The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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I guess I should have guessed Three Kings when I had the chance. I kept trying to think of another movie where soldiers were after a lot of gold - however I didn't want to steal the guess of Kelly's Heroes because I had not heard of that one before.

I have not seen Three Kings.

Breaker Morant is a title of a movie that I had heard over the years, but if asked, I would not have had one clue what it was about, that it was necessarily a war movie, what war it was, or why that is even its title. (Zorba the Greek also seems exist in that space in my mind).

Googling, I got the wiki page on "Breaker" Morant.
"Oh." Maybe I should have watched this.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Three Kings was one I really liked in theatre. Finally rewatched it a few years ago and it didn’t hit as hard. Probably would make a top 100 war list for me though, so I’m not mad at it.

Breaker Morant was my 17. Pretty sure it was my only first time watch for the list that made it in my 25. I love courtroom drama, so a movie that tells its story this well through that device is catnip for me. Fantastic ending too, maybe top ten ending for me. I didn’t get off my lazy butt to join the group watch thread this round, if I had like planned this would have been my first pick. I think it would have done even better if it was more widely watched. Good on mofo for it being here. You shot straight you SOBs.

Ballot Update

Tropic Thunder is #2 on my ballot
Three Kings is #6 on my ballot

Both movies were good, I sure enjoyed them.
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The trick is not minding

I have Wings, The Train, The Tin Drum, War & Peace, and The Burmese Harp ready to go as well, just haven’t taken the initiative quite yet.

I watched Breaker Morant, but that was a while ago and I barely remember it. I remember enjoying the film though.

Haven't seen Three Kings.

Very pleased with the reveals today. Three Kings is awesome, a long time favorite of mine, its on many of my fav lists; 90s, Heist and #36 on my War list. Breaker Morant is a good solid film, worth a watch for those that haven't seen it, nice to see it made the countdown, I have it at #94.

SEEN 14/24

My War Top 100:  

a matter of life and death could’ve been my #11, but it had been a while since i’d seen it and i couldn’t remember how much war was actually in it. it wasn’t listed as a war film on letterboxd so i ultimately decided to leave it off and now regret it.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen both of today's movies but basically don't remember them.
I just asked my wife if we liked Breaker Morant and she said yes, it was pretty good.

Three Kings I seen this when it came to Netflix, not my type of film and I didn't really like it.

Maybe I'll do better tomorrow?

Hey I got another one!
Here's my ballot so far.

9. Mrs. Miniver (1942)
11. Breaker Morant (1980)
25. Windtalkers (2002)

This is my skunky ballot. My worse countdown to date.

Seen: 8 / 24
Never heard of: 7 / 24
1-ptrs seen: 6

My ballot:  

If I had seen Three Kings more recently it could have made my ballot. I loved it but it's been about 20 years.

I've heard the title Breaker Morant many times over the years but I didn't even know it was a war movie.

A Matter of Life and Death is an excellent film and I think my #1 Powell and Pressburger. I thought about including it for a while but left it off because I just didn't feel it for my top 25 war list. Probably top 50 for me.

Haven't seen Wings. Maybe one day I'll make my way through the remaining Best Picture winners and get to it. I mean if it made the list on that many individual lists I should watch it ,right?

I don't think I've even heard of Breaker Morant! Rare.

Three Kings is the first from my list to make it. I had it at #23. Great film! I played with the idea of not including it and I think I gave it a bump due to it being about the first Iraq War, a war that had an impact on me seeing it on TV at a young age, and one of those early early movies that I saw that fueled my interest in cinema. I felt it needed to be on my list.

23. Three Kings (1999)
25. La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003)

On another note, think I'm going to give the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven a go. I'm in the mood for an epic and it's been a while. If I still don't care for it I'm coming back here to complain.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I forgot the opening line.
78. Breaker Morant - I looked at my pool of war films that were considerations for my list, and Breaker Morant isn't among them, so that's a definite oversight. I don't know if it would have broken into my 25 - but there's a considerable chance it might have. Very good performance from Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson won a Best Supporting Actor at Cannes - the first ever given. Really, it's all of the actors who carry this film along it's glorious way. Great performances everywhere. A big movie in it's day, and one that kept the 'legend' of the breaker, Harry Morant, in the public eye. Morant was a poet and horse breaker and all around hard-edged character. You don't hear him mentioned all of the time in Australia, but there are some really interesting documentaries made about this figure - something of a legend. The movie itself is something like Paths of Glory - a court martial, and the lives of a few soldiers to appease those fighting a war hundreds of miles away from the coalface, in plush offices and political spheres. These soldiers were ordered to carry out a dirty deed - and from that moment on they were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. Great to see it's inclusion in this Top 100.

77. Three Kings - I've seen Three Kings a couple of times. I didn't like it so much the first time - and it once again did nothing much for me the second time. Simply not my kind of film when it comes to personal taste. It made this countdown so perhaps one day in the future I'll sit down and give it a third chance, in case my taste has evolved or changed. I like the trailer - so who knows.

Still nothing from my list. 24 films before my first entry is a PB (probably best described as a PW)

Seen : 12/24
I'd never even heard of : 7/24
Movies that had been on my radar, but I haven't seen yet : 5/24

Overlooked films : Breaker Morant
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

The trick is not minding
I’ve seen both Breaker Morant, which is excellent, and Three Kings, which I remember liking I tho k? It’s been over 20 years. Since the year it was released, really. Definitely worth a rewatch at this point.

I’m not a big fan of O. Russell, as his best film is Silver Linings Playbook and that’s mostly because of Jennifer Lawrence.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. I've seen Breaker Morant once and remember it being okay, though it doesn't seem to have left any particularly strong impression on me. I think I've seen Three Kings more than once and, while Russell is probably one of my least favourite filmmakers working today, this one is actually decent.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Breaker Morant
Not seen it

Three Kings
Hugely overrated. I re-watched it about 6 weeks ago for this very countdown and I still can't remember anything about it.

I'm slightly annoyed about Breaker Morant because I don't think I had it on my list. I remembered it (I think I even posted it as one of the watch it for the countdown film threads) but I couldn't decide where to put it or how much I enjoyed it rather than liked and thought it was great, so in the end it didn't make my list, which is just one of those stupid human brain things where uncertainty leads to indecision and eventually it doesn't happen. In short, it's great and you should watch it and mentally add about 10 points to its score.

I Saw Three Kings when it came out, didn't really get it, therefore didn't really like it and no real idea why others do. No idea what I think of it now but I'm leaning towards the same.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Three Kings
Hugely overrated. I re-watched it about 6 weeks ago for this very countdown and I still can't remember anything about it.
This movie had a TON of television ads when it first came out. I did see it in the theater, but weirdly I remember the trailer more vividly than the film itself. (There were a few different trailers, all of which featured that line of the one character singing "We three kings are stealing the gold"). As with many dark comedies, the trailers all played up the comedy and totally undersold the darker elements.

Breaker Morant is on my watchlist, as are quite a few from the list so far. War movies are a pretty underseen genre for me, largely by choice.

I really liked A Matter of Life and Death, but it didn't get past my "is it a war movie?" mental filter.

I've wanted to see Breaker Morant for the longest time and finally gave up when I kept missing it and finding out I missed it, therefore being frustrated.

Haven't seen Three Kings and really have no urge to.

Looking through the scope at my list, no joy.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."