Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Angels & Airwaves Present Love (2011) is an attempt at the same vibe as Solaris but doesn't reach anything close to Tarkovsky or even the remake. It's about an astronaut stuck on the International Space Station in 2039. Why's he there alone? Why's there gravity? Who are the people being interviewed? Why should we care? Little happens to make us take an interest.

Strongroom (1962) is on Film4's catchup site and is an enthralling thriller about three bank robbers who get into serious bother and have to make an ethical choice. It's tautly directed and generally well-acted from a script that makes the best of the short runtime. It even features Derren Nesbitt who went on to play an SS officer to great effect in Where Eagles Dare. Highly recommended.

LOVED this movie. Had no idea who the director was going in & thought it must be QT (even though I knew it wasn’t). Turns out it’s Drew Goddard of whom I have never heard. Terrific ensemble cast & Cynthia Erivo so very good.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Attack of The Clones (2002)

After the failed execution of Natalie Portman by the Separatists, perceptive politician Palpatine persuades the Jedi to assign Master Kenobi and his knight-in-training, Skywalker who is 19 years old, to protect the 23 year old Star Wars senator, Padme Amidala. The speeder chase scene leading to a nightclub confrontation with the contract killer, that's an engaging hook for the audience as Obi Wan and Anakin's profession takes on a fresh dimension, they're like secret agents - "Jedi business, back to your drinks." There's a big story surrounding everything with Obi Wan pursuing a bounty hunter which leads him to a mysteriously created clone army, however the spirit-nerve of the story intensifies on Padme and Anakin. They're to return to Padme's home planet, an impressive vacation residence matching the beauty of Venice. The movie's like a vacation, with lots of striking transitions of Padme and Anakin acting like impulsive teenagers flying around the universe together. There's more compelling insight into galactic politics than the older films, which I'll be honest I don't find myself pulled to revisit. And really the best part of the story is when Skywalker goes to save his mother, who's been kidnapped by Tusken raiders on his home planet of Tattoine. Actually a rewatchable movie, and what I really dig about it's the relatively happy ending for Padme and Anakin with their private wedding.


7.5 / 10

Anakin's Nightmare

Revenge Of The Sith (2005)

Three years later, Skywalker's come into his own as a major hero in The Clone War. He rescues Palpatine from the enemy Separatists, slays their leader Count Dooku, makes babies with Padme, and manages a miraculous landing of a half destroyed starship while simultaneously pulling a Maverick in Top Gun by "buzzing the tower" triumphantly on his way in. Unfortunately there's some clunky romance scenes after that, and some controversy surrounding Anakin's friendship with Palpatine, the Jedi want Anakin to spy on the perceptive politician. Then Palpatine plays on Anakin's distrust of the Jedi, convincing the young Hero of his deeper knowledge of the force which can protect his wife from some vague grim fate. I've never bought this angle of Anakin's descent to Vader, the events of the previous film with his mother are much more convincing. The Jedi failed to acknowledge his mother's suffering on Anakin's home planet, and as a result, she dies at the hands of the Tusken raiders, causing Anakin to understandably pull a Norman Bates and flip his sh! on the desert people who killed his mom. This is more an afterthought in this movie and the film suffers because of it. The first half of Revenge heads in an interesting direction, peaking when Anakin tells Samuel L Jackson that Palpatine is the Sith Lord everyone's been looking for. All Anakin wanted at that point, I think, was for Master Windu to acknowledge Skywalker's valiant achievements in The Clone War by having Anakin accompany the Jedi to arrest Palpatine. Instead, Windu tells Skywalker to sit on the bench while other Jedi, who did much less in this galactic showdown between The Separatists and The Republic, head to arrest the Chancellor. The whole movie tumbles straight downward from there. Palpatine, who had previously been portrayed as an astute legislator, distorts into a total caricature of his former self. The same thing happens to Skywalker, the second half of the movie's a bad cartoon, the massacre of the younglings is irreconcilable with Vader's redemption years later, and it's practically an animation movie thereafter with all the Special FX that I can't imagine how much time was spent on with the lava planet that looks like a computer animation artist's nightmare of infinite hours. I do get the sense this at least had the chance to be a good movie at that moment between Samuel L Jackson and Anakin Skywalker near the midpoint, but then it falls apart. Regardless, I see these two as the Star Wars movies I'm interested to look at. Rogue One had moments. The old ones from the 70s and 80s don't pull me a whole lot anymore, The Force Awakens... seems forgettable. Saw that once back when it was released, none of the characters convinced me into desiring to see The Last Jedi. At this point, that's the Nostro stance with these movies.


