The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame IV


movies can be okay...
I'd like to join, and no time limit for me either.

It's been a while since I last posted something on the forum, so for anyone wondering about what my taste is like, I've updated my top 10. Feel free to assign me a favourite of yours, a random pick, or anything for that matter, I'm down to watch anything.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

I'd like to join, and no time limit for me either.

It's been a while since I last posted something on the forum, so for anyone wondering about what my taste is like, I've updated my top 10. Feel free to assign me a favourite of yours, a random pick, or anything for that matter, I'm down to watch anything.
Hey man good to see you! Even though I know and trust you, I did put something in the rules for members who have never completed a HoF before. Have you?

movies can be okay...
Hey man good to see you! Even though I know and trust you, I did put something in the rules for members who have never completed a HoF before. Have you?
Yeah, I competed in at least 4 different ones in the past and completed all of 'em. I'm pretty sure you were even in a few of them haha.

Yeah, I competed in at least 4 different ones in the past and completed all of 'em. I'm pretty sure you were even in a few of them haha.
Excellent! Btw, I watched a movie you recommended to me recently and loved it. I don't want to name it here because I might nominate it for the next general HoF.

movies can be okay...
Excellent! Btw, I watched a movie you recommended to me recently and loved it. I don't want to name it here because I might nominate it for the next general HoF.
Nice! Very glad to hear that That one's a great one, I'd love to see it recommended and discussed more.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Takoma11 I remember once you posted a link to a site that listed animal cruelty in films. Can you post that link again? I can't remember what the site was called.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd like to join, and no time limit for me either.

It's been a while since I last posted something on the forum, so for anyone wondering about what my taste is like, I've updated my top 10. Feel free to assign me a favourite of yours, a random pick, or anything for that matter, I'm down to watch anything.
Hey welcome back! You and Siddon were the two people from my Virgin HoF that continued participating in HoFs...glad to see you back. I posted my movie dislikes on the 1st page of this thread and my list are up to date. This should be a fun Personal Rec

For those who aren’t aware, Kinski has been alleged to have sexually assaulted his oldest daughter.
For those who aren't aware, still waiting for you to join