My Top 250 Movies


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I struggled with that one somewhat, but I'm down to rewatch it at some point.

Me too! The first I tried to watch it, I turned it off within 20 minutes. But people on here with similar taste would praise it, so I thought I'd give it another chance, and glad I did. Hope you enjoy it when you do!


Anything I say about this movie would be a HUGE spoiler...
Have you seen A Moment of Innocence? It shares some thematic similarities to Close-Up, and I think it's the better of the two films by a fairly wide margin (Close-Up is also really good though).

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Have you seen A Moment of Innocence? It shares some thematic similarities to Close-Up, and I think it's the better of the two films by a fairly wide margin (Close-Up is also really good though).

I haven't seen it, but I'll add it to my IMDB watch-list right now.. Thanks!


Michael Douglas' best role. The 90's version of "Taxi Driver". And some humorous scenes, too. I cracked up laughing after the "This entire shelf looks suspect" <takes a bat through it all>
Douglas was totally robbed of an Oscar nomination for this film.

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Douglas was totally robbed of an Oscar nomination for this film.

Wow - not even a nomination! I think his performance in this movie was better than when he won an Oscar for "Wall Street".

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I wish Ozu was a bit more diverse. Too many of his movies have similar titles. Even the actors play the same part they did in his previous movies. This is still a very good movie.

I wish Ozu was a bit more diverse.
Lack of diversity is one of the greatest strengths of late Ozu.

He's more diverse in his silent period.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

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I love how all Kaursmaki's movies have humor, and the kind I like. Black, subtle, the small things...

"$1200... and three..... plus labor, parts, $600... that will be $1800 and three".. (after customer is struggling to find bills).. "We'll make it an even $1800".

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Thanks. After seeing your high score, I had to see it, since I noticed years ago we have mutual taste. Interesting this was also released the same year as "The Tenant", but this is much better.

I loved a few minor parts, too.. After he asks if there were any calls for him at the restaurant, an employee says "He was on the phone... or standing", which was similar to Georges, the newspaper vendor. Delon asks him to call his name so he would stop following him. "I don't know his name" (identity again).

Originally Posted by this_is_the_ girl


It took a 2nd viewing to appreciate this movie more.
I still laughed out loud at the "pizza delivery boy" comment.
I watched it once and liked it well enough, even though I didn't quite love it per se. Given the popularity it has amongst some people here though, I'll have to rewatch it.

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It's nice to know I was on some kind of binge a little over 2 years ago. I remember watching a lot of European movies around that time - probably my most prolific period since I was in my late teens. I miss watching/enjoying movies.

I've wanted to watch this movie again, but I'm afraid of it not being as enjoyable as it once was. Then again, nothing has been enjoyable for me, so I'll avoid that. Maybe. But it's nice to see the "evolution" from one comment made long ago, to the present as I "annotate" in my head. It helps to have "Moonlight Serenada" on in the background. One of a handful of jazz songs I could listen to every day. I'm guessing it has something to do with the title of "Moonlight Sonata".

How about them yesterday girls, eh?


Wow. I've been on an Eastern European binge, and was a little surprised that I stumbled upon one in German, but it caught my attention quickly. It's considered avant-garde experimental, stylish, art-house, but don't let this push you away. It's also a great story, one I've never seen in a movie, a character who is a kleptomaniac (which you find out in the first 20 seconds), but it's just so great, and she's great. She wrote, directed, AND starred. For some reason I thought of Vincent Gallo and "Buffalo '66" and then I just find out she also did everything herself, like he did. I also found out that they both never made any other movies that were given any attention, but I'll look.Both movies are also very good, without being pretentious, no waste. I hate when the counter-criticism of watching paint dry is defended as "artsy".

Oops. Her brother is Alexander. She is Alexandra. Damn, that changes so much.