5.5 / 10

Could've Been Better

All Too Easy

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The Nightingale

Story of an Irish prisoner who used the help of a Tasmanian Aborigine to hunt down the English soldier who wronged her greatly. Along the way, they learn that, even though tragedy hit both of their families, the pain is just as great.

This film may seem mild but it does have some graphic violence.

Welcome to the human race...
Critics and SJW like to hate on the movie and i have seen reviews talk more about issues in america and other nonsense rather than the movie itself, political crap should not be brought into movie reviews
That's probably because Joker invokes a variety of political issues (mental health, urban crime, class warfare) and how they impact the development of its lead character, so it's only fair that critics would bring up how the film addresses them (or doesn't, as the case may be). Considering how badly the film wants to be taken seriously (or acts like it does), it shouldn't be surprising that people will think that it fails at being a "serious" movie and criticise it on that level so to complain about "political crap" being brought into movie reviews just makes it sound like you want people to go easy on a movie just because you liked it.

Black Orpheus -

Mythed connections.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

El Camino - 2019

Breaking Bad to me is the best drama tv show I've ever seen. It's hard for me to get into TV dramas, because they all inevitably, at least to me become ridiculous at some point. Most of those shows just run out of creative steam to me. So I never get attached. Breaking Bad never felt that way to me. Sure some of it is ridiculous but it always felt somewhat grounded to me. But the great thing about the show is it always kept you guessing and even the most insignificant characters, or at least you thought were, eventually played a bigger part.

I finally got around to the movie. Gilligan hasn't lost his touch, it was as great as I remember the show. If you liked the series rest assured this movie falls right in line with the show. Great old character, great new characters. Some dark humor. The story was great and actually felt appropriate and needed from the finale of BB to see what happen to Jesse. Didn't feel like a money grab but a love letter to the actual series. Plus their are some absolutely cool shots and scenes in this movie.

What's crazy is this world is so good Gilligan could keep going with it. He already has with Better Call Saul (need to get on that, only seen like 3 episodes) and this movie ends and you could keep going with Jesse if you really wanted to. Plus I give Gilligan so much more credit then most creators. This whole Breaking Bad world was invented out of thin air. Totally original. No previous comic book, or novel, or any sort of property. Two wildly successful tv shows and a great movie out of it. I don't think he gets enough credit as a creative genius.

4 out of 5.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Danny is a leader of a gang. His girlfriend convinces him to give up the gang life so he quits. After he quits a couple of dudes kill his girlfriend (with golf clubs). Danny, his life shattered, hits the bottle, the straw, the needle, pretty much anything he can get his hands until he hits rock bottom where a former associate finds him and helps Danny get his stuff together. Then it's a revenge trip. Ugly looking movie ala Last House on the Left, pretty bad technically, bad acting, a tad too long, lots of pretty good violence, some surprisingly decent gore fx and actually not that bad of a story as long as you can ignore the rest of the badness. Right Danny?

The Strange Colour of Your Bodys Tears
Not much into neo-giallo, eh?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

When it comes to slasher films I usually give them a lot of leeway because, well, they're slasher films. Give me some inventive kills, a mildly interesting killer, some gore (honestly, the more the merrier) and I'll be finer than frog fur with what you put up on the screen. Don't even care about the story that much although a good story is a nice bonus. That's the high bar I set. Midnight Movie doesn't meet any of that. The story is pretty much The Purple Rose of Cairo if Cairo had a killer come off the screen, walk around like Verbal Kint, dress like Tiny, had half of Leslie Vernons' mask and killed people with a gigantic, sharpened egg/yolk separator. Awesome. This movie goes all over the slasher map and not in a good way. And Killer Cut? Yeesh, what did they leave out of the original?

