20th Hall of Fame


They are targeted for younger kids for sure. There’s just something I don’t like about calling it a “kids movie” (which I know you didn’t) that makes me a little annoyed. Because then I feel like I can’t enjoy it because I’m not the right age.
Love whatever appeals to you, other people's assumptions and expectations be damned.

I'm 38 years old and a proud Pixar fangirl.

Four of my top ten are animated and I have three shelves full of animated movies on DVD and Bluray.

They are targeted for younger kids for sure. There’s just something I don’t like about calling it a “kids movie” (which I know you didn’t) that makes me a little annoyed. Because then I feel like I can’t enjoy it because I’m not the right age.
Love whatever appeals to you, other people's assumptions and expectations be damned.

I'm 38 years old and a proud Pixar fangirl.

Four of my top ten are animated and I have three shelves full of animated movies on DVD and Bluray.
Oh I still love my animation. Two are in my top ten and as you probably saw I just crammed in about 64 of them in a half year.

Oh I still love my animation. Two are in my top ten and as you probably saw I just crammed in about 64 of them in a half year.
Oh, I know you do. I followed that thread. I absolutely 100% disapprove of the outcome, though. (Damn Miyazaki. )

I welcome more animation in general HOFs.

Oh I still love my animation. Two are in my top ten and as you probably saw I just crammed in about 64 of them in a half year.
Oh, I know you do. I followed that thread. I absolutely 100% disapprove of the outcome, though. (Damn Miyazaki. )

I welcome more animation in general HOFs.
lol still salty about that? Well at least it won Animation because you can be darned sure I would have re-nominated it somewhere up the road.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Interesting thoughts Citizen. I might nominate another animation for 21rst to continue this little reviewing dilemma. A few people in this hall of fame have said Monsters, Inc. is good “for what it sets out to do.” Are you guys saying that it’s good for a kids movie? For animation? I just love animation because it expands the physical and mental world... I think Roger Ebert said “Live action films show the real world. Animation shows it’s essence.” I do love my essence

I don't consider Monsters, Inc. to be a "kids movie". I'd call it more of a "family movie". It has a lot to offer both kids and adults. I'm 53, and I love it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I don't consider Monsters, Inc. to be a "kids movie". I'd call it more of a "family movie". It has a lot to offer both kids and adults. I'm 53, and I love it.
Certainly... all ages can love it.
Lists and Projects

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just love animation because it expands the physical and mental world... I think Roger Ebert said “Live action films show the real world. Animation shows it’s essence.” I do love my essence

It's interesting to think about a comparison of animated movies vs. live action movies, especially now that Disney has been remaking some of their animated movies in live action versions.

Do you consider the animated versions to be the "kids versions" and the live action versions to be the "adult versions", or are the live action versions still "family movies"? (I haven't seen most of the live action versions yet, so I can't answer this question.)

However, sometimes while watching an animated movie, I have thought about the idea of "what if they made a live action version of this movie?". The movie that I watched recently that I thought could have been an interesting live action movie, (if they made it more realistic), was Meet the Robinsons. That might make a pretty cool live action movie.

It's interesting to think about a comparison of animated movies vs. live action movies, especially now that Disney has been remaking some of their animated movies in live action versions.

Do you consider the animated versions to be the "kids versions" and the live action versions to be the "adult versions", or are the live action versions still "family movies"? (I haven't seen most of the live action versions yet, so I can't answer this question.)

However, sometimes while watching an animated movie, I have thought about the idea of "what if they made a live action version of this movie?". The movie that I watched recently that I thought could have been an interesting live action movie, (if they made it more realistic), was Meet the Robinsons. That might make a pretty cool live action movie.
I have seen zero live action Disney movies, so I can't really form an opinion. I think The Incredibles would be interesting in live action as would Princess Mononoke. I don't think I'd prefer them to animation, however.

