Do you believe that Netflix is 'killing' the cinema industry?


I believe in magic.

In a young girl's heart. How the music can free her, whenever it starts. Unless, of course, we're talking about Chris Isaak. Then, in that case, I believe in a beautiful day. Yeah, I believe it's gonna work out ok. But not for me. And ...not for you.
Mate, you’re losing it.
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The highway men showed that they have potential to do some good movies

This is part of my work with Uni. Not sure if its anything people would be interested in helping me out with but I can no longer do focus groups due to coronavirus so I just wanted to get some movie fans opinions on Netflix. My dissertation topic is to find out if 'Is Netflix is killing the cinema industry?' so just comments around this topic will all be really helpful. For example 'do you still think that cinema is as popular as it used to be?', 'Why may cinema be decreasing in popularity?' ETC. Any thoughts and comments are welcome
Emily, is your topic asking if Netflix is killing movie house attendance; or do you mean the making of movies in general (who makes them, where they're made, subject matter, etc.)?

Wish you luck on your dissertation!

Netflix is absolutely not killiing cinema, any more than the advent of video did.

What is a much greater threat to the survival of cinema is any proposed move to allow people to directly download &/or stream new movies that were scheduled for cinematic release but have either been postponed or otherwise effected by the current shutdown due to the covid-19 outbreak.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Are less people going to the theater nowadays than say 10 years ago, or not really?

⬆️ Might depend where they live. I bet New Yorkers, who have a number of movie theaters to choose from, probably still go a lot. But maybe in rural areas where maybe the sole movie theater has closed don’t have the same opportunity.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Come back and pick up your information.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

It doesn't help matters that commercial cinema has been flooded by super hero flicks for the past 15 years. There's little variety to choose from.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
That's another thing, is I've been going to the movies a lot less over the last 10-8 years, compared to before, because it feels like so many are superhero movies. Either that or action, movies, but the action movies are so lame though than ever before, i.e. the last two Terminators or Charlie's Angels. So I keep waiting for so many movies to go to streaming now, compared years before.

Plus the superhero movies and action movies haven't been as good the last few years as they were in the 2000s, or at least a lot of them aren't as good as before.

For me, mobile phones (and ever-worsening manners of people) were the single biggest reason I eventually stopped going to theaters completely. Also, the prices are disgusting these days (I can get a streaming service for a month, month-and-a-half for the price of one ticket).

Account terminated on request
Social justice warrior.
Taking two seconds to google it would've answered that, btw.
Yeah, but so does asking about it here. There's no charter for a discussion mandating prior research. It's all good. C'mon.

For me, mobile phones (and ever-worsening manners of people) were the single biggest reason I eventually stopped going to theaters completely. Also, the prices are disgusting these days (I can get a streaming service for a month, month-and-a-half for the price of one ticket).
Some time ago I went to the manager of a large theater chain and asked them about their pricing structure. He said that the way it's set up is exceeding hard to understand (and he proved it by explaining it to me, 90% of which I can't remember).

From what he was explaining, the bottom line was that a conventional theater that breaks even on ticket prices alone is lucky. Concessions are where the theater can turn a profit. Also the pricing structure changes the longer it's in the theater. Much of the price isn't even set by the chain, such as AMC, it's set by the studio releasing company. It's only now in the days of significant upcharges for premium service that theaters are actually starting to do better.

So bopping around on the internet yielded something interesting. Standard "sit-down" theater prices are technically cheaper in 2018 dollars than they were in 1978. Now when I look further in, I saw that 1978 was followed by nearly 3 years of double digit inflation. Wazzit mean? You decide, I'm not gonna.
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

Account terminated on request
Are less people going to the theater nowadays than say 10 years ago, or not really?
.........I don't know the raw numbers per capita, but I think so.

But I think one thing that can't be overlooked is that parents might be ever more stressed out now than ever before (I mean even prior covid).

This lends itself to the "F-it. Let's watch Netflix" effect I think, maybe even as much as the $$ cost. (?)

