Do Men and Women Have Different Taste in Movie?


My Darth Star is in for a service
My Top Ten movies are littered with strong women.
Trinity in Matrix.
LeeLoo in Fifth Element.
Sarah Connor in The Terminator.
Yu Shu Lien and Jen in Crouching Tiger.

Not bad for a woman hater is it!

Take it down a notch on the personal stuff. And no, merely implying something is not a protection against the rules here.

Disagree with statements as strenuously as you want, but if you feel the need to formulate that disagreement as a blanket judgment about a person, don't post.

I can tell you one thing...a lot of women love Dirty Dancing, and a lot of men hate it. I would say anecdotally that women are more inclined toward musicals than men are. There are several women in my family who put The Sound of Music in their top 5 films of all time. I don't know a single guy who likes it.
I know lots of men who love the Sound of Music, my grandfather for one.

One thing that personally turns me off a movie is a female character who is meant to just be eye candy, not sure if that’s true for all women though.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'm a guy and I liked The Sound of Music, and my best guy friend, it's one of his top favorite movies. I never thought of it as a movie for women, but just a movie for anyone.

I'm not a fan of The Sound of Music... the songs grate on my nerves and I find the narrative a bore, and although the cinematography is beautiful, (admittedly), I just don't find it to be my cup of tea... However, all that said, I do love musicals, (as other men on this forum have pointed out), and just as many women don't like them, (as other women on this forum pointed out). Seems kind of a no brainer right? Movies don't really have "gender preference" they're liked by different people with different strokes? I love Rom-Coms. So did my Dad. I even like chick flicks, (so did my Dad). But my Step-Dad can't stand them, he's into action and westerns, (mostly for scenery because he enjoys the outdoors). But my Mom deplores chick flicks, she'll go for musicals or silents or classics... on and on... etc. etc. Point is, different people are different. Holden Pike loves Westerns, I do enjoy them but probably not to his level. I enjoy experimental, avant-garde, and underground stuff. But I know even a lot of people on here wouldn't like, much less know about, that kind of stuff. Different stokes people. Different folks. It ain't gender.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Speaking of musicals, I recorded "Umberallas of Cherbourg", which I tried watching a couple of years ago after a recommendation from someone with great taste, but musicals just turn me off, but I can always delete it if I'm not "feeling it"

Speaking of musicals, I recorded "Umberallas of Cherbourg", which I tried watching a couple of years ago after a recommendation from someone with great taste, but musicals just turn me off, but I can always delete it if I'm not "feeling it"
I like it a lot, but I prefer Demy's The Young Girls of Rochefort by a decent margin. It's one of my favorites of the 60's.

I think the question ¨Do men and women have different taste in movies?" could be interpreted in two ways. If the question is ¨If, at this very moment, someone polled all the people in the world (or a country, or whatever), would there be noticeable differences in movie preference between the genders?" then the answer is certainly yes. But if the question is "Do men and women inherently have different tastes because of their sex?" I would argue no.

Speaking of musicals, I recorded "Umberallas of Cherbourg", which I tried watching a couple of years ago after a recommendation from someone with great taste, but musicals just turn me off, but I can always delete it if I'm not "feeling it"
Someone recommended it to me as a film to brag about watching for snob points

Speaking of musicals, I recorded "Umberallas of Cherbourg", which I tried watching a couple of years ago after a recommendation from someone with great taste, but musicals just turn me off, but I can always delete it if I'm not "feeling it"
First time I saw it I thought it was quite enchanting. On a re-visit though it bored me stiff. And I’m a huge Deneuve fan.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Never seen a soap in my life & never discussed one with a girlfriend. The only person in my circle who watches soaps is my Spanish gay friend Juan.
Well ya know, there are a lot of woman, more than half the entire population and with the facts backing it up holds more sway than you and your friend Juan.

I don’t like football or beer either but there you go, it’s okay to generalise if it’s true and do no harm.
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

I think the question ¨Do men and women have different taste in movies?" could be interpreted in two ways. If the question is ¨If, at this very moment, someone polled all the people in the world (or a country, or whatever), would there be noticeable differences in movie preference between the genders?" then the answer is certainly yes. But if the question is "Do men and women inherently have different tastes because of their sex?" I would argue no.
I'd argue yes to the latter, as well. I appreciate that this probably comes from a good place, but I think it indirectly devalues diversity. Diversity has no value unless different groupes people are different in non-superficial ways like manner, perspective, and worldview. And if they're meaningfully different in those ways, they're obviously not going to have the same tastes.

It cannot be simultaneously true that men and women have different life experiences (which is the one part of this even the extremely progressive and the extremely old-fashioned seem to agree on), but in such a way that those experiences somehow do not shape their tastes in film (or anything else).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I've noticed that my women friends like action movies and watch them, with the acception of one, who doesn't like them. But none of my guy friends like chick flicks with the acception of The Sound of Music, if that counts. I am wondering, is this normal for women to be more open to movies geared towards a male audience, compared to men liking movies for a female one?

I've noticed that my women friends like action movies and watch them, with the acception of one, who doesn't like them. But none of my guy friends like chick flicks with the acception of The Sound of Music, if that counts. I am wondering, is this normal for women to be more open to movies geared towards a male audience, compared to men liking movies for a female one?
It's definitely more common, to sidestep the connotations of a word like "normal." I suppose people will disagree about whether this asymmetry is nature, nurture or (like most things) some mix of the two.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've noticed that my women friends like action movies and watch them, with the acception of one, who doesn't like them. But none of my guy friends like chick flicks with the acception of The Sound of Music, if that counts. I am wondering, is this normal for women to be more open to movies geared towards a male audience, compared to men liking movies for a female one?
I don't think many people like so called 'chick flicks', most of them are pretty stupid (not all of course). While many action films are well made and enjoyed by both people men and women.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, but I thought that the ratio between bad and good chick flicks and bad and good action movies were the same since ther eare a lot of stupid action movies out there as well.