Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky


I can't believe I hadn't asked you any questions, MV.
I know, I'm shocked too.

Why do you like Victor Mature films and when did you start to watch them?

I started watching them back in high school (circa 1995), when I happened to catch Demetrius and the Gladiators on television. Between the absolute cheese of Mature's performance and the total of camp of Jay Robinson's, I was cracking up. After that, anytime I'd come across his (rather unique) mug in any movie on TV, I'd watch it in hopes of getting the same sort of amusement. And, with The Robe, Samson and Delilah and The Egyptian, he definitely did not disappoint.

And that's really what I love about his films. Most of them are not what anybody would consider genuinely good movies, but they are entertaining because they are so bad.

What's your highest bowling score?

Couldn't say. I'm lucky if I break 100. Sure I'll get a spare or a strike every now and again, but there are lots of gutterballs in between.

Who's your favourite Angel in Charlie's Angels? (both tv and film)

I honestly have never watched any of it. The whole premise doesn't appeal to me. Besides, in much of my TV and movie watching, I'm very shallow. I like my eye candy. And those girls just don't do it for me.

What's your favourite non-animated tv programme?

All-time favorite: Blackadder
Currently Running: The Big Bang Theory

When you see one shoe in the middle of the road, do you wonder how it got there?

Yes, I do. I mean, WTF? How does that even happen?

If you could have any meal right now, what would it be?

I'm craving steak. I nice big juicy steak with some mashed potatoes and steamed veggies.

Daytime or nighttime?


The Beatles or The Stones?

This is a tough question. When you compare them as bands, I prefer The Stones. But if you take into consideration all the solo projects the members of The Beatles have done, I have to go with them. I've never been a Beatles fan, but I love John Lennon's music, Paul McCartney's music and even quite a bit of Ringo Starr's. As for George Harrison, he was a Traveling Wilbury and there's nothing cooler than that.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?

I want to be anyone on the Pixar team. I don't think that one needs explanation.

If you could make a law, that had to be enforced, what would it be?

That people would have to pass a competency test before being allowed to reproduce or own pets.

Favourite word?

Well, the word I've been using most often these days cannot be repeated on these family-friendly forums. But otherwise it's probably "scurry."
My least favorite word is "spatula."

If you could bring back on tv programme, which would it be?

The obvious choice is Blackadder. There were rumors of a reunion (set in the 1960's) a few years back but nothing came to fruition. I suppose that as long as House, M.D. is on the air, a full blown Blackadder series is out of the question anyway.

My second choice would be Night Court.

I just wanna know if its really "Miss, Mrs. or Ms." do share.
It's Miss.

Thanks honey.

Rumours of a new Blackadder pop up from time to time, mainly because one of them will get an idea for a new series and ring up one of the others (usually Curtis, Atkinson or Elton by the sounds of it) and discuss it. But, as you said, it never happens and, IMO, it's probably for the best.

What do you like so much about The Big Bang Theory?

What do you like so much about The Big Bang Theory?
In a word: Sheldon.

The character Sheldon Cooper is absolutely hilarious. He has zero social skills and zero tact and always says whatever he's thinking. In some ways, he reminds me of me and in other ways he reminds me of how I'd like to be.

But the obsessive nature and general social awkwardness of all of the characters is also something I can relate to. Not to mention the fact that I've had something of a crush on Johnny Galecki (who plays Leonard) since his days on Roseanne.

In a word: Sheldon.
From the few episodes I've seen, that's what I figured. He's a bit like Stewie in Family Guy, in as much as I don't really see the appeal of the programme as a whole, but totally understand that people love that one character because, IMO, that's where all the laughs come from.

Oh my goodness.... did you say something was boring about a Polanski film? .... choke... He's a genius. And I don't say that about many directors, believe me. His movies are not made, they are crafted. The Ninth Gate, while was not his best movie (its up there though) is amazingly tight considering his age. Most famous directors his age who do anything are washed up and should just throw in the towel instead of embarassing themselves, fueled by ego. The Ninth Gate has so many layers and is so artfully done that I can't really put it into words. The ending is painfully beautiful. Please for the sake of film, give it another try.


Oh my goodness.... did you say something was boring about a Polanski film? .... choke... He's a genius.
I generally pay little attention to directors, though looking at his resume, I can't say I've seen enough of his work to form a real opinion. Actually, the only other of his films I recall having seen was Death and the Maiden. I didn't care for that one either.

The Ninth Gate has so many layers and is so artfully done that I can't really put it into words. The ending is painfully beautiful. Please for the sake of film, give it another try.
The movie was painfully boring. I don't foresee putting myself through that torture again anytime soon. Or ever. For the sake of my sanity.