My mother agrees on the stress aspect: Had they had to deal with the endless false-socialization problems of children online-talking, and the lack of ability to deal with boredom of today's kids (dopamine hit from instant phone diversion), things would have been far more brutal.

My concern is the monopoly. Does anyone else have as much money as Netflix, Amazon & Disney? Maybe, only few. The way these giants are buying everything, in race of new content cinema industry will likely to be hit. There goal is to make money, and that they do exceptionally well. Do they care as much about the integrity of the entertainment industry, characters and the original stories? Nope. They don’t have to.

Account terminated on request
My concern is the monopoly. Does anyone else have as much money as Netflix, Amazon & Disney? Maybe, only few. The way these giants are buying everything, in race of new content cinema industry will likely to be hit. There goal is to make money, and that they do exceptionally well. Do they care as much about the integrity of the entertainment industry, characters and the original stories? Nope. They don’t have to.
In terms of scary power, Disney is the one that spooks me.

Do people realize that Disney owns these guys?: (From


I believe the cinema industry is killing the cinema industry.

Prices are sky high and unless you're into remakes, sequels, and superheroes, pickings are kind of slim. I rarely go to the theater because there just isn't much that catches my interest enough to go see it. I used to go to the theater once every 1-2 weeks. In all of 2019, I went 7 times and 3 of those times were to see the same movie.

I use Netflix only slightly more than that because their selection also sucks.

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility
No I don't think "Netflix is killing the cinema industry"...

I think Netflix and other streaming businesses are necessary because most people cannot always make it to the movie theater and because most people cannot possibly buy a copy of every single movie..

Where would they put all of them?

Netflix and other streaming businesses are just another example of what every business and every industry has to accomplish over time and that is change so as to satisfy current market trends...

Trouble with a capital "T"
For me, mobile phones (and ever-worsening manners of people) were the single biggest reason I eventually stopped going to theaters completely. Also, the prices are disgusting these days (I can get a streaming service for a month, month-and-a-half for the price of one ticket).
Agreed and agreed. The mobile phone abusers in a crowded movie theater ruins the experience for everyone else. People at the theater need to: set down, shut up, put the damn phone away and watch the movie!

Prices are insane too.

Those are two reasons why theaters will become less prevalent in the future.

That's another thing, is I've been going to the movies a lot less over the last 10 8 years, compared to before, because it feels like so many are superhero movies. Either that or action, movies, but the action movies...
That's another part of the reason for the demise of theaters.

My concern is the monopoly. Does anyone else have as much money as Netflix, Amazon & Disney? Maybe, only few. The way these giants are buying everything, in race of new content cinema industry will likely to be hit. There goal is to make money, and that they do exceptionally well. Do they care as much about the integrity of the entertainment industry, characters and the original stories? Nope. They don’t have to.
And the monopolies, especially Disney, kill creative effort in cinema and focus instead on churning out proven money makers (superhero crap, sequel/prequels, reboots)

Not to mention the coronavirus pandemic has theaters closed and once people get use to not seeing their movies in a theater, theaters will then start to go the way of the old drive-in movie theaters.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well why are there so many superhero movies now? Is it because of The Dark Knight, and that movie was such a hit that because of that movie, that the 2010s is possibly the worst decade for Hollywood movies because of it now?

But it's also because of The Dark Knight, that many action movies feel they have to be over two hours now, even though they feel longer and padded than they need to be since they do not have as much plot as The Dark Knight to cover that time length. When is this Dark Knight effect going to wear off, if that's what caused it?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well why are there so many superhero movies now?...
Because so many people want to watch them.

Because people have shortened attention spans and superhero/action films require little concentration of the viewer. One can play with their phone, eat snacks, and they can still follow the basic formula of the superhero/action movie. And those shortened attention spans and the additive need to be multi tasking while watching a movie has killed more deeper movies that require the watcher's full attention. The big studios have market research showing that people want to watch superhero/action films and that's what gets churned out.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But even for superhero movies, a lot of them haven't been that good in the last few years that I've seen. Is there research that says they want generic mediocre worn out ones, and not really good ones?