Recommend me disgusting, repulsive, wrong movies


Recommend me sickening, revolting films.

Morally wrong, unethical, misanthropic, misogynist, misandric, homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, hateful, inhumane, malicious, toxic, negative, harmful, unlawful.

Films that present bad values and may make you a worse human being.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Fat Girl (2001) could be considered disgusting and wrong to some people. It was banned in some places. It's a really well made film that I would recommend.

The Untold Story
Ebola Syndrome
Entrails of a Beautiful Woman
The Taming of Rebecca
The Story of Prunella

Fat Girl (2001) could be considered disgusting and wrong to some people. It was banned in some places. It's a really well made film that I would recommend.
Why on Earth is that one disgusting?

“God Bless America”
“Worlds Greatest Dad”
“Very Bad Things”
Second Happiness though I love it.

I don’t know about ‘morally reprehensible’, but I did think A Serbian Film qualified.

Faces of Death (1978)

Why on Earth is that one disgusting?
WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
A 12 year old girl is topless in two scenes and she gets raped and her mom and sister are murdered. After being raped, she doesn't seem upset and says it was not rape.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
A 12 year old girl is topless in two scenes and she gets raped and her mom and sister are murdered. After being raped, she doesn't seem upset and says it was not rape.
Yes. I’ve seen it. It’s truly bizarre how one seems to remember very specific things and not others. Will rewatch.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
A 12 year old girl is topless in two scenes and she gets raped and her mom and sister are murdered. After being raped, she doesn't seem upset and says it was not rape.
That was a heck of an ending. I think Anatomy of Hell is the same director. That's pretty nasty.

That was a heck of an ending. I think Anatomy of Hell is the same director. That's pretty nasty.
It is quite the shocking ending, but honestly I loved Fat Girl, including the ending.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
A 12 year old girl is topless in two scenes and she gets raped and her mom and sister are murdered. After being raped, she doesn't seem upset and says it was not rape.
I never understood the ending to Fat Girl.

WARNING: "SPOILER" spoilers below
Did she say it wasn't raped and didn't seem to mind the sex because she wanted to get laid so bad, and that was the point of the ending?

I'm not sure about Fat Girl's ending either.
My guess is
WARNING: spoilers below
Anais told the cops that they wouldn't believe her because society may only consider rape to be a crime when it happens to someone beautiful like her sister Elena.