Why people hate popular films or directors?


I have seen plenty of Spielberg, Nolan, Arofonsky haters and people who don’t like their films.

Why do people need to attack or state their subjective opinion on a thing that is well liked by both critics and movies?

Same applies to the MCU, I am not sure how this applies.

Welcome to the human race...
Because no film, no matter how good, is capable of pleasing every single person who watches it. If it seems like popular films/creators are hated more, it's because the more people that know about them results in a broader range of opinions (including negative ones).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Because no film, no matter how good, is capable of pleasing every single person who watches it. If it seems like popular films/creators are hated more, it's because the more people that know about them results in a broader range of opinions (including negative ones).
It seems mostly made of preconceived notions and also things not looking cool.

Dunno why but it seems liking Inception or Fight Club a lot in some "film circles" makes you a wannabe film bro..

Still, that doesn’t explain how someone doesn’t understand that his hating does not remove people who like those stuff, plus all the archiviements of the said film.

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When serious movie fans seeing those who get credit, money, movie financing who don't deserve it, they do that, but they might also try to elevate the great directors/films at the same time.

It may be that you are reading hate into criticism of such film makers as Spielberg, Nolan and Aronofsky because more is expected of such filmmakers.

As to liking Fight Club, well that's just a given. (I kid! I kid!)*

* not really

Welcome to the human race...
It seems mostly made of preconceived notions and also things not looking cool.

Dunno why but it seems liking Inception or Fight Club a lot in some "film circles" makes you a wannabe film bro..

Still, that doesn’t explain how someone doesn’t understand that his hating does not remove people who like those stuff, plus all the archiviements of the said film.
I think the "filmbro" thing is rooted in how these particular films exist as popular entry-level cinema that gets instantly recommended by taste-making lists like the IMDb Top 250 and are decided on by predominantly male voting bodies who respond to the films' masculine subject matter (possibly in a way that misunderstands the movie's true themes, which is arguably the case with Fight Club and how the film actually critiques toxic masculinity underneath satirical overindulgence).

Besides, you never know who could reconsider their opinion on a film after hearing yours. That's kind of why we all keep posting on here and elsewhere - an innate desire to communicate with one another (or maybe just at one another).

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I can't stand Spielberg, and I've seen over a handful of his movies, maybe close to a dozen... I don't know the others much, but the one or two movies I've seen by them didn't make me want to see more of theirs.

I have seen plenty of Spielberg, Nolan, Arofonsky haters and people who don’t like their films.

Why do people need to attack or state their subjective opinion on a thing that is well liked by both critics and movies?

Same applies to the MCU, I am not sure how this applies.
Excellent thread. I think it’s to do with a certain resentment about being seen as ‘common’.

Excellent thread. I think it’s to do with a certain resentment about being seen as ‘common’.

I think the dislike of a lot of popular film may also have to do with not being the intended audience.

I am not a young man and as such a lot popular blockbusters are not directed at me. I have to look elsewhere to find the kind of adult fare I want to see.

I am not a young man and as such a lot popular blockbusters are not directed at me. I have to look elsewhere to find the kind of adult fare I want to see.

Preach, Brother

The trick is not minding
Some people have higher standards, or different tastes. And some have this silly idea that one can’t enjoy a simple blockbuster because it’s “popular”. This also goes for MCU films. It’s like, just because it is deemed a lesser film, it can’t be taken seriously based on its own merits.

And then there are certain, let’s say snobs?, who refuse to even entertain the idea that those types of films can’t be taken seriously because it isn’t what they consider art.

Tramuzgan's Avatar
Di je Karlo?
Sometimes it's for hipster prestige points, but sometimes there's legit reasons. For example, I don't like Chris Nolan, but I do respect him because he has his own thing and does it with passion. It doesn't have to be for everyone. On the other hand, I don't like or respect Spielberg because his films feel extremely lazy and pandering. Jaws might be an exception, I haven't seen it, but those I have just reek of cheap feels.
I'm the Yugoslav cinema guy. I dig through garbage. I look for gems.

One reason I don't like the big budget movies is because they try to please everybody. This results in resorting to a formula. Some of these movies are good, but a lot of them are not. When I browse netflix of Amazon Prime I am amazed at how many movies are terrible from my perspective, when there are a lot of independents that could do better. I wonder how many good films get turned down so they make these mediocre films that don't risk anything. You can't please everybody with one movie, so make better movies targeted for their audience. Every movie does not need to make millions and millions of dollars.

