Hello world


Hi guys

I am nemo, nice to meet ya.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
pretty sure that's a clever Eric Bana reference disguised with a deliberate typo where "M" replaced the "R." Perhaps a Minio follower? "M" for Munich? Is it just coincidence that there are also only four letters in Eric OR Bana AND Nemo?!? Bananas are a great source of potassium. HMMMMm... in the English alphabet, "P" is the third letter after "M"!!!? L-M-N-O-P...... another reference to Minio by way of FISH?!?! FISH HAS FOUR LETTERS TOO AND STARTS WITH "F"!!!!!!!!??!?!?!?! HECTOR starts with the letter "H" which, conveniently enough, is the SECOND letter AFTER "F"! OMG FOUR is divisible by TWO!!!!11!111! Remaining letter combinations include: Erna, Ican, Rian, Ecba, and a few others. I'm sure if one were to research further, my money is on one or more of these names being within an ancient language .....perhaps on a scroll..... on the BACK. OF. THE. DECLARATION. OF. INDEPENDENCE!1!1!1!!!!11!ONE!!1!!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

// Infiltration to MovieForums.com

#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello world";
return 0;
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
// Infiltration to MovieForums.com

#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello world";
return 0;
I haven't used #include since my old days in Flash ActionScript. I wish I had taken up programming after that.


Thanks for the warm welcome guys but um ... whats with the bait references ?

Also i could really use your help please check out my thread about looking for the title for a movie i have forgotten the name of driving me crazy.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Thanks for the warm welcome guys but um ... whats with the bait references ?

Also i could really use your help please check out my thread about looking for the title for a movie i have forgotten the name of driving me crazy.
lol sorry. ignore my post. sometimes I run down my random association rabbit holes and word-vomit out my replies

the whole bait thing was just me riffing off the letters M and R. there's a user here named Mr Minio and i thought it was funny to draw a connection there to minnows. there is absolutely no value whatsoever there except that it entertained me for the minute or two it took to type.

in all seriousness though, welcome to the forums!!!

as to the movie title, yeah I read that earlier but i have no idea what movie it could be. i thought maybe Lethal Weapon for a second, but I don't remember Sgt. Murtaugh disliking anyone except maybe Riggs and Getz. oh, and maybe that guy dating his daughter.

Or yeah, could be the nemo 3d animated character connection. shark bait?
lol i'm done editing now for the fifth time.

lol sorry. ignore my post. sometimes I run down my random association rabbit holes and word-vomit out my replies

the whole bait thing was just me riffing off the letters M and R. there's a user here named Mr Minio and i thought it was funny to draw a connection there to minnows. there is absolutely no value whatsoever there except that it entertained me for the minute or two it took to type.

in all seriousness though, welcome to the forums!!!

as to the movie title, yeah I read that earlier but i have no idea what movie it could be. i thought maybe Lethal Weapon for a second, but I don't remember Sgt. Murtaugh disliking anyone except maybe Riggs and Getz. oh, and maybe that guy dating his daughter.

Or yeah, could be the nemo 3d animated character connection. shark bait?
lol i'm done editing now for the fifth time.

Finding nemo .... right well that one went way over my head hahhaha


where you guys from? i am from the netherlands.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Finding nemo .... right well that one went way over my head hahhaha

Also where you guys from? i am from the netherlands.
But did you get my submarine reference? I hope!

Oh, I'm from America, the west coast...think Microsoft (ugh!) and Amazon.