Rambo: Last Blood

Probably my favorite Rambo movie now.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Little Women (Mervyn LeRoy, 1949)
Cole Younger, Gunfighter (R.G. Springsteen, 1958)
The Woman Who Wouldn't Die (Gordon Hessler, 1952)
Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini (Jason Baker, 2015)

The documentary of the actor, director, makeup and special F/X man is finally released on Shudder.
Roughshod (Mark Robson, 1949)
Atlantis: The Lost Continent (George Pal, 1961)
Crime by Night (William Clemens, 1944)
The Ornament of the World (Michael Schwarz, 2019)

The actual ornament of the world is the Great Mosque of Cordoba. The doc is about the four main cities (Cordoba, Granada, Seville, and Toledo) in Moorish Iberia where the Muslims, Jews and Christians intermingled the most during the Middle Ages.
Inner Demon (Ursula Dabrowsky, 2014)
Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 (Tim McCanlies, 1998)
From the Dark (Conor McMahon, 2015)
Rambo: Last Blood (Adrian Grunberg, 2019)

Rambo takes on some scumbags who killed a loved one.
McHale's Navy (Edward Montagne, 1964)
Depraved (Larry Fessenden, 2019)
Mekko (Sterlin Harjo, 2015)
+ 5/10
Noce blanche AKA White Wedding (Jean-Claude Brisseau, 1989)

One of those sensual films the French make a lot, here with high schooler Vanessa Paradis and her 60ish married teacher Bruno Cremer in love.
Sentimental Education (Júlio Bressane, 2013)
+ 5/10
Adventure Force 5 (Michael Younesi, 2019)
Lilith's Awakening (Monica Demes, 2016)
Love Eternal (Brendan Muldowney, 2013)

Robert de Hoog and Pollyanna McIntosh spend so much time enjoying life that their planned suicides might be affected. The others he "helped", not so much.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I have generally mixed feelings about the latest and supposedly final Star Wars installment at the time that I am typing this. I feel as if I can't even really judge the film as it stands at the moment, because there's always going to be a time eventually when your perspective on these films change.

I feel like my slightly more positive reaction to this (in comparison to somebody like Mr. Anton Chigurh above me), was large in part due to the fact that I was pretty certain of what kind of movie I was getting into in the weeks leading up to it.

I wasn't really disappointed with either The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi. While not a perfect film and at points rather derivative, I was astounded at the time by the safe, feel good remedies of Episode 7, which left all kinds of butterflies in my stomach and reminded me why I love the series so much. It was where The Last Jedi came in and showed me how daring, challenging, and thematically rich a Flash Gordon knock-off Blockbuster can really be. So, I'm thinking if anything that's probably why I didn't really have much of a problem with which direction he would take it in. And as expected, J.J did do things his own way for The Rise of Skywalker, but most importantly, he seems to be wanting to do both of these things at once: be the Renegade risk taker who moves the story in another direction, while at the same time being the B-movie savior of nostalgia that gives us all the feels. There seems to be a well thought-out, but not entirely perfect balance between making big swings (ones that don't always hit, may I add), and catering to the broadest section of fans.

Speaking of failure to cater, every film critic in the media seems to be dogging on this film for being too derivative of the other installments, while being incredibly nostalgia heavy. First off, it's Star Wars. If you came into this not expecting the long lightsaber duels, the showdown with the villain, or massive gigantic space battles that blow a ton of stuff up, then I don't know what else to tell you. Yeah you've seen it a lot of times before, yeah it may get tiring at times, especially in these recent installments. But regardless on whether there was a direction for this trilogy or not or whatever the hell you want to say to justify your annoyance with movie explosions, I think you would have to be a fool not to expect the biggest war to end all wars in the last entry, as nauseating as it may be, especially on a big screen. It wasn't a desperation attempt when they decided The First Order was going to have a trillion Star destroyers, it was par for the course. The nostalgia thing however, I can understand. Although certainly not as heavy-handed as The Force Awakens was, one could argue that after such a drastic change of the guard in The Last Jedi, filmmakers would be more keen on looking towards the future instead of dwelling on the past (not killing it, that's what the villain said you dummies - but, just not dwelling on it). However, there was a conceited effort to tie them in thematically with the story occurring on screen. These aren't just member-berries for the sake of being member-berries.

