Last Movie From 30-70s You Saw For The First Time, and Loved?


Registered User
As for my favorite first-time watch of each decade:

30's: Duck Soup
40's: Red River
50's: All About Eve
60's: Kes
70's: Kings of the Road
"Was that you or the duck?" That line made me howl!

Registered User
Those were my youthful decades, but the very first movie that really moved me and is still unforgettable, is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

The final scenes when Chief euthanized McMurphy, then freed himself from the bondage of the facility by lifting the marble water fountain and tossing it through the barred window ( I believe was a metaphor for the freedom of his own psychological bondage as well), along with that amazing aboriginal styled soundtrack which accompanied it all...pure celluloid art. Had to hold back the tears during that scene.

Registered User
My best first time viewings this year from the decades in question:

West Side Story
Jason and the Argonauts
White Sun of the Desert
Her Name Was Lisa
I LOVED Jason and the Argonauts as a kid. The giant on the beach freaked me out, but they drained steaming blood from his heel, correct? The harpies were cool too. Medusa! Planting seeds which turned to skeleton warriors with swords! How cool is that for any kid.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I LOVED Jason and the Argonauts as a kid. The giant on the beach freaked me out, but they drained steaming blood from his heel, correct? The harpies were cool too. Medusa! Planting seeds which turned to skeleton warriors with swords! How cool is that for any kid.
I loved that movie too when I was youngster, but I don't remember the blood coming from his heel. It might have happened? I remember all the other things you mentioned about the film but not that.

The trick is not minding
I LOVED Jason and the Argonauts as a kid. The giant on the beach freaked me out, but they drained steaming blood from his heel, correct? The harpies were cool too. Medusa! Planting seeds which turned to skeleton warriors with swords! How cool is that for any kid.
It was sand iirc

Registered User
Steaming blood I say! Talos the giant.

Registered User
I stand corrected haha
No worries. I was just corrected on Pretty in Pink -vs- Sixteen Candles.