Requirements for a successful marriage and/or relationship to work?


Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
What do you guys anywhere out there think is required [and/or the necessary requirements] for a successful marriage and/or a successful relationship to work?

Trouble with a capital "T"
What do you guys anywhere out there think is required [and/or the necessary requirements] for a successful marriage and/or a successful relationship to work?
Your post is worded a lot like this one below, do you guys know each other?
As to the rest of YOU guys out there, would it be weird for the Love of YOUR life to live with you as an android [and/or more than an android]-and I guess also you as an android [and/or more than an android]?

Would life as an android [and/or more than an android] be something that the rest of YOU guys out there, could cope with?

And would the rest of YOU guys out there prefer life as an android [and/or more than an android] on YOUR own or life as an android [and/or more than an android] and still with the Love of YOUR life to live with you?

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'd say patience, but even that hasn't worked out so well for me. Someone always finds the end of it. I suppose you could fake it for a few years what with all the streaming series released on Netflix. Hope for a meteorite before the shows run out. If you play your cards right, you might just make it.

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
Your post is worded a lot like this one below, do you guys know each other?
Yes that is what some people call a relationship

Don't inform her that I used her stylization tho

What do you guys anywhere out there think is required [and/or the necessary requirements] for a successful marriage and/or a successful relationship to work?

Is this question specific to men only?

Is this question specific to men only?

I assume not. With my most recent problems it took, as always, level headedness, communication, trust and love. Those generally seem to work for me.

Cash. Plenty of it.

(in order to buy all that lovely, moist cake)

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
Is this question specific to men only?

I assume not. With my most recent problems it took, as always, level headedness, communication, trust and love. Those generally seem to work for me.

Part 1 of reply:

of course not.

In some parts of the nation it is just a polite way of addressing everyone.

Part 2 of reply:

Concise and well-rounded answer. nice.

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
Cash. Plenty of it.

(in order to buy all that lovely, moist cake)

Who's paying for that?


As to who's clutch?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
^that your relationship advice, right?

Yoda, Yoda! Me n the ole girl are at our wits' end! What ever shall we do to right this boat?
Yoda: Just listen to what the other person is saying, then respond accordingly. Preferably by selective quoting so that your reply can come in order of the original discussion.

That will be 2,000 Credits.

On a serious note, I still believe patience is the key. Empathy for as much as you can give is a good foundation, IMO, but I think that patience and empathy must be on a two-way street else the relationship can become imbalanced. I think you both need to have realistic goals and expectations of each other by not judging shortcomings and failures, etc. Having skills (practical or emotional characteristics) that complement your partner's weaknesses (and vice versa) can help strengthen trust in each other, just be careful of weird co-dependencies. ...aaaaaaaand communication.

Your lucky numbers are 7, 13, 27, and 32.

Sorry. In my predictable pattern, I cannot help but end with a joke. This was starting to read like a daily horoscope so I didn't know how to wrap it up, and I panicked.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.
A really good prenup
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
Cake. Plenty of delicious, moist, cake.
them afforded?