The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame V: Comedy Edition


Trouble with a capital "T"

Thought this was like "Movie Roulette" thread where we were paired up first and directed films toward your partner.

Or do we direct movies to all participants?
Nope not like Movie Roulette (though I did love that idea!)...We choose comedies or funny movies for each member based on what we think they will like.

Just PM me your choices for the other members when you have them.

On the 7th I'll start this and post the movies each member will be watching. If you see a movie in your watch list on the 7th that you've already seen, let me know and I'll ask whoever picked it for you to chose another.

Some people are sending 2nd or even 3rd back up choices, probably only necessary if you pick a well known film for someone. So far many of the comedies seem to be lesser known (at least to me).

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
got mine in earlier today. Somewhat happy with them. We'll see, though lol
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I sent mine in too and I personally guarantee each and every one of you will love the movie I picked for you!*

*not a guarantee

So I've talked about this with some folks before, and I think that there truly is nothing worse than a comedy that you don't find funny.


Because at least a drama or a thriller or a horror or a romance that is bad leaves room for making fun of it. But a comedy is already trying to be funny, and it just sucks the life out of the room if the humor doesn't land.

And humor is one of those basic character traits that a lot of us use to align ourselves with others. (Hence why "their sense of humor" is often cited as a desired trait in a partner). So when you find something funny and someone else doesn't, it feels personal in a way that's deeper than someone not finding something scary that you think is good horror.

Anyway, looking forward to plenty of awkward heartbreak in the weeks to come.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't watch a lot of comedies, but the ones that I like I often don't laugh out loud but laugh inside...if that makes sense. A lot of the films I think of comedies are maybe more fun films, than comedy films. I'm not even sure what comedy means? I guess it varies from person to person.

I sent mine in too and I personally guarantee each and every one of you will love the movie I picked for you!*

*not a guarantee
I like that you are manifesting success. That's what I needed when making my list: a vision board. Anyone here have spare copy of The Secret?

I like that you are manifesting success. That's what I needed when making my list: a vision board. Anyone here have spare copy of The Secret?
We will write our own version of The Secret.

Step one: close your eyes and think funny thoughts.

Step two: Picture a baby dressed as a clown riding a unicorn

Step three: Manifest your funniest desires and write them in a child's diary.

Step four: Write down the silliest,most zany phrases you can think of.

Within 24 hours, you will achieve comedy success.

We will write our own version of The Secret.

Step one: close your eyes and think funny thoughts.

Step two: Picture a baby dressed as a clown riding a unicorn

Step three: Manifest your funniest desires and write them in a child's diary.

Step four: Write down the silliest,most zany phrases you can think of.

Within 24 hours, you will achieve comedy success.
But I already submitted my list!!!

My epiphany that I should have assigned everyone to watch Frankenhooker has come too little too late! What a tragedy.

I forgot the opening line.
So I've talked about this with some folks before, and I think that there truly is nothing worse than a comedy that you don't find funny.


Because at least a drama or a thriller or a horror or a romance that is bad leaves room for making fun of it. But a comedy is already trying to be funny, and it just sucks the life out of the room if the humor doesn't land.

And humor is one of those basic character traits that a lot of us use to align ourselves with others. (Hence why "their sense of humor" is often cited as a desired trait in a partner). So when you find something funny and someone else doesn't, it feels personal in a way that's deeper than someone not finding something scary that you think is good horror.

Anyway, looking forward to plenty of awkward heartbreak in the weeks to come.
Oooooooh I wish I'd read that before joining this PR Hall of Fame.

I'm very afraid now...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Sorry, I'll be submitting my picks soon!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

ok picks submitted apologies in advance
LOL, I love that we all feel this way.

On a much more positive note, I tend to like films more when they've been recommended to me with sincerity, because it adds a personal touch to that film. I'm very much looking forward to this HoF.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I gave people one cause I was pressured by CR to get it done, hahahaha.
I still haven't gotten my own choices for the members done yet So you still have time if you want to rethink your choices...though it looks like you made wise choices.

I don't watch a lot of comedies, but the ones that I like I often don't laugh out loud but laugh inside...if that makes sense. A lot of the films I think of comedies are maybe more fun films, than comedy films. I'm not even sure what comedy means? I guess it varies from person to person.
the amount of times i've asked myself "is this a comedy or is it just fun?" since the comedy countdown was announced is staggering.