Elmer Gantry (1960)

Burt Lancaster is Elmer Gantry - salesman extraordinaire and he's moving from vacuum cleaners to the Word of God.

While selling some of his merchandise in a small midwestern town Elmer notices a prayer revival flyer on the wall. He becomes smitten with the woman on the flyer, Sister Sharon Falconer (Jean Simmons), and decides he will do whatever he can to get close to her. He worms his way into her inner circle with a bit of deception and begins touring with the group, eventually becoming the main draw with his hell and brimfire approach to preaching.

I was a bit annoyed with Lancasters portrayal early in the film. A bit too much teeth at the end of every scene. Not sure if I just got used to it or it started happening less often but once he started getting up on stage and preaching I didn't notice it as much and it's onstage when Lancaster really shines. He's a very believable preacher. His Academy Award was well deserved.

Jean Simmons is also very good as Sister Sharon Falconer, the revivals headliner and a true believer who aims to have her own church. She doesn't trust Elmer, seems to always be fighting off his advances but also see's how well he connects with the audience, spreads the word and...brings in cash.

The rest of the supporting cast is very good as well. Shirley Jones plays a prostitute who has a past with Elmer and could eventually be his downfall. Art Kennedy portrays a reporter travelling with the revival doing a story on Sister Sharon but eventually covering Gantry as well. Could his story ruin Sister Sharon and the revival? They both deliver some of the films more memorable lines.

There's a lot to analyze with this movie which is one of the reasons why I liked it so much. As far as Elmer is concerned he may not be the best messenger of the Word of God but does that kill the message? I got the impression that he really believes what he's preaching but at the same time can't (or won't) live up to those standards himself. For Sister Sharon, she see's Elmer for what he is (a bit of a shyster) but he's getting her closer to building her church. For Sharon, do the ends justify the means?

I really liked this and will rate it pretty high. This is going to be a tough HoF as I'll likely have
movies down at 5-6.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm a huge animated guy too and I almost nominated an animated film a few times in generals. I think one of these times maybe one will break through to win.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Blood Diamond

The film looks very good and also the acting in the film seems to carry it. Di Caprio's accent is a little bit out there at the beginning but it doesn't take much time getting used to. It was cool at a time when DiCaprios character at one point was reminding me of Bogart's from Treasure of the Sierra Madre as a greedy person and that angle may have been cool to see play out even further. Djimon is the star for me, thought he did a tremendous job of portraying the emotions that his character was going through, especially with everything that was going on with his son. There were some real heartfelt moments with him. Jennifer Connelly I remember really liking in this film previously, bit this time her performance didn't seem to really do a whole lot for me. Not a bad performance but rather one that was just there as a backseat sort of role.

The issues I have are that the action scenes are often overdrawn out and take me out of caring for the story at times. I felt like they either needed to be shorter or there needed to be less of them. Once I get drawn into the story the action takes me out of it. I preferred the more dramatic scenes and the dialogue driven pieces and it seems like Zwick wanted to make this a blockbuster action movie.

That being said, it's a decent film but everytime I've seen it it has not risen to the level I would have liked it to. I prefer Zwicks Glory and I prefer most other Di Caprio films.


Trouble with a capital "T"
What do you think of Fantasia? I think it’s much more of an adult film than a kids film, and I enjoy it more now than when I was little.
I seen it for the first time in an HoF. It was impressive in how it used a sympathetic soundtrack in sync with the animation in the one of the sequences. I'd call Fantasia sophisticated and avant garde. If I had a deeper understand of classical music I might have appreciated it more, but like most people the Mickey the Wizard sequence was my favorite. I didn't really like it, but, I was really glad it was nominated as I've not seen it before. I've only seen three classic animated Disney films: Fantasia,The Thief Of Bagdad & Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I believe I reviewed them all.

