The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'll stay a pacifist on that one.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

For what it's worth, one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite war films takes place at a time of resting, so...

From the one-pointers there are many films I needed to watch or re-watch but didn't get to in time;
Don't Look Now We're Being Shot At (I do remember lmao at the turkish bath house scene back n the day), Michael Collins, The Dawns Here Are Quiet and Sisu.

I got K-19: The Widowmaker at #77, shout out to the Mofo Sub marine gang.
The Wind That Shakes the Barley and Windtalkers were both in my top100 before I started the War countdown preparation but eventually got pushed out. Nice to see them get a mention.

Watchlisted: The Human Bullet/Nikudan, Combat Shock, Ike: Countdown to D-Day, La Commune (Paris, 1871) The Last Act, The Siege of Firebase Gloria and The Lucky Ones

I must say because of all this waiting my expectations keep rising, in the meantime here's my ballot breakdown..

1940s x1
1950s x3
1960s x7
1970s x2
1980s x4
1990s x4
2000s x4

WWII x11
Napoleonic Wars x3
Cold War x3
Vietnam x2
WWI x1
The Algerian War x1
First War of Scottish Independence x1
Third Servile War x1
Third Crusade x1
American Civil War x1

My War Top 100:  

SEEN --/--
BALLOT --/25

Excellent font choice here Holden.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I got K-19: The Widowmaker at #77, shout out to the Mofo Sub marine gang. ...
That would be me! I love wartime sub movies, seen a ton of them but not K-19: The Widowmaker. I might have to check that one out sounds like a fun pizza night movie.

That would be me! I love wartime sub movies, seen a ton of them but not K-19: The Widowmaker. I might have to check that one out sounds like a fun pizza night movie.
I know and I thought Operation Petticoat was your 1-pointer actually. (Haven't seen it yet.)
Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson, nuclear submarine malfunctions, definitely a pizza/popcorn/ice cream, movie.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know and I thought Operation Petticoat was your 1-pointer actually. (Haven't seen it yet.)
Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson, nuclear submarine malfunctions, definitely a pizza/popcorn/ice cream, movie.
Operation Petticoat is a fun film! I've seen that a couple times at least. But I decided no comedies and no fictional war films on my ballot...though I don't mind how other people voted I mean it's up to them.

I completed the basic tech work a day or two ago, so it wasn't possible until then. I can go into detail about what this work entails and why it sometimes takes some time, if people are interested.

The delays look longer than usual in part because we usually post the thread when the prep work is nearly done, but in this case it went up very shortly after voting ended instead. Time-from-end-of-voting, on the other hand, isn't usually much longer than this has been, I don't think.

Anyway, need to go over one final thing with Keyser, after that we're free and clear.
Take your time. Don’t let everyone rush you. When 900 years old they reach, work as fast they will not.

Egads. When I first scanned the list I assumed it was not a vote for the 2018 zombie flick but for the 1975 micro-budgeted but incredibly effective British WWII piece shot in glorious black-and-white culminating with the D-Day Invasion, made by Stuart Cooper. But maybe this means THAT Overlord will make the actual countdown?

It wasn't until I read this post that I discovered it wasn't.

Went The Day Well was mine. I don't play the 1 point game, I simply don't like war films and so have very few to place. Three of mine didn't qualify and so I had to add to get to 25 and Went The Day Well was the last film I remembered that I liked and qualified.

It's an odd but very British film and that it was made during the war makes it feel even more odd. The thought of a cinema filled with people watching their worst nightmare onscreen, a nightware which was still very real at this point to the public, must've been an empowering but nervy watch for all but the most jingoistic or naive. Simple, brutal but understated. As you'd probably expect from a British propaganda film made while the war was still going on.

I think it's a good film, but recommended as a curio if nothing else.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Keyser is about done developing the nuclear missile. After that, we should get going.

Gonna send it to Imdb, RT and Letterboxd for not properly tagging Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer wasn't tagged as a war movie? I def would've included it rather high, if i saw it on time and it was eligible
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Went The Day Well was mine. I don't play the 1 point game, I simply don't like war films and so have very few to place. Three of mine didn't qualify and so I had to add to get to 25 and Went The Day Well was the last film I remembered that I liked and qualified.

It's an odd but very British film and that it was made during the war makes it feel even more odd. The thought of a cinema filled with people watching their worst nightmare onscreen, a nightware which was still very real at this point to the public, must've been an empowering but nervy watch for all but the most jingoistic or naive. Simple, brutal but understated. As you'd probably expect from a British propaganda film made while the war was still going on.

I think it's a good film, but recommended as a curio if nothing else.
I've had Went The Day Well (1942) on my queue for months and if I had another week to watch war films before I sent in my ballot I would've got to it. I did see a bunch of 1940-50s British war films and liked them all. One of my favorites was The One That Got Away (1957). I'm going to watch Went The Day Well and will or well tag you when do I