The MOFO Preliminary Discussion of the Top 100 Comedies

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Ben Stiller? Will Ferrell?
Good Gosh! I hope not!


Good Gosh! I hope not!

Regardless of what you think about them, I can see both with at the very least a handful of entries...

There's Something About Mary
Mystery Men
Meet the Parents
The Royal Tenenbaums
Tropic Thunder
Austin Powers
Old School
Step Brothers

I don't necessarily agree with a lot of those – Tenenbaums is more drama, Mystery Men seems like a long shot, and I don't like all of them – but putting my ear to the ground, those are the ones that generally get more love.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Actually, it is very interesting what is the geographical distribution of all these 88 or 89 participants. ...By country, state, city...

Would you mind sharing yours?
Is there someone from continental Europe or Latin America?
Is there someone from some other not usual for the forum parts of the world?

I don't know if it's still active, but we have a thread for MoFo members' locations:

The MoFo Map

My marker can be found in Long Island, NY.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Actually, it is very interesting what is the geographical distribution of all these 88 or 89 participants. ...By country, state, city...

Would you mind sharing yours?
Is there someone from continental Europe or Latin America?
Is there someone from some other not usual for the forum parts of the world?

The trick is not minding
While we wait, let’s talk about movies we decided to cut off of our own individual lists, or movies we just plain forgot to include. It isn’t spoiling anything, as it isn’t revealing my own list, so I don’t see any issue.

Animal House. Finally watched this the other day. I had avoided it for so long because I wasn’t sure it could live up to its reputation, and honestly? It’s just as funny as I’ve been told. Yeah, it’s crude, but it supposed to be. Not for the easily offended I guess. Doubt it needs my help though.

JoJo Rabbit,because there were others I felt were more deserving and it probably didn’t need my help.

Kung Fu Hustle. I mistakenly cut this off and realized I didn’t mean to. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking. It was on my list originally and then….somehow vanished when I started trimming it. Didn’t even realize I had done so. Damn.

MASH….simply because I forgot about it and realized afterwards it definitely should have been in there. Probably doesn’t need my help though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Most of my cuts were due to an initial list that was around 100 movies. I cut lesser known, old comedies as they most likely wouldn't make the countdown anyway. I wanted my votes to count. A few of those I cut were:

Zero Hour! (1957) not even made as a comedy but one of the funniest films I've seen, thanks to the stone serious Sterling Hayden. I think some know this:
This film is parodied in Airplane! (1980), so much so, that the producers of that comedy bought the rights to this movie and used some of the dialogue word for word.

Zelig (1983)
...funny Woody Allen mocumentary, but I already had other Allen comedies on my list and no room to spare.

The Silencers (1966) I thought this spy spoof with Dean Martin as a swinging secret agent was hilarious, but who else has seen it? More importantly would anyone else vote for it?

Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Back to the Future (1985)
I figured others would vote for these and get them onto the countdown without my help.

The King of Comedy (1982)...My favorite Martin Scorsese film but to me it's much more drama than comedy.

Without Reservations (1946) A funny comedy with John Wayne, yup the Duke made a comedy and he's good too, so is Claudette Colbert I love this film but I knew it wasn't getting enough votes even if I did squeeze it onto my already crowded ballot.

The trick is not minding
I really, really wanted to find a spot for "The Death of Stalin", " The Gumball Rally" and "Shaun of the Dead".
I’m sure Shaun of the Dead will appear, maybe The Death of Stalin. Not so sure about The Gumball Rally, however.

I'm just kicking myself for forgetting to at least include Greenberg (speaking of Ben Stiller), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe, or American Psycho on my short list for consideration.

The first two would have definitely made my final list if I had thought of them (I might like my comedy a little caustic and dark). I don't know if American Psycho would have made it, but it would have been in contention.

Some movies I didn't consider:
Daisies, I think I already said why.
And despite of those painful omissions above, I didn't really consider Sunset Blvd, Ace in the Hole, or All About Eve, because in my mind they exist as dark, biting melodramas as opposed to dark comedies (though I know some people view them as dark comedies).

The trick is not minding
Most of my cuts were due to an initial list that was around 100 movies. I cut lesser known, old comedies as they most likely wouldn't make the countdown anyway. I wanted my votes to count. A few of those I cut were:

Zero Hour! (1957) not even made as a comedy but one of the funniest films I've seen, thanks to the stone serious Sterling Hayden. I think some know this:

Zelig (1983)
...funny Woody Allen mocumentary, but I already had other Allen comedies on my list and no room to spare.

The Silencers (1966) I thought this spy spoof with Dean Martin as a swinging secret agent was hilarious, but who else has seen it? More importantly would anyone else vote for it?

Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Back to the Future (1985)
I figured others would vote for these and get them onto the countdown without my help.

The King of Comedy (1982)...My favorite Martin Scorsese film but to me it's much more drama than comedy.

Without Reservations (1946) A funny comedy with John Wayne, yup the Duke made a comedy and he's good too, so is Claudette Colbert I love this film but I knew it wasn't getting enough votes even if I did squeeze it onto my already crowded ballot.
I’ve seen 4 of the 7 you mention. Haven’t seen Zero Hour!, The Silencers or Without Reservations.

The trick is not minding
I'm just kicking myself for forgetting to at least include Greenberg (speaking of Ben Stiller), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe, or American Psycho on my short list for consideration.