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Di je Karlo?
There's also a myth where I live that all croatian movies are bad and that all serbian movies are good, which I've seen for myself isn't the case, so whenever I try to bring up a great Croatian movie like An Event, people look at me funny. It's real tiresome. It's possible similar cases, which cause backlash against the more popular stuff, exist in other countries.

By that I also mean the popular ''serious movies''. If I had every conversation throttled by Moonlight, for example, I'd be pretty pissed.

I can't speak for everyone, and there are, of course, subtleties and complexities that one should not gloss over in offering any explanation. Nevertheless, it can be said, I think, without too great of loss of validity that, in my case at least, it's usually because I think they suck.

I think the "filmbro" thing is rooted in how these particular films exist as popular entry-level cinema that gets instantly recommended by taste-making lists like the IMDb Top 250 and are decided on by predominantly male voting bodies who respond to the films' masculine subject matter (possibly in a way that misunderstands the movie's true themes, which is arguably the case with Fight Club and how the film actually critiques toxic masculinity underneath satirical overindulgence).

Besides, you never know who could reconsider their opinion on a film after hearing yours. That's kind of why we all keep posting on here and elsewhere - an innate desire to communicate with one another (or maybe just at one another).
I mean, everyone has their kind of knowledge and personal favorites. I don’t see the problem with people loving stuff like Fight Club, Inception, The Matrix and The Usual Suspects for example.

Even if they’re the first "great" films people watch when they start watching films as an hobby

Some people have higher standards, or different tastes. And some have this silly idea that one can’t enjoy a simple blockbuster because it’s “popular”. This also goes for MCU films. It’s like, just because it is deemed a lesser film, it can’t be taken seriously based on its own merits.

And then there are certain, let’s say snobs?, who refuse to even entertain the idea that those types of films can’t be taken seriously because it isn’t what they consider art.
This is the right answer. I am not sure what’s hard in liking a Batman film or a film about a giant shark, or Jurassic park.

Yet, some people call them for children.

basically what iro has covered up there.
this also goes by saying the rampage of internet culture nowadays, the blatant ineptitude of understanding of such nuance thing like the nature of perception-- and also sometimes, if not more often, factor by the contrarian personality.
in the nutshell, the impression of people online tends to be looking for the headshot as to feel better about themselves.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have seen plenty of Spielberg, Nolan, Arofonsky haters and people who don’t like their films.

Why do people need to attack or state their subjective opinion on a thing that is well liked by both critics and movies?

Same applies to the MCU, I am not sure how this applies.
Arofonsky's films seem to get a lot of respect here as far I can tell...I like Spielberg's films (mostly). He's made a lot of great films and some duds too. I don't care if other people hate his films.

Still, that doesn’t explain how someone doesn’t understand that his hating does not remove people who like those stuff, plus all the archiviements of the said film.
Who's trying to remove people's opinions? You have the right to like and post about it! We all do. That's fair. You should never feel bad or apologize for liking what you like. If you're a Nolan fan, more power to you. I guarantee there's lots of MoFo's who like the same type of films as you do.

I mean, everyone has their kind of knowledge and personal favorites. I don’t see the problem with people loving stuff like Fight Club, Inception, The Matrix and The Usual Suspects for example.

Even if they’re the first "great" films people watch when they start watching films as an hobby

This is the right answer. I am not sure what’s hard in liking a Batman film or a film about a giant shark, or Jurassic park.

Yet, some people call them for children.
MarkF one of the most respected MoFos, who's seen more films than the rest of us combined, LOVES Jaws and other Spielberg films too...so you're in good company

Ezrangel don't worry about what others like. I love old Hollywood musicals, most people hate those, I say that's their loss

I have seen plenty of Spielberg, Nolan, Arofonsky haters and people who don’t like their films.

Why do people need to attack or state their subjective opinion on a thing that is well liked by both critics and movies?

Same applies to the MCU, I am not sure how this applies.

In fact I think these directors and movies get TOO MUCH praise.

Oh god, I’m one of these snobby people you’re talking about aren’t I ?

On a side note, Wrestler is the only Arronofsky movie I care for. I find the idea of putting him up with Spielberg or Nolan silly, in either fame or greatness. 80% of people will know who Spielberg and Nolan are. I doubt even 10% of people know Aronofsky.

The trick is not minding
I should clarify the “snobby” comment from me earlier. While I do think there are some who are definitely like this, it doesn’t necessarily mean their views and opinions are irrelevant or invalid as a result.

It isn’t meant to call anyone out, and I hope no one felt targeted.