Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Prime has been trying to entice me with a "director's cut". Do I dare take the plunge?
I remember enjoying it when I was younger. A certain group around here gleefully demeans it.*


It’s probably a bad movie, but finding ones that you enjoy are a treasure. Shoutout Hudson Hawk!

The Eternals

Awkward casting, awkward directing, awkward plotting, and awkward dialogue. This movie seems to want to model The Watchmen by jumping to past moments for each character to explain motivation for current scenes. The difference, in my opinion, is that there's nothing too serious happening to anyone leaving me to ask, "Why is this a conflict enough to need explaining?"

WARNING: spoilers below
One character is introduced as a potential love interest conflict but is quickly abandoned only to oddly appear again in the final 10 minutes of the flick. Even that felt forced only to spur a possible future story path. Action was pretty great but all ended with super hero group posing as the camera pulls back, which was fine if not just a bit overused. Character motivations change often so there is little consistency enough to stay invested in why anyone is doing anything in any give timeline. "The reason I left was because controlling humans took away the thing that made them human!" Says the guy currently living in a secluded village while controlling the minds of his cult followers.

As to the box office opening drama here in the south, I feel like that was played up a lot. There is one scene in which a male couple kiss. I guess whoever protested the release were OK with the opening text declaring that a comic book character created the universe and a scene later in which a two people had an odd spontaneous sexual encounter in the desert only to technically marry some 150+ years later. All that to set up another awkward shot of hand-holding in order to be able to recall the shot later in the movie. Twice.

I am no fan of Angelina Jolie, but this movie was saved by her casting and her acting stood out well against her co-stars. The action was pretty good for the most part, the creature effects were rather nice, but the visual effects were hit or miss. Perhaps in 3D, the golden gadgets used all throughout the movie would have looked great, but as it is they looked superimposed, too vivid, and lacking in color corrections for each scene in which they appeared.

This movie is silly and does not belong in the MCU for quality alone. I don't mean playful silly. It's just a mess, in my opinion near levels of any Fantastic Four attempt. It doesn't drop to that level, but had I expected that going in then I might not have been so dumbstruck walking out. I literally laughed out loud and shouted, "Come on!" at one point. My apologies to the two others sharing the cinema with me. I was able to hold it in for rest of my viewing.

There are two added scenes at the end. One mid- and another post-credits. In for a penny, in for a pound; so you might as well stick around for that too. All I can say is, "What are the odds?" Oh, that's right. The writers wrote it.

In summary of how obvious and silly this movie was that the writers apparently never considered this one line to play as odd as it did, I offer what I imagine must have been in the script at some point. John Snow: "I love you, Sersi."

Wait. What?

You are a real treasure and should share more often. Try it, you’ll like it!

Not enough people are acknowledging that Highlander has the greatest scene transitions of all time.

I remember enjoying it when I was younger. A certain group around here gleefully demeans it.*


It’s probably a bad movie, but finding ones that you enjoy are a treasure. Shoutout Hudson Hawk!
Is Hudson Hawk even "bad" though? Movies with that kind of budget aren't supposed to be so wacky. Valuable for that reason at the very least, even more so in the context of Bruce Willie's career.

Not enough people are acknowledging that Highlander has the greatest scene transitions of all time.

Not enough people are acknowledging that Highlander has the greatest scene transitions of all time.

I forgot the opening line.

By http://www.traileraddict.com/content...ge/duchess.jpg, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24129101

The Duchess - (2008)

Georgiana (Keira Knightley) is at first delighted to be married to William Cavendish, the 5th Duke of Devonshire (Ralph Fiennes) - and it does seem to be a sweet deal. But once their marriage starts she realizes that her role is to provide him an heir and not much more - and even their sexual encounters towards this end are perfunctory. Double standards start to grate as William takes on an endless series of lovers which eventually includes Georgiana's best friend. When she tries to assert some independence, the double standards of the age come to the fore and she finds herself in a battle of wits that involves many of the day's powerbrokers - the whiff of scandal never far away. This was a very watchable period drama, stemming from real-life characters and an enjoyably taciturn performance from Fiennes that nevertheless had me feeling that there was some good hiding beneath his cruelty and selfishness.


