Gimme your favorite "x genre" specialists.


Sometimes I'm just in the mood for a big binge on a specific type of movie. However, a big part of my current movie binges is specific directors. I admit I don't have the knowledge of some big name directors like Peter Bodganovich or Masaki Kobayashi that I would like (my excuse for the latter is that I have a hard time dealing with movies featuring a lot of race hate, so The Human Condition trilogy is a bit hard), so I'll go on director-specific marathons.

Right now I'm blowing through lots of Wes Craven. I've been getting through three Craven movies a day. But sometime I'll be out of a horror mood and in the mood for something else (love, maybe?) So give me some directors of whose experience largely center around specific genres. Example: Wes Craven and Adam Wingard are largely horror directors, Alfred Hitchcock typically centers around mysteries and thrillers, etc.

Btw, if you post and give me directors, giving me your favorite movies of those directors is fully encouraged, especially if you wanna discuss their strong points.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I admit I don't have the knowledge of some big name directors like Peter Bodganovich...Btw, if you post and give me directors, giving me your favorite movies of those directors is fully encouraged, especially if you wanna discuss their strong points.
I do suggest Peter Bodganovich. Not counting his TV movies, videos, documentaries he has only 16 films and some are highly acclaimed. He's also one of the smartest film historians around. I haven't seen all of his films, though I'd like to. Of the ones I seen I can strongly suggest you watch:
1985 Mask
1973 Paper Moon
1972 What's Up, Doc?
1971 The Last Picture Show

1968 Targets, though I've never seen it.

Maybe check out Guillermo del Toro.

Pan's Labyrinth
Crimson Peak
The Devil's Backbone
Pacific Rim
The Orphanage (producer)
Mama (producer)

If you're into martial arts or kung fu, my two favourite directors are Lau Kar-Leung and Yuen Woo-Ping. Here are some recommended movies to start out with.

Lau Kar-Leung: The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, The Legend of the Drunken Master, Mad Monkey Kung Fu, Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, My Young Auntie

Yuen Woo-Ping: Drunken master, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, Twin Warriors, Wing Chun