Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

I really wish there was someone out there who would write an essay about Persona and identity form a Christian perspective because I find this to be a very spiritual movie. I think a lot of artists who grew up to reject their family's organized religion end up having an amazing perspective on the human condition that gets at what true religion is supposed to be about. Bergman is probably the best example of my philosophy on that. He just cuts to the core with his characters in a way few other directors do. It's transcending to watch for me.

Persona has become my favorite from him. It's a gorgeous movie that is so well written. Has two of my favorite female performances ever. I don't pretend to know everything that Bergman is driving at with such a thick script. I do identify with the main theme of identity though, and how difficult it is in our state to truly know who we are separate from our relationships and societal expectations.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

The most spiritual film there is for this guy. I love Malick's poetic way of telling stories. His cinematography is always amazing. The first time I watched this and the creation sequence came I wasn't really sure how to respond but I watched this movie twice in one day, which is something I had never done before or since, and it just drew me in. I didn't consider it a favorite that first day but I have watched it a couple times since and it grows on me each time, as has Malcik.

The most spiritual film there is for this guy. I love Malick's poetic way of telling stories. His cinematography is always amazing. The first time I watched this and the creation sequence came I wasn't really sure how to respond but I watched this movie twice in one day, which is something I had never done before or since, and it just drew me in. I didn't consider it a favorite that first day but I have watched it a couple times since and it grows on me each time, as has Malcik.
The Tree of Life is my #4 as well.

I really wish there was someone out there who would write an essay about Persona and identity form a Christian perspective because I find this to be a very spiritual movie. I think a lot of artists who grew up to reject their family's organized religion end up having an amazing perspective on the human condition that gets at what true religion is supposed to be about. Bergman is probably the best example of my philosophy on that. He just cuts to the core with his characters in a way few other directors do. It's transcending to watch for me.

Persona has become my favorite from him. It's a gorgeous movie that is so well written. Has two of my favorite female performances ever. I don't pretend to know everything that Bergman is driving at with such a thick script. I do identify with the main theme of identity though, and how difficult it is in our state to truly know who we are separate from our relationships and societal expectations.
While I felt that Persona was a bit too "grab bag-y" at times in its fourth wall breaks and psychological symbolism to become a favorite of mine, more than enough of it was still able to coalesce together, and make a sufficiently big impact for me to find it a very memorable experience anyway, so I basically approve of its appearance here.

Pulp Fiction is the only one that Sean's mentioned here that I really like. I remember liking Fargo a lot, but I've only seen it once or twice and that would've been in the mid/late 90's and I can't really remember much about it. I have a feeling I might've tried Rushmore but the same thing happened as with The Royal Tenenbaum's and hated the very little I saw. Persona I don't know if I've seen but I'm starting to think I haven't and Tree Of Life I've no real interest in seeing. I liked Badlands, but I've not wanted to see anything else he's done.

raul has only put Sansho The Bailiff up and that's another I've not seen.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

First time watching

Sometime as a kiddo on VHS. Remember those?

How many watches?
Approximately 84 with a standard deviation of around 12. Seriously, it's a lot.

Best Performance
Pretty much everybody involved, but you got to say Judy Garland.

Best Scene
I always enjoyed Dorothy meeting Scarecrow for the first time. Either that or the I'm melting scene.

Why I love it summarized

Just a joyous film to watch. The Technicolor is the best. The music is great. It's just one of the best ever made and movies wouldn't be movies if it weren't for the influence of this.

I watched The Wizard of Oz a few times as a kid, but I don't remember it that well. I'm curious how well it will hold up when I get to it in the 26th HoF.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I watched The Wizard of Oz a few times as a kid, but I don't remember it that well. I'm curious how well it will hold up when I get to it in the 26th HoF.
I wonder how it will hold up for me?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched The Wizard of Oz a few times as a kid, but I don't remember it that well. I'm curious how well it will hold up when I get to it in the 26th HoF.
Believe it or not...I had never seen The Wizard of Oz until about 5 years ago, then a couple days ago I watched it for the second time.

Saw The Wizard Of Oz as a child. Didn't like it then. Saw it as an adult. Didn't like it then. Haven't seen it since, but probably wouldn't like it if I did. Just not for me.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

First Watch

In the theater. Actually saw it twice in theater.

How many watches


Best Performance

Emma Stone

Best Scene

Probably that ending, I've opened up to the beginning too.

Why I Love it

The perfect musical really. Great songs, performances and cinematography.

Trouble with a capital "T"
La La Land was great, I was very surprised at how much I liked it. I liked the two leads, I liked the style of the film and how the film ended.

Not the biggest fan of La La Land. I enjoyed it when I watched it in the theaters, but when I rewatched it a few years later, it didn't hold up that well.