By May be found at the following website: IMP Awards, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2286217

Corpse Bride - (2005)

Another 2000s animated film, this a forerunner to Sweeney Todd from Burton and his muse Johnny Depp. Ideally suited to kids, it's amusing enough and engaging. Victor Van Dort finds himself in a fix when, the night before his wedding, he accidentally marries a corpse and is taken down into the underworld. She's an agreeable enough corpse, so Victor now has his hands full and must necessarily break someone's heart before the dust settles above and below ground. Mixes digital with stop-motion to create something in the same style as Burton's previous The Nightmare Before Christmas. At 70-odd minutes it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Based on an old Russian folk-tale.


Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1126347

Wicker Park - (2004)

What is at first extraordinarily confusing makes sense in the end - this non-linear story wants to hold all of it's cards close to it's chest, and so often during the first half hour you're asking "huh?" - or at least I was. Then later, things start to fall into place which leads to a lot of "ahh"s. Josh Hartnett has three ladies on the go in this one - the first his current fiancé, who he clearly doesn't love or give a damn about (which leaves us to wonder why...) The second his lost love, who he keeps spotting and nearly crossing paths with (Diane Kruger, pre-Inglourious Basterds) and a third - a crazy girl who is frenetically pulling all the strings in her obsessive quest to win him over. In the end, I was rooting for the crazy girl (Rose Byrne) because she just seemed to be the most alive and real person in the whole drama. This comes off as a thriller, despite how much it sounds like a drama or love story - and I have to admit that, despite only Rose Byrne giving a noteworthy performance, it wasn't too bad.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

9 - just rewatched “it’s such a beautiful day” by don hertzfeldt on vimeo. check it out if you happen to like odd cerebral melancholy indie animation

Victim of The Night
Here's a guy who agrees with me about the Princess Ananka scene, although he kind of ruins it by talking over the entire thing so those of you who haven't seen it maybe should watch it with the sound off first. The film isn't great, but I just think this moment is a great physical performance by a non-famous actress that's buried in the 4th sequel to a B franchise, so I like to call attention to it. Often. I think it's legitimately creepy but also kind of beautiful (?) but maybe that's just me.

I believe this was also the moment that I thought, "Well, this is much better than what we've been seeing from Mummies."

Victim of The Night

By May be found at the following website: IMP Awards, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2286217

Corpse Bride - (2005)

Another 2000s animated film, this a forerunner to Sweeney Todd from Burton and his muse Johnny Depp. Ideally suited to kids, it's amusing enough and engaging. Victor Van Dort finds himself in a fix when, the night before his wedding, he accidentally marries a corpse and is taken down into the underworld. She's an agreeable enough corpse, so Victor now has his hands full and must necessarily break someone's heart before the dust settles above and below ground. Mixes digital with stop-motion to create something in the same style as Burton's previous The Nightmare Before Christmas. At 70-odd minutes it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Based on an old Russian folk-tale.

Count me as a fan, I always thought this was underrated and underappreciated. I watch it every few years during the season and I'm never sorry I did.
I think it got short shrift for not being aNBC.

The last thing I watched was the movie Mortal Kombat. I want to note the chic graphics and special effects. It all looks very realistic and natural. There are bloody moments in the film... But what can you do without it in a film like this? Here I give my applause to the director of the fights. It looked very cool. Liked the characters. They are memorable and have different characters. It was interesting to watch them. I have heard the opinion that those who are not familiar with the game may find the dialogues and the moments between the action boring. But no, I was interested to know what the characters were their history, etc. So I watched without taking my eyes off the screen. Maybe I missed the humor a bit. A couple of jokes wouldn't have hurt the film. I don't know how much the characters and plot fit the game. But as a standalone movie it is very cool and of high quality. So I definitely recommend watching it. I love superhero movies and it was interesting to look into a new universe for me.

