Can anyone identify this spider (urgent)


The trick is not minding
That’s what they say about scorpions. I mean, I appreciate it’s just an instinctive thing maybe to be more bothered by the big ones. Overall usually it’s been a case of ‘they don’t bother me, I don’t bother them’. I can only hope we can go back to that kind of cohabitation.
Yeah, in the US the only real dangerous scorpion is the Arizona Bark scorpion which is rather small, as well. And florescent! You can see it at night with a black light!

Yeah, in the US the only real dangerous scorpion is the Arizona Bark scorpion which is rather small, as well. And florescent! You can see it at night with a black light!
That sounds fun. I’d need to remind myself they were poisonous, or I’d want to see one.

You could have caught it in a clear box and taken it to be identified, it could have hitched a ride on some fruit from another country and you have just released it into the UK wild. Poor thing.

Now you'll never know if it might have been a radioactive spider.

Yeah, spiders get a bad rap.
I'm not saying allow it to take up permanent residence in a bedroom, but spiders in a house can be very beneficial for eliminating other pests (like if you get seasonal ants).

On a scale of 1-10, how terrified were you of this spider?
I mean, maybe a 5, I’m not sure why. From a distance it did look a tiny bit like a tarantula and overall I just didn’t anticipate a feat of spider-trapping for that evening, I guess.

If it bit you, you'd become a Spider-man
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The only spiders I ever had at my place were the ones with a tiny body and huge long thin legs. Scientifically speaking, they're not even spiders.

The only spiders I ever had at my place were the ones with a tiny body and huge long thin legs. Scientifically speaking, they're not even spiders.
What are they then? I think I’ve seen these overly elongated things, too.

At first I was like “that shit ain’t looking that big” but then you said you were in the UK and like here in Denmark that one would definitely be a more abnormal size to spot hah

Glad you survived!

This was a fun thread to wake up to! haha glad you got it outside

At first I was like “that shit ain’t looking that big” but then you said you were in the UK and like here in Denmark that one would definitely be a more abnormal size to spot hah

Glad you survived!
I mean, it felt bloody big! For some reason I felt it could be venomous/dangerous, and yes, obviously I tried to read up on it before posting, but I did think it looked like a false widow… then I guess I slightly overestimated the danger there as I don’t know much about spiders. But as a Lynch lover, I had a vivid image of the thing crawling into my mouth at night… I did not want to wake up to that.

I hope it is now trotting along happily somewhere.

What are they then? I think I’ve seen these overly elongated things, too.
They're harvestmen. They're arachnids but not spiders. They are more closely related to scorpions.

However, they look similar to cellar spiders. The difference is cellar spiders make webs, whereas harvestmen don't. So if you see one in a web, it's a cellar spider, not a harvestman.

However, they look similar to cellar spiders. The difference is cellar spiders make webs, whereas harvestmen don't. So if you see one in a web, it's a cellar spider, not a harvestman.
Good to know! I idiotically assumed they were all more or less the same species.