The Fantasy Hall of Fame


I tried watching the Tideland, but I turned it off after about 10 minutes because the girl's parents were disgusting. Does it get any better as the movie goes on? gets worse like most Pahak nom's the question I often ask myself is this a watchable film.

Tideland (2006)

So this film is the story of a little girl who is the daughter of a pair of junkies. She's been groomed to facilitate both of their needs, well after the mother OD's the father moves her to an isolated farm house where his mother used to live and surprise surprise he then OD's. Now we're told the rest of the story through the imagination of this little girls who's basically dissociated from reality.

Terry Gilliam attempts to make an Alice in Wonderland style horror film, but grounding it in the modern US west. So I suppose he tried to give it a Faulkner undertone. The films climax is a message to the audience a bad joke that is a poor reward for the 2 investment in the film.

If I'm judging this as an acid horror film that attempts to unsettle it achieved it's mission. Like most of Pahak's choices we've got that underaged sexuality which is always a big reason to put these films on the bottom. The great news is the underaged sexuality issues (which is the point Alice in Wonderland) is also undercut by sexual abuse of a mentally retarded young man in Dickens.

Most critics hated the film at the time but Rian Johnson and David Cronenberg both loved it which explains quite abit about what I just watched. I didn't hate the madness or the grossness or the big final joke which could be used for meta commentary of the film.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, I can quote lines from "The Dark Crystal", "Labyrinth", "Pretty in Pink" and "The Mummy" (1999). These are probably the 4 movies I watch the most. They aren't necessarily my favorite movies, but they are classics to me that I enjoy.

Henson and Froud worked on Labyrinth. Froud did the conceptual art for Henson. Even Brian's son, Toby, was in the movie. Toby, himself, is an artist and director. There is a short on Prime called "Lessons Learned". Henson's daughter and Toby worked on it together. Toby directed a music video of a german band called Qntal, the song is Von Den Elben. You can see a lot of his parents' influence on the music video.

Brian Froud's wife, Wendy, worked for Henson as well.

I haven't seen Labyrinth yet. I think it's another one of those movies that I have the DVD sitting on a shelf, but I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet. (Maybe it will get nominated in a HoF someday, and I'll finally get around to watching it. )
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Excalibur (1981)

Excalibur was on one of the movie channels today, (I think it was on Starz), so I set my DVR to record it. It will probably be the next movie that I'll watch for this HoF, (mainly because Hubby gets crazy if I leave movies on the DVR for more than a few days. )

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

DragonHeart (1996)

So how do I judge this film, do we mention the continuity issues of a cast with 90% 1 accent but the lead and Dragon have a different one. Or how Dennis Quad manages to raise a middleaged David Thewliss. The Should I be hard on the CGI...of a film made in 1996. Or should I be hard on a film that attempts to rip off Braveheart.

But at the end of the day it's a kids movie...made to sell toys and it has a lot of humor that is I believe unintentional. Then again it's got some great violence in maybe it's not a kids movie.

Some of the stuff in this film I actually really liked, the score is really good and Connery is a charismatic lead as the Dragon. You've also got some solid propaganda as the film is focused on racial messaging through metaphor. This is the sort of stuff that I dig, but the bad just outweighed the good and I think I would give this film sub two stars.

I watched DragonHeart today, and I wasn't bothered by any of the stuff that seemed to bother you about it. I didn't even notice the difference in the accents, and CGI never bothers me, unless it's so bad that it looks like a bad cartoon. (TBH, I never understand why CGI bothers people so much, especially in some of the newer movies.) And I've never seen Braveheart, so I didn't even know that there was any kind of connection between the two stories.

I didn't think of it as a kids movie, but maybe that's why the violence didn't bother me too much.

I agree with you about the music score. I rarely even notice the music in movies (that aren't musicals), but for some reason, I kept noticing it in this movie, and I thought it just made the movie even better.

I loved the relationship between Bowen and Draco the dragon. I thought that Dennis Quaid and Sean Connery were both perfectly cast. David Thewlis, Pete Postlethwaite, and Dina Meyer were good, but none of them really stood out to me.

Overall, I thought it was a good movie, but there was just not enough character development to make me care for anyone except Bowen and Draco, and even those two characters were lacking a bit.
WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ending of "DragonHeart"!!!" spoilers below
The last scene with Bowen and Draco was hard to watch, but I'm almost always a crier at movies, and I never felt enough of a connection to Draco for it to make me cry.

However on the plus side, this movie reminded me why I love and collect dragon statues. These are just a few of my dragon statues. (And before someone asks, No, Garfield and Thumper are NOT dragons. )

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I tried watching the Tideland, but I turned it off after about 10 minutes because the girl's parents were disgusting. Does it get any better as the movie goes on? gets worse like most Pahak nom's the question I often ask myself is this a watchable film.