The first two would have definitely made my final list if I had thought of them (I might like my comedy a little caustic and dark). I don't know if American Psycho would have made it, but it would have been in contention.

Some movies I didn't consider:
Daisies, I think I already said why.
And despite of those painful omissions above, I didn't really consider Sunset Blvd, Ace in the Hole, or All About Eve, because in my mind they exist as dark, biting melodramas as opposed to dark comedies (though I know some people view them as dark comedies).
Greenberg is the only film you mention I hadn’t seen yet, and I’ll agree with your take on the latter 3 being more of a dark melodrama then an actual comedy.
Daisies…..damn, I forgot about that one. Love that film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I really, really wanted to find a spot for "The Death of Stalin", " The Gumball Rally" and "Shaun of the Dead".
I've seen The Gumball Rally, it's a good one and I like it better than the more well known Cannonball Run.

I'm just kicking myself for forgetting to at least include Greenberg (speaking of Ben Stiller), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe, or American Psycho on my short list for consideration.

Some movies I didn't consider:
Daisies, I think I already said why.
And despite of those painful omissions above, I didn't really consider Sunset Blvd, Ace in the Hole, or All About Eve, because in my mind they exist as dark, biting melodramas as opposed to dark comedies (though I know some people view them as dark comedies).
I guess I can see the comedy in All About Eve and I did have it on my long list. Ace in the Hole is one powerful film but I don't recall it being funny and I've seen it three times...but...other's might have a different view.

I forgot Daisies and maybe if I had thought of it it might have made my list, maybe. American Psycho was quite funny at times.

Greenberg is the only film you mention I hadn’t seen yet, and I’ll agree with your take on the latter 3 being more of a dark melodrama then an actual comedy.
Daisies…..damn, I forgot about that one. Love that film.

Yeah, a few pages back, I think I listed it as the weirdest, I don't think of it as a comedy for... unclear reasons. Because every descriptor of it I'd use (minus political or social commentary), could be interchangeable with a Marx Brothers movie. But for some reason, when I think of, "I want to laugh," or, "I want to put on a comedy," it just doesn't come to mind.

I think for Ace in the Hole, because I've scratched my head on how the comedy label is supposed to get applied, is the premise of the fair that springs up could be viewed as a darkly comical farce, but I think I need a little more than that for something to register as a dark comedy. If I squint my brain and recollect, I feel like that's maybe a few scenes where someone might laugh.

Most of my cuts were due to an initial list that was around 100 movies. I cut lesser known, old comedies as they most likely wouldn't make the countdown anyway. I wanted my votes to count. A few of those I cut were:

Zero Hour! (1957) not even made as a comedy but one of the funniest films I've seen, thanks to the stone serious Sterling Hayden. I think some know this:

Zelig (1983)
...funny Woody Allen mocumentary, but I already had other Allen comedies on my list and no room to spare.

The Silencers (1966) I thought this spy spoof with Dean Martin as a swinging secret agent was hilarious, but who else has seen it? More importantly would anyone else vote for it?

Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Back to the Future (1985)
I figured others would vote for these and get them onto the countdown without my help.

The King of Comedy (1982)...My favorite Martin Scorsese film but to me it's much more drama than comedy.

Without Reservations (1946) A funny comedy with John Wayne, yup the Duke made a comedy and he's good too, so is Claudette Colbert I love this film but I knew it wasn't getting enough votes even if I did squeeze it onto my already crowded ballot.
I pretty much did the same

I'll only list 5 movies that were going to be on my list but decided to take off since they might not make it

Easy A (2010) - A movie about how spreading bad rumors in high school can lead to bad things and when it backfires it turns ugly. High school movies are my guilty pleasures what can I say. It would be nice if this movie makes it but I don't see it making it.

Simpsons The Movie (2007) - As much as I love the tv show, I liked the movie as well. This was a good movie put on from the people that made this film and great tv show. No chance in hell that this movie makes the list lol.

There's Something About Mary (1998) - A funny Ben Stiller comedy about a guy that hires some other guy to track down this girl that is the love of his life. This film is filled with laughter, the cast did a good job in this movie. Maybe just maybe it makes it.

Anger Management (2003) - This would be more of a guilty pleasure comedy for me since I thought it was a nice movie to watch if you're look for a good laugh. I can't see this movie making it.

Heathers (1989) - This silly revenge movie was a weird one but in a good way. Also Winona Ryder and Christian Slater made this movie amazingly humorous. This might just make it.
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Trouble with a capital "T"

Heathers (1989) - This silly revenge movie was a weird one but in a good way. Also Winona Ryder and Christian Slater made this movie amazingly humorous. This might just make it.
Heathers is making the countdown, I'm pretty sure of that. Funny film too!

Heathers is making the countdown, I'm pretty sure of that. Funny film too!
Out of the 5 movies that I listed, I think heathers will surely it make it. Ill be surprised if There's Something About Mary makes it also.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Out of the 5 movies that I listed, I think heathers will surely it make it. Ill be surprised if There's Something About Mary makes it also.
There's Something About Mary, it might have an outside chance? I know some people like it, I've never seen it.

There's Something About Mary, it might have an outside chance? I know some people like it, I've never seen it.
You should check it out some time, funny movie.