finally watched Lynch's Eraserhead. And I am very disappointed. This is the man that made Mulholland Drive, which is a perfect movie. How could he have made something as ugly as this? You could call this a stupid question, I know, since he made Eraserhead 20+ years before he made Mulholland Drive. But still.

Eraserhead was not scary, at all. It was not disturbing or creepy, either. Extremely bizarre, yes. But other than that, what?

To sum up,
Sir I highly disagree with your statement, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. Clearly we are on very different pages, as I love both Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead. I am very sad you did not enjoy one of my all time favorite movies.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I watched a movie called Imagination, it was released in 2007, and is something in the realms of an experimental film trying to induce a psychedelic feeling. All this means is tat it had a lot of things going on, and didn't really make a whole lot of sense. It also was incredibly boring which is why I'll never pay it a second glance again.

Eraserhead was a very powerful movie for me as well.

I watched today this mediocre CGI action movie for the anime competition:

Very formulaic plot and good CGI but nothing memorable about it. Also follows many of the stereotypes associated with anime that give the medium it's reputation as juvenile entertainment.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Eraserhead was a very powerful movie for me as well.

I watched today this mediocre CGI action movie for the anime competition:

Very formulaic plot and good CGI but nothing memorable about it. Also follows many of the stereotypes associated with anime that give the medium it's reputation as juvenile entertainment.
Aw.. it's mediocre? I was going to watch it sooner or later.

You might like it. Has many explosions and cool robot designs.

It lack the things that I like the most in anime like creative and complex characterization, beautiful compositions, complex plots, good musical score, some substance and a general sense of elegance. It is very similar to a Hollywood sci-fi action movie but with mechas.

I don't think it is worthless but it is not obligatory. The only obligatory anime movies are the major GHIBLI movies and, maybe, Akira and GITS.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
The Departed

A remake (or re-imagining if that's what you prefer to go with) of the critically lauded Hong Kong thriller Internal Affairs (which I haven't seen so I'll need to), The Departed tells the story of a police officer posing as a member of a gang, whilst a member of that same gang infiltrates the police force by working his way up.

Its a very well made film, a couple of moments truly shocking me in a way not many films have recently. The plot is engaging and the characterisation is generally strong, despite my misgivings on the strengths of Matt Damon's character.

Overall, more hit than miss but well worth seeing. If you've seen Internal Affairs however, I would guess that the "shock" factor leaves you.
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


I watched The Day After Tomorrow last night...

I rated it 65% in the review I wrote near 18 months ago.

I have to say, on repeat viewing it has gotten a hell of a lot worse. I'd rate it around the 30% mark now. Awful film, awful acting.