I think the number one thing that could have left a better impression onto the film's biggest critics and myself would be a longer run time, just to stretch out all the character, dialogue, and plot. Maybe 2 hours and 50 minutes instead of just 20. You know, some breathing room. There wasn't anything particularly awful with the characters and their development (or apparently lack of according to some), it's just that everything went by too quickly for people (and myself) to process all of it. And please believe me when I say there is a LOT in this movie. Some good. Some bad. Some outright powerful stuff (to my surprise), and I mean it when I say powerful. If you haven't really had much investment in this sequel trilogy, then you probably wouldn't have responded to these moments like I did. Without going into too much detail, almost everything that occurs at the end of the second act, is up there with "I Am Your Father" and Luke's brief fury + eventual defiance from the ending of ROTJ, in terms of pure raw emotion and dramatic grandiose storytelling in Star Wars (particularly this one key Kylo Ren scene on the wreckage of the Death Star that absolutely devastated me). I'd be a total liar if I said there wasn't a single time where I started clenching up in my seat or was tearing up. Same goes for the audience at the premiere I attended.

It's not without it's problems, for sure. But I enjoyed it.

One thing is for certain, regardless on whether I was going to like or dislike this supposedly final installment, I knew it would probably be my last go-around with this franchise (at least for now). I don't care about the Mandalorian, that new video game, Baby Yoda, or whatever Ewan McGregor is doing on Disney+. I'm laying this thing to rest so I can sit down and enjoy the movies individually later in life without thinking about the fandom, the endless toxic discourse, and the general hype that surrounds this franchise.

May the force be with you, MoFos… Always.
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Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
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Pedro Costa, 2014

Pedro Costa's is one of those portuguese directors, those who worth the mention, that make things and never explains. This will make you grope in the dark, the dark that is a constant presence in this film, an analogy to the darkness of the characters life, genuine-bona fide-true stories, real names; this is close to a artistic documentary. The only light available is used to highlight the characters, there are not blank images without meaning, like a landscape, everything is about the characters and the characters only, that's probably why he used static images true out the entire film, they, the characters are the ones that will tell you what is important to them, without explanation, like Vitalina reading her birth certificate, or Ventura and Benvindo singing in the old factory which they worked, that's my favorite scene in the entire movie, I was watching it with my mother, I was speechless looking at the screen, when the scene was over I looked at my mother and she had her hand closing her mouth, she then said: This is exactly how it was, when I was younger, that's the lengths people had to go to be able to build a house and have a family, the humiliation. Pedro's uses details constantly, using them as metaphors, if you didn't see them in that exact moment you won't get what his trying to say, and he doesn't explain himself, never. I could talk about every single scene, but what for, see it, the skill and creative Pedro had was enough for the recognition in Locarno, should be enough for you.

Dark Waters, I do wonder if this is propaganda, but it's likely the best legal film since The Verdict. In essence this is the story of a lawyer whose conscience gets to him and he tries a legal case that could get him in trouble. This is very similar to Todd Haynes film Safe (1995) where the film is less about the case and more about the work. Robert Bilot does a great job giving you some very distinct characters and telling those stories. It's the supporting work that makes this film incredible. I don't think I've ever seen Tim Robbin's style of lawyer in any film before. I normal film would likely follow the drama and tell the story from Wilbur Tennet perspective as he was the one who suffered and lost the most but he's used sparingly and effectively. The villains of the story are also treated surprisingly humanely definitely worth tracking down if you get a chance.