Doctor Who


Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I liked the library two-parter. It was actually quite creepy. The whole River Song thing was a bit 'The Time Traveler's Wife' though. Which is not necessarily bad, I like that book too.

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Turn Left - a Donna centric episode, actually really gd episode that stemmed from an incident that would normally start an average one. Is it me or does Billie Piper speak weirdly now? like she had a kind of mouth guard or false teeth in? can't wait for next week's a combination of all of the spinoffs including Jack and Gwen from Torchwood and Sarah Jayne from the Sarah Jayne adventures

Rose was overbiteful alright. Ridonkulously annoying. Donna is in every way my least favourite companion so having an pisodeful of her was not hte most fun thing for me.
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

I dislike Catherine Tate with the screaming and the not being able to run without me laughing at her penguinlike waddle.
I like the character especially in the Christmas special ep, where I believe the character should have been left.

Her best moment was the Forest of the Dead with her speec disability husband I thought that was touching.

But she almost ruined s2's unbelievable finale with her "What the hell is this place!" Overact much miss Tate?

I too am looking forward to the return of Dr.Song next series-ish.

The next two eps both seem chock-a-blocka with what makes Who so brilliant.Although my idea for Rose getting back to Tennant due to the parallel Earth's Doctor(Christopher Eccleston) was much better.Stupid BBC never reply to my e-mails . . . .

Am I allowed to talk about the newest episode yet?


Minor spoilers ahead:

Loved the bit with the Primer.Great actor.Really must drop props for Barrowman aswell he was on fire.I kinda want to watch the Sarah Jane Adventures too . . .Scary ep too.Can't wait for next week, the reason for that is obvious to anyone who saw it.

Oh and praise can be heaped at the foot of my door

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
It was a totally awesome episode and it was nice to see all of the factions joining together. Next week i think is going to be a better finale than last seasons which i wasnt particularly struck on.

What a weird ep!

Unbelievablely twisty and I was so sure David was about to be dropped! Damn! Tears were jerked harder than that weird streaked meat snack americans seem to enjoy.

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
heh heh

i thought it was a good season finale and i was super upset about donnas story - i cried, i cried like a big dumb homo (any 30 rock fans?)

I really am sick of the Daleks though, enough is enough.

Lost in never never land
I thought the finale was fine, I didn't like it as much as I did the first part, the first part had more emotion to it then the second part did, I felt like the end wrapped things up a bit to nicely and that they didn't need to do that.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

I must admit with everyone being bought together like that you were just waiting for the Doctor's Daughter to show her annoying little face and try and save the universe.

when i first heard that tate was going to be the companion i was like no way will that work in a million years.

turns out I was wrong. they went all out on the stories and they delivered big time.

nearly all episodes were fantastic bar the first one which was rubbish.

well done to all on the DR WHO TEAM
Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I believe the second part.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I see this thread is a couple of years old? Any current Doctor Who fans here?

I saw the entire 2005 relaunch series through netflix, then they had a marathon on BBC America over the News Years break. I watched the entire thing!

I looooove this show. I never saw the earlier Who series.

Did anyone see the recent End of Time? I cried thinking that Tennant's time as the Doctor is over. I'm not too thrilled with the look of the new Doctor, he seems rather young, lol! (or I'm too old!)

I recently did a bit of research and it seems that this has been thought of as the "most successful science fiction of all time," based on DVD sales, downloads, ratings, etc. I thought that was interesting.

LOVE this show.

I did start to watch Dr. Who when it came back, but left it once Tennant became The Doctor. I can't stand that bloke. I did see a couple of his episodes, one of which was actually good, but I just can't stand him so I stopped. It was a shame, as I've never minded perving over Billie Piper.

Still, there's something about the new assistant. If only I could put my finger on what it is...

And, as we know, I am partial to a redhead.

LOL... Nevermind, honey. You know that opposites attract.

You missed a trick this Christmas though. Over here David Tennant was on BBC tv and radio 75 times. That's right, 75! About 40 of them were repeated programmes, but still. 75 bloody times, including two of the programmes I watch (Nevermind The Buzzcocks and QI) as well as a recorded for tv version of Hamlet, which he recently finished his run in, something I'd have watched were he not in it. That was all the more disapointing because Patrick Stewart was playing Claudius. I've seen him play that role before (with Derek Jacobi playing Hamlet) and he was fantastic.

Thinking about it, maybe I should've given it a go anyway, as his horrid over-the-top acting style might've worked a lot better on the stage. On the other hand, having a camera so close probably just made it like any other tv programme.

Did you call me "honey?"

Well, then, I wished I lived where you live.. I would have loved to see David play Hamlet.

Indeed I did. Don't fret, I call all women "honey". Strangers, my mother, best friend, all of them.


You can get the dvd, too.

I don't know if it's available over there or if your dvd is region free, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I thought David Tennant as the ghost of Christmas present on Catherine Tate's Christmas Special was hilarious