My Most Hated Television Characters List


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
But Frank Burns is like the person you love to hate. He was awesome on the show, but not a nice character.
I disliked his character intensely. There was absolutely nothing good about him. Not only was he unlikable to his fellow characters (except, at times, for Hotlips) but he was also a bad surgeon and was always complaining about something. He had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. His replacement, Charles Emmerson Winchester III at least was a good surgeon and in later episodes he demonstrates that, dispite his snooty behavior (which of itself brought a laugh), he had some good qualities and was likeable.

For me, Charles was fun to watch. I couldn't wait for them to get rid of Frank. I found nothing fun about him.

My list is not just about characters I loved to hate. As I mentioned in my opening post, some of the characters on here were written to be hated, or "love to hate" as you put it and I explained that my list will contain characters that we love to hate and characters who just made my skin crawl.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My list is not about characters I loved to hate. As I mentioned in my opening post, some of the characters on here were written to be hated, or "love to hate" as you put it and I explained that my list will contain characters that we love to hate and characters who just made my skin crawl.
Totally cool and that makes sense. We're just having fun discussing the characters on your list. Me I loved to hate Frank Burns.

Totally cool and that makes sense. We're just having fun discussing the characters on your list. Me I loved to hate Frank Burns.
I loved to hate Frank too, but then loved to love Winchester!

(Anyone remember that Frank Burns was played by Rober Duvall in the movie? Weird. And "Duke" - Tom Skeritt - was supposed to be the third member of the "Swamp" as the wiseguys were supposed to be a trio, but was then dropped for the show. And the late Rene Auberjonois was the original Father Mulchahy. Gary Burghdoff "Radar" was the only actor to repirse his role for the TV series.)

A system of cells interlinked
*Waits patiently for Nelly Oleson to appear in the Top 10*
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
*Waits patiently for Nelly Oleson to appear in the Top 10*
Something tells me Gideon has never seen Little House. But if he did, then surely it would be Half Pint who's the most hated

A system of cells interlinked
Something tells me Gideon has never seen Little House. But if he did, then surely it would be Half Pint who's the most hated
Say it ain't so, Pa!


Kathy Bowman, Roseanne

Kathy Bowman (played by Meagan Fay) was a tight-assed, miserably unhappy housewife who moved next door to the Conners during season 3. Kathy and Roseanne hated each other from the moment they met but had to put up with each other because their sons, Todd and DJ, were best buds. The first time she entered the Conner home, Kathy wouldn't step two feet into the house and when Dan and Roseanne came over with a welcome to the neighborhood cake, she kept making excuses to get them out of her house. This woman was a stone cold bitch and I wanted to punch her in the face every time she appeared onscreen.


Dr. Izzie Stevens, Grey's Anatomy


This character was a flighty. self-absorbed, drama queen and thought she was the greatest doctor on the planet. She was also a little nuts, one of the few TV characters who actually had an affair with a ghost.


Fez, That 70's Show

Never considered this show appointment television, but this character was beyond stupid. I had to see him in other roles before I noticed what a hottie Wilmer Valderrama really is, but God, I hated this character.


Victor Newman, The Young and the Restless

Second only to Erica Kane, probably the most famous soap character ever. Actor Eric Braeden recently celebrated his 40th anniversary playing this iconic character, but it doesn't change the fact that Victor Newman is an arrogant blowhard who manipulates family and business rivals like chess pieces, holds the record for the TV character who has faked his death the most number of times, and mumbles when he speaks. Every time he has a scene, I have to turn the volume up on the TV so that I can hear everything's he's saying. I have more than once replayed scenes of his three or four times and still didn't catch exactly what he said. The thing I think that annoys me the most about Victor is that no matter what evil he did, he very rarely suffered any consequences for his actions. The show has always been fiercely protective of the character and no matter what he does, he always comes out smelling like a rose.

She was also a little nuts, one of the few TV characters who actually had an affair with a ghost.
I've never seen minute one of this programme and have no idea who this character is, but that's bloody wonderful.

Sadly (or not) I've not seen many of these characters before. That, or it was so long ago that I can't really remember them (Kathy Bowman in Roseanne for example, though I did recognise the actress) but I am following and repping when I agree.

The only one I disagree with so far is Lisa Turtle from Saved By The Bell. Obviously there's a far more annoying character there. Actually, there's probably a couple more annoying than her for me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Kathy Bowman, Roseanne

Kathy Bowman (played by Meagan Fay) was a tight-assed, miserably unhappy housewife who moved next door to the Conners during season 3. Kathy and Roseanne hated each other from the moment they met but had to put up with each other because their sons, Todd and DJ, were best buds. The first time she entered the Conner home, she wouldn't step two feet into the house and when Dan and Roseanne came over with a welcome to the neighborhood cake, she kept making excuses to get them out of her house. This woman was a stone cold bitch and I wanted to punch her in the face every time she appeared onscreen.

Kathy Bowman should be higher on the list. She was so annoying, but I liked her husband.

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