It sounds like I made the right decision not to join this HoF, but I was hoping that I was wrong. TBH, I was still thinking about joining, but maybe this is just a sign that it's just not a good idea for me.

It sounds like I made the right decision not to join this HoF, but I was hoping that I was wrong. TBH, I was still thinking about joining, but maybe this is just a sign that it's just not a good idea for me.
Even though today is the last day I said we'd accept late admissions, since you've already reviewed a couple of the nominations and thus wouldn't be behind if you did officially join, you can take a little longer to decide what you want to do. I do hope you stick around the thread regardless.

However on the plus side, this movie reminded me why I love and collect dragon statues.
I used to have a ton of dragon statues as well! My mom still has some of them in my old room. I had shelves full of them haha.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Since you've already reviewed a couple of the nominations and thus wouldn't be behind if you did officially join, you can take a little longer to decide what you want to do.
Thanks for the extra time. Maybe I'll give Tideland another chance this weekend, and if I can make it through the whole movie this time, I'll take it as a sign that I should join.

BTW, I finished the first Lord of the Rings movie today too. I'll try to get my thoughts together about it this weekend and post a review of it soon. (Fortunately I have all three LotR movies on DVD, so I'll be able to watch the second movie without just going straight from the first to the third movie. )

I used to have a ton of dragon statues as well! My mom still has some of them in my old room. I had shelves full of them haha.
Do you have any pictures of your dragon statues? There's just something so cool about dragon statues, (and some wizard statues too).

I have statues all over the house, but they're not all dragons. I spend a lot of time shopping at garage sales and flea markets, plus I sell stuff at collectibles shows, so I can usually get some great deals on stuff. Unlike most people, I don't limit what I collect. I just collect anything that catches my eye and I can get cheap, so I have A LOT of cool stuff. (You'd be surprised at some of the stuff that people sell for $1 or less at garage sales. ) gets worse like most Pahak nom's the question I often ask myself is this a watchable film.
When I sent in my nomination, I also said to CR2 that...

This also has an added benefit of seeing the reactions by Siddon and Citizen Rules
At least you delivered

Do you have any pictures of your dragon statues? There's just something so cool about dragon statues, (and some wizard statues too).
Oh, now there's a question. I probably don't have any pictures here of my shelves in all their glory (since it was so long ago), but I might have some pictures from my occasional visits home where you can see the remaining ones.

I have to head to work shortly, but I'll take a look later this afternoon.

I have statues all over the house, but they're not all dragons. I spend a lot of time shopping at garage sales and flea markets, plus I sell stuff at collectibles shows, so I can usually get some great deals on stuff. Unlike most people, I don't limit what I collect. I just collect anything that catches my eye and I can get cheap, so I have A LOT of cool stuff. (You'd be surprised at some of the stuff that people sell for $1 or less at garage sales. )
The collectibles shows sound like they'd be really interesting! Over time I've really cut down on the amount of things I've purchased, since it's so hard keeping everything free of dust haha.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Oh, now there's a question. I probably don't have any pictures here of my shelves in all their glory (since it was so long ago), but I might have some pictures from my occasional visits home where you can see the remaining ones.

I have to head to work shortly, but I'll take a look later this afternoon.
I love seeing pictures of other people's collections. Some of my regular customers at the shows know this, and they like to stop by our table before they leave the show so I can see what treasures they found.

The collectibles shows sound like they'd be really interesting! Over time I've really cut down on the amount of things I've purchased, since it's so hard keeping everything free of dust haha.
They're a lot of work, but it's fun talking to people who have similar interests. (Plus the dealers usually do some trades, so we get some great stuff that way too. )

Yeah, dust is a big problem with this stuff, but it's worth it. I usually buy the canned air, and I spray the dust off a lot of the stuff. (Then, it's easier to clean the remaining dust and then just vacuum.)

I watched DragonHeart today, and I wasn't bothered by any of the stuff that seemed to bother you about it. I didn't even notice the difference in the accents, and CGI never bothers me, unless it's so bad that it looks like a bad cartoon. (TBH, I never understand why CGI bothers people so much, especially in some of the newer movies.) And I've never seen Braveheart, so I didn't even know that there was any kind of connection between the two stories.

If it takes me out of the movie than it bothers me...and frankly I could forgive the CGI. The Goblin in Fellowship looks horribly dated based on today's standards. But when the physics are off that's when I have a reaction.