Sad & grim dystopian movie. Re-watch. Excellent cast & an interesting storyline.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I love that film. I should really read the book which is supposed to be fantastic.
You probably know the Japanese-British writer also wrote The Remains of the Day.

Sooooo glad they didn’t show Kathy donating her organs. That would have been a horrid ending.

It has been 25 years since I last saw this movie but you have hurt 24 year-old Wooley's feelings.
Well, Highlander spent 90 minutes hurting the part of me that considers myself a fan of cinema so . . .

I have tremendous affection for this film and I will be watching it next month and feeling warm Holiday fuzzies (even though I am a devout atheist). I do know and agree about the part you're talking about but I forgive it because the movie overall makes me feel good at a time when that's really all I want from movies.
I sort of forgive it, but it's weird to have the one part of the film that feels genuinely kind of mean-spirited come right at the end in a moment where he supposedly has realized he loves her.

It’s been established on this very site, everyone agrees, chiseled in stone, that Highlander: The Quickening is hands down, without a doubt, the high point of the series. 🤗

It's been too long for me to remember specifics around the editing, but I suspect any awkwardness would have been the result of Mulcahy trying to adapt a music-video-influenced style for the movies. I don't think there was much precedent for that transition at the time, so I'm willing to be a bit more generous here.
There were just some really strange jump-cuts and I found it distracted from what flow the scenes did have.

Those Who Wish Me Dead, 2021

Hannah (Angelina Jolie) is a wildfire firefighter grappling with serious trauma related to a fire she worked in which a colleague and several children were killed. Working a remote fire-tower, Hannah ends up being the last hope for Connor (Finn Little), a teenager whose father (Jake Weber) is on the run from two assassins (Nicholas Hoult and Aidan Gillen).

This was just an incredibly solid, propulsive action thriller and I really dug it.

Working from a script by Michael Koryta, Taylor Sheridan crafts a suspenseful and thrilling story that masterfully works both the large action set pieces and the quieter moments between characters.

The cast in this film is really great, and the dynamics between the characters are incredibly well-realized. Hoult plays the younger of the two assassins, learning from Gillen's more seasoned killer. Without any dialogue per se, we see the way that Hoult's character absorbs the on-the-fly strategies that Gillen's character uses to intimidate and manipulate those they come across. This ranges from brute force to more subtle approaches. And with just a little tilt of the head we see Hoult synthesizing the different lessons in efficient killing.

Hannah and Connor make for a good lead pair. As they bond over trauma and loss, Hannah quips that it's hard for her to feel sorry for herself when Connor is around. And that sums up their relationship in a nutshell: finding someone who really needs her is just the kick in the pants that Jolie needs to stop punishing herself for events and outcomes that were out of her control.

Rounding out the cast are Jon Bernthal and Medina Senghore as the local sheriff and his wife (who also happens to run a survival school up in the woods). The two are incredibly enjoyable and well-matched as pragmatists who can certainly take care of themselves. Senghore's character is pregnant, and so she and Bernthal make for interesting foils for both the tough Hannah and the vulnerable Connor. This is the kind of film where you're never mad when it cuts from one set of characters to another.

I wouldn't say that anything here is groundbreaking, it's more just familiar elements done incredibly well. I had no complaints about any of it.

Those Who Wish Me Dead, 2021
I might feel more inclined to watch this if it wasn't titled like a diss track. One day I'll get over this weird hangup. Until then the haters can suck it.

I might feel more inclined to watch this if it wasn't titled like a diss track. One day I'll get over this weird hangup. Until then the haters can suck it.
You should watch it. And I say that as someone who tends to avoid films/shows for a LOT of silly/superficial reasons.