What do you think of Fantasia? I think it’s much more of an adult film than a kids film, and I enjoy it more now than when I was little.
I seen it for the first time in an HoF. It was impressive in how it used a sympathetic soundtrack in sync with the animation in the one of the sequences. I'd call Fantasia sophisticated and avant garde. If I had a deeper understand of classical music I might have appreciated it more, but like most people the Mickey the Wizard sequence was my favorite. I didn't really like it, but, I was really glad it was nominated as I've not seen it before. I've only seen three classic animated Disney films: Fantasia,The Thief Of Bagdad & Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I believe I reviewed them all.
Ah, too bad, it’s one of my favorites! Probably only because I’m obsessed with classical music, though. I would probably hare it if it were thrash metal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ah, too bad, it’s one of my favorites! Probably only because I’m obsessed with classical music, though. I would probably hare it if it were thrash metal.
I wish I knew more about classical music, I'm a complete noob when it comes to that...though I do like the sound of if.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Love animation! HUGE fan of Pixar and pretty amazed by most anime. Some of the characters bug the hell out of me, but the style is extraordinary.

IF we label them, I think "family" is more appropriate for the films in these HoFs than "kids" but that is pure schematics. And, more importantly, @Miss Vicky says it best: "Love whatever appeals to you, other people's assumptions and expectations be damned." AMEN sister!!

In regards to the animated being redone in "live" action, I did watch Jungle Book just to see if it was worthwhile or if it was simply a money-maker for past successes. In the end, it made me nostalgic for the original animation even though it was done very well.
The reason, perhaps, ist that I'm in agreement with Ebert's quote that @ahwell posted about "Live-action films show the real world. Animation shows it’s essence.” And, like ahwell, I do enjoy my essence. And therefore, a previous animation made Live or vice-versa loses something and doesn't necessarily gain anything. Except for a momentary curiosity of what if.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I wish I knew more about classical music, I'm a complete noob when it comes to that...though I do like the sound of if.
I don't know why, but that surprises me. Though I do think you'd enjoy it. You may want to meander into some of the last few of Chypmunk's Song Tournaments and click on a few of ahwell's posted nominations. Excellent examples, all of them of quality classical music.
And SilentVamp posted a truly excellent Mozart piece in her review of Amadeus in the Musical Artist HoF:
AmadeusI do want to add a little bit of music to this. If you have any interest in hearing one of Salieri’s pieces, this is a pretty good one, in my opinion:

But if you want to know what I think is perfection, it is this piece by Mozart. My absolute favorite of his. And it is the one that I nominated in the Instrumental Music Song Tournament:

When I listen from about 8:08 to about 8:40, all I think is that the man is a god. It is that simple.

I wish I knew more about classical music, I'm a complete noob when it comes to that...though I do like the sound of if.
I honestly tried to learn more about classical music, but I couldn't do it. I don't think my brain is wired right for it. A lot of it honestly sounds the same to me, and I can't tell the difference between the styles used by famous musicians (or at least the German ones I studied).

I don't have a problem with classical scores being used in film, but I know there are nuances and meanings to those pieces that I'll never understand, and I wonder if that might affect my comprehension of the scene or the director's intent.

Interesting thoughts on classical music. I personally find it to be the easiest genre to listen to (that said I don’t when consider it a genre. I consider it as wide in possibilities and types of music as all genres of the 20th and 21rst centuries). I loved Silent Vamp’s thoughts, I agree with her that the moment she selected is one of the greatest moments in music history.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Love animation! HUGE fan of Pixar and pretty amazed by most anime. Some of the characters bug the hell out of me, but the style is extraordinary.

IF we label them, I think "family" is more appropriate for the films in these HoFs than "kids" but that is pure schematics. And, more importantly,
When I say appeals to kids, I don't mean small children, at my age anyone under 30 is a kid GBG said it best 'family appeal.'

@Miss Vicky says it best: "Love whatever appeals to you, other people's assumptions and expectations be damned." AMEN sister!!
Absolutely, that's why I might nominated another musical