Glynis Johns RIP


Trouble with a capital "T"
She's quite lovely in that screenshot, thanks for posting that Captain. I've seen her in a number of old movies and whenever she turns up she brightens the movie.

RIP Lady Penelope Peasoup. She probably could have sued Joan Greenwood since Greenwood essentially plagiarized Johns' entire onscreen persona when she appeared in Mysterious Island.

She was a wonderful actress and a uniquely charming character. Good on her for living such a full life and making it as far as she did.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
One of her best scenes involving Denis Leary in The Ref. RIP
It's All About the Movies

One of her best scenes involving Denis Leary in The Ref. RIP
That was great! Funny thing is, I saw that movie... a long long time ago (based on the date it was made, I'd reckon about 30 years ago).
I had no memory that Glynis Johns was even in it (but for that matter I didn't remember that it was Kevin Spacey with a lead role either)!

I do remember finding the movie entertaining, so with the memory loss & the passing of Glynis, I'm going to have to put The Ref (1994) on the list for a re-watch!

@Gideon58, I remember her from those movies you listed, plus Dear Brigitte, with James Stewart, and No Highway in the Sky, also with James Stewart. I also remember her being really funny playing Shelley Long's mother on an episode of Cheers. A long, varied career. Godspeed, Glynnis.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."