I'd recommend Chinatown to everyone and anyone. It's a magnificent film. Apart from that, I like Bitter Moon, Frantic (I know no one else seems to like it) and Macbeth.

I saw Rosemary's Baby again a month or so ago and, while I certainly liked it more than before, it's still a pretty nothing film. OK to watch, but little else, IMO. Knife In Water and Repulsion are also high up on his canon.

Miss Vicky what are the names of your pet rats both past and present?

Jelly Belly
Baby Ruth


Jolly Roger
Hando II
Sid 6.7
Curious George

Why was one called Sid "6.7"?
It's the name of Russell Crowe's character in the movie Virtuosity. I named several pets after Crowe characters. Hando is his character from Romper Stomper. I also had a mouse named Cort (The Quick and the Dead) and a goldfish named Maximus.

Are you looking forward to Christmas?
Do you go out for New Year?
Do you like throwing parties?
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?

I'm not looking forward to it this year, actually. I usually love Christmas. I love putting up my tree and decorating it. I love to find gifts for people and wrap them up all pretty and see their reactions, but this year finances and lack of ideas have really put a damper on things. My Christmas shopping is finally finished, I just have to wait for a few last items to arrive. I normally would've finished ages ago (I usually start in October) but that whole lack of money and lack of ideas thing got in the way.

Being pretty much antisocial, I generally avoid gatherings of more than 3-4 people unless there's some really compelling reason for me to deal with more than that (like for a concert, the Renaissance Faire, etc.) so no parties. New Year's is generally spent at home or with 1 or 2 close friends. Nothing too wild though, since I have a hypersensitivity to alcohol and can't handle more than 1 or 2 drinks.

What's your biggest fear?

Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?

Have you ever been institutionalized?

Which shampoo do you use?

Do you have or have had any other pets beside your rats?

Are you married?

Which is your favorite restaurant?

Have you ever been to England or Europe?

What's your biggest fear?

Grand scheme of things: dying alone. Every day fears: heights (though I love roller coasters), large parrots, aggressive dogs.

Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?

Yes, though more of a general "My life sucks I should end it" or "Maybe the world would be better without me" kind of thoughts. I've never come up with an actual plan or really seriously considered it, though.

Have you ever been institutionalized?


Which shampoo do you use?

Matrix Total Results volumizing shampoo.

Do you have or have had any other pets beside your rats?

Oh yeah. My current menagerie includes the three rats Lolli (tan and white), Link (black and white) and Stoney (black).

A 12 year old cat named Tiny Tim

A 1.5 year old cat named Jasper

An oriental firebelly toad named Peridot

and three planted aquariums: A 3 gallon that houses a male betta named Esca; a 2.5 gallon that houses a female betta named Aurora, a ramshorn snail named Fuzzy, and an unknown number of Malaysian trumpet snails; and a 10 gallon that houses 9 unnamed neon tetras, an unknown number of red cherry shrimp and an assassin snail named Leon. I don't seem to have any decent pics of my tanks though.

When I was a kid, my family had a golden retriever, though I've not had a dog since. I have also had budgies, mice, hermit crabs, a Russian tortoise and various species of freshwater fish and invertabrates.

Are you married?

No. I've also never been with anybody I'd want to marry and I'm not sure marriage is something I really want for myself. Commited relationship? Yes. Actual marriage? I don't know.

Which is your favorite restaurant?

Tahoe Joe's, though anywhere I can get a good steak is fine by me. I'm also fond of Chinese, Mexican, Thai, and Indian foods.

Have you ever been to England or Europe?

No, though one day I'd like to go to Italy and see the Roman ruins.

What's your biggest fear?

Grand scheme of things: dying alone. Every day fears: heights (though I love roller coasters), large parrots, aggressive dogs.
What?! Large parrots are an everyday fear?

Who's afraid of large parrots?!

They usually talk and are very amusing.

And they're colorful and pretty.

Roller coasters -- they scare me to death. I can understand being afraid of them. But large parrots? You'd rather ride the scariest roller coaster than be surrounded by large parrots?
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You're very frank, Vicky. From this information you have provided me by answering a few simple questions, I see a vague picture of an interesting person I'll probably never meet, hence life.

You'd rather ride the scariest roller coaster than be surrounded by large parrots?
Hell yeah. Parrots can be really aggressive and their beaks are amazingly powerful. Rollercoasters are fun.

You're very frank, Vicky.
Are you smitten with her? You sound like Hannibal Lecter interviewing Clarice about her past when you're all like, "you're very frank."