In one scene you can count at-least five horrible errors. If I judge the film as a kids adventure film it's less offensive to me. It's almost like something out of AIRPLANE...they should just say no trees were harmed as Dennis Quaid went through this zip line. Also how many tons do you think that horse was supposed to be to anchor a Dragon 10X it's size. Then you've got the stuntman switchouts that are very obvious. Also if the Dragon is flying above the forest canopy how can he see Dennis and heckle him.

At least you delivered

Yeah I don't know about that one...I do think GBgoodies is going to likely be disgusted by some of those later "Jeff Bridges" scenes. As for the film...I'm somewhat okay with it but I'm very interested to see how the group finds Dickens and his effect on the film.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If it takes me out of the movie than it bothers me...and frankly I could forgive the CGI. The Goblin in Fellowship looks horribly dated based on today's standards. But when the physics are off that's when I have a reaction.

I loved that scene! Dennis Quaid's facial expressions and Sean Connery's lines were so funny that I was laughing like crazy. Especially at the end of the scene. "Yikes!".

In one scene you can count at-least five horrible errors. If I judge the film as a kids adventure film it's less offensive to me. It's almost like something out of AIRPLANE...they should just say no trees were harmed as Dennis Quaid went through this zip line. Also how many tons do you think that horse was supposed to be to anchor a Dragon 10X it's size. Then you've got the stuntman switchouts that are very obvious. Also if the Dragon is flying above the forest canopy how can he see Dennis and heckle him.
Sometimes errors like that bother me, but only if they're so bad that I can't ignore them, but they didn't bother me at all in this movie. I read so many minor errors in IMDB's "Goofs" section that it makes me think that some people just think too much during movies. I like to just sit back and enjoy a movie, not study it looking for mistakes. And I grew up watching the original "Star Trek" TV show, so if I could get through some of the obvious stuntmen in that show, I'm sure the stuntmen in today's movies won't bother me even a little bit.

Yeah I don't know about that one...I do think GBgoodies is going to likely be disgusted by some of those later "Jeff Bridges" scenes.
Oh goodie! Something to look forward to when I attempt a rewatch.

(BTW, It's 4AM here and I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. I guess we'll have to pick this up again tomorrow night. Good night. )

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
So it is a rewatch for you?

I had seen this at the theatre and watched it many times on cable/satellite tv and regular tv... but again, its been a very long time.
saw it quite a number of times when it first came out and then on occasion. It has been a decade or two since my last viewing. Pretty hyped to see it again.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

@ahwell @Citizen Rules @edarsenal @HollowMan @MovieGal @pahaK @rauldc14 @Siddon @Wyldesyde19

Our journey has only just begun, so feel free to continue at your own pace. However a few of us have decided to venture forward, and scout out the roads that lie ahead. It's been just over a week since the quest started, and our adventurers already have 24 reviews posted, and additional material has been provided by our lovely companion @gbgoodies as well.

ahwell - 6/10
Citizen Rules - 3/10
CosmicRunaway - 5/10
edarsenal - 0/10
HolowMan - 0/10
MovieGal - 4/10
pahaK - 3/10
rauldc14 - 0/10
Siddon - 3/10
Wyldesyde19 - 0/10

I recently dispatched ravens to everyone about a potential change to the Hall of Fame. Since I heard back from all but one of you, I'll go ahead and make it official. The path our quest will follow has been altered. The film Peau d'Âne (1970) is no longer part of this HoF. Instead, Christophe Gans' La Belle et la Bête (2014) will take its place. MovieGal has asked that all participants view this film in its original language with subtitles, instead of any dubbed versions that may be available.

La Belle et la Bête (2014)
Directed By: Christophe Gans
Nominated By: MovieGal

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The trick is not minding
Cassel is such a good actor. Most people know him for the Oceans series,
Where he played Toulour, but he’s had a great career in his native France.

Cassel is such a good actor. Most people know him for the Oceans series,
Where he played Toulour, but he’s had a great career in his native France.
My first film of his was Irreversible...such a brutal movie.

The trick is not minding
My first film of his was Irreversible...such a brutal movie.
I think mine was Brotherhood of the Wolf.
And now that I’m reminded of that film I should have nominated that!

I think mine was Brotherhood of the Wolf.
And now that I’m reminded of that film I should have nominated that!
I have seen that years ago but don't remember him in it. I read last night, his first notable film was La Haine. I would watch that as its a troubled teen film.

The trick is not minding
I have seen that years ago but don't remember him in it. I read last night, his first notable film was La Haine. I would watch that as its a troubled teen film.
La Haine has been on my “watch list” for a short time now.

La Haine has been on my “watch list” for a short time now.
I have a list of troubled teen movies. I watched one from Switzerland recently.