Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Crazy Murder (2014)


In NYC, a mentally ill homeless man roams around puking, pooping, playing with it, sexually mutilating himself, and brutally murdering random people he encounters. Occasionally he'll take a break to eat a used bandaid or condom he finds on the sidewalk. It's a sick movie that probably should've been closer to 60 minutes long than 97. A lot of revolting stuff in here.

My Darth Star is in for a service
Avengers Infinity War

I was expecting a lot from this movie what with all the superheroes making an appearance in it.
It was OK but not up to my expectations.
The FX were as good as always.
I think I was disappointed in the script, everything seemed fragmented.
Too much going on so little time spent in any one part of the fight and the actors didn't seem to be at their best in this compared to the other movies in the franchise.
Maybe fatigued from doing so many of these movies in a relatively short period of time?


Shadow in the Cloud (2020)

I like Chloë Grace Moretz, and it's such a shame that she's stuck in garbage like this. She's not the greatest actress alive, but she's OK, and she's clearly trying her best. The script, directing, and music are all dumpster tier and a textbook example of inept filmmaking. IMDb score (4.2 at the time of writing) feels fair, but most of the negative reviews are as stupid as the film (not sure if I can blame these people for not watching this, though).

After the Thin Man - First of the five sequels to 1934's The Thin Man and it mostly follows the same beats as that one. A good sized cast of characters which equals out to a goodly amount of suspects. The usual playful and winning banter between stars William Powell and the gorgeous Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles. The first had fun juxtaposing ex-cop Nick's lowlife acquaintances with Nora's supposedly genteel family and friends. This has more of that as Mr. and Mrs. Charles head back to San Francisco after visiting NYC. Nora's imperious aunt Katherine asks for Nick's help in tracking down Nora's cousin's missing husband. And like the first film this leads to all kinds of skullduggery and eventually several murders.

I liked this just as much if not more than it's predecessor. The couples easy interplay has been established and the supporting characters are solid so all that's left is to sit back and wait to see how Nick cracks the case. 90/100

Victim of The Night

Really surprised to see this B sci-fi monster drive-in movie in The Criterion Collection. The movie wasn't really good of course, and it wasn't fun like a Roger Corman or AIP flick would've been. But the brain creatures were kind of fun in a kitsch way. They 'died' real good! I read that this caused a commotion in British Parliament at the time.

Objective rating

Fun rating
I love this movie.

Victim of The Night
After the Thin Man - Second of the five sequels to 1934's The Thin Man and it mostly follows the same beats as that one. A good sized cast of characters which equals out to a goodly amount of suspects. The usual playful and winning banter between stars William Powell and the gorgeous Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles. The first had fun juxtaposing ex-cop Nick's lowlife acquaintances with Nora's supposedly genteel family and friends. This has more of that as Mr. and Mrs. Charles head back to San Francisco after visiting NYC. Nora's imperious aunt Katherine asks for Nick's help in tracking down Nora's cousin's missing husband. And like the first film this leads to all kinds of skullduggery and eventually several murders.

I liked this just as much if not more than it's predecessor. The couples easy interplay has been established and the supporting characters are solid so all that's left is to sit back and wait to see how Nick cracks the case. 90/100
I agree this was probably as good as and could be better than its predecessor but because the original was my introduction it'll always be my favorite.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love this movie.
I hadn't ever heard of Fiend Without a Face before. I 'ran into it' while looking for another movie. I love those kind of movies so I said to myself, 'why not watch it!' I'm glad I did.

My first watch for the 2021 challenge. Yul Brynner as Pancho Villa. Charles Bronson shoots someone approximately every 90 seconds.

Captain's Log
My Collection

is thouroughly embarrassed of this old username.
The Devil All the Time (Campos, 2020)
Rough start to the year. In line with Three Billboards and Hell or High Water in that it feels like a direct to DVD flick from the mid-late 2000's but with some added modern stink. Just looks bland, feels bland and is at least 40 minutes too long. There's a million characters and every time two characters interact for the first time I was filled with dread because of the implied addition to the runtime and every new plotline is identical to the last. This is why I try to avoid "script-first" films.


Victim of The Night
I hadn't ever heard of Fiend Without a Face before. I 'ran into it' while looking for another movie. I love those kind of movies so I said to myself, 'why not watch it!' I'm glad I did.
I first saw it when I was a child in the late 1970s on Creature Feature on a Sunday. It really stuck with me so I eventually found it and I was actually surprised as an adult that it was much better than I would have thought. I mean, I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it's really not that bad and, as you pointed out, the creatures are pretty awesome.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I first saw it when I was a child in the late 1970s on Creature Feature on a Sunday. It really stuck with me so I eventually found it and I was actually surprised as an adult that it was much better than I would have thought. I mean, I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it's really not that bad and, as you pointed out, the creatures are pretty awesome.
Good old, creature feature movies showings. I remember being a kid and staying up way too late on Saturday night to watch my local TV station's creature monster movies. Good fun!

I'm going to have to get back into a 50s sci fi creature kick, I love those! Especially the Roger Corman stuff.

Breakin 2 10/10 loved the first one saw it in 2019 so i saw the 2nd it has amazing music and casting and sad one of the cast member died other day D=

Spencer Tracy shows up in a small western town and begins poking the unfriendly and uncooperative locals about a missing Japanese man. Pretty good movie with solid performances from everybody.