The Fantasy Hall of Fame


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'll make it mandatory that everyone has to say at least one nice thing about it as well.

Would "I liked it more than Tideland" count?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm planning to watch it, but I'm not sure if I'll review it or not.
For me it's going to depend on whether or not I have enough to say to warrant making a whole post about it, and how easy it is to write. If it's going to be a struggle to get my thoughts out, then I might not bother.

Well I say that, but The Two Towers is my favourite of the trilogy so I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about haha.

Would "I liked it more than Tideland" count?
It's still technically positive, so I'll take it.

Why don't we give @pahaK a second nom with The Two Towers cause Tideland ain't rising above last(which is a shame because for a film that is a train wreck it has it's charms)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Back on topic:

A lot of people are planning to watch the entire LotR trilogy despite The Two Towers not being nominated, so I was wondering if anyone was intending to review the second film here as well. I'll link them in the second post if anyone does. Obviously it's not necessary to do any extra work, so don't feel compelled to write something about The Two Towers out of obligation.
I'm not planning on watching it. In fact I'm saving The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) until last, as I'm going to wait for HollowMan to complete the HoF. Hope he does, but not holding my breath either.

The trick is not minding
[/i]I'm not planning on watching it. In fact I'm saving The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) until last, as I'm going to wait for HollowMan to complete the HoF. Hope he does, but not holding my breath either.
I was thinking the same thing haha.
I was saving it for last regardless, but there is a chance he may not even finish this.

I’ve been needing to watch the last two LOTRs for years, so I wouldn’t mind watching them even if HollowMan dropped out.

Now if he had nominated Tideland, that would be a different story...

I will post my Two Towers review here once I watch it, which will be quite soon!!

Why don't we give @pahaK a second nom with The Two Towers cause Tideland ain't rising above last(which is a shame because for a film that is a train wreck it has it's charms)
Don't worry. I'm used to my nominations being at or near the bottom. I must admit, though, that I'm somewhat surprised by the severity of reactions for Tideland. Maybe I'm just too detached from normal people, but I don't see it especially offending film and it wasn't in any way a trollish choice like Child Bride may have been.

And regarding The Two Towers, I'm definitely watching it and I'll probably write a review too (maybe I don't spend as much time polishing it as with the real nominations but still). I already watched The Fellowship of the Ring and will try to finish my review soonish.

Don't worry. I'm used to my nominations being at or near the bottom. I must admit, though, that I'm somewhat surprised by the severity of reactions for Tideland. Maybe I'm just too detached from normal people, but I don't see it especially offending film and it wasn't in any way a trollish choice like Child Bride may have been.

And regarding The Two Towers, I'm definitely watching it and I'll probably write a review too (maybe I don't spend as much time polishing it as with the real nominations but still). I already watched The Fellowship of the Ring and will try to finish my review soonish.
My nominations get that feel in some past things. I am the same way, a bit detached when it comes to what I like. Most ppl give off dislike of my movies and myself, I learned not to care. There are a handful here who have gotten to know me privately and accept me for who I am.

On a side note I watched this on The Ovation channel which ran ads throughout the entire film including popup messages from Martin Luther King and other historical African American figures. I can't think of anything that ruins a film experience more than a popup political messaging.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Been a while since I watched this film, it's basically a parrell story of a pair of little boys, one that had been abandoned physically (ET) and the other one who was abandoned emotionally by his parents divorce. I like that this is very much a story of a middle child, one of the things I like about Speilberg is he allows for you to feel for a specific type of child.

The story plays in really two acts...ET with the family and ET home sick. I don't think I really understand why ET got sick stuck on Earth and by not giving us those answers I think it enhances the film a bit. But the question is, is this film on theme because it does feel grounded in science fiction. We don't get the evil government as a matter of fact the government is treated humanely which is interesting to say the least. Henry Thomas nails Elliott pity he didn't make the Best Actor cut because this is as much his film as it's ET. Dee Wallace is also very good her reactions are very different than what you would expect from a typical mom in these films. ET ended up winning four Oscars and it's definitely better than Gandhi in pretty much every way. This might also be the best score John Williams ever did.

Great nom happy I watched it...just wish it wasn't on Cable

Trouble with a capital "T"
Don't worry. I'm used to my nominations being at or near the bottom. I must admit, though, that I'm somewhat surprised by the severity of reactions for Tideland. Maybe I'm just too detached from normal people, but I don't see it especially offending film and it wasn't in any way a trollish choice like Child Bride may have been...
If you really like Tideland or believe it's a good film, then that's all that matters. I might end up hating your nom, but I support your freedom of decision. Hmm, sounds like I'm running for some political office

If you really like Tideland or believe it's a good film, then that's all that matters. I might end up hating your nom, but I support your freedom of decision. Hmm, sounds like I'm running for some political office
You should... You do for me!

The trick is not minding
also, and this bears a reminder, a negative review of your film is not meant as a slight against you.
It’s never to be taken personally.
I mean, most people didn’t care for my current nomination in the 22nd, Waco, which is a documentary. These people are clearly wrong, But I know it’s not personal. 😜

Trouble with a capital "T"
also, and this bears a reminder, a negative review of your film is not meant as a slight against you.
It’s never to be taken personally.
I mean, most people didn’t care for my current nomination in the 22nd, Waco, which is a documentary. These people are clearly wrong, But I know it’s not personal. 😜
So true, and it's coming in last

But you know what? I'm glad to have seen it.

Agreed, I hold nothing against anyone for the films they nominate! I’m glad to have branched out with Tideland, even if it wasn’t for me.

The trick is not minding
Agreed, I hold nothing against anyone for the films they nominate! I’m glad to have branched out with Tideland, even if it wasn’t for me.
And here’s another thing about the noms, even if I don’t enjoy them, I’m still happy to have seen a film I hadn’t before.

Except Ahwell’s films.....

Agreed, I hold nothing against anyone for the films they nominate! I’m glad to have branched out with Tideland, even if it wasn’t for me.
Ahwell, I think I know your type of films.. I wont suggest anything odd or extreme with you in mind.. and @Citizen Rules and @gbgoodies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I watched the first half of the LOTR (2001). Hopefully I can finish it tonight. Now every time I saw I'm going to watch something, I never do!

I watched the first half of the LOTR (2001). Hopefully I can finish it tonight. Now every time I saw I'm going to watch something, I never do!
Im watching Kiki and hope I can finish it before bed.