Golden Age Comedy Hall of Fame (1952-1976)


Nominations are very much open. C'mon in!!
Do you have a list of the films that have already been nominated? How many nominations do you need from me and where do I send them?

Do you have a list of the films that have already been nominated? How many nominations do you need from me and where do I send them?

you get two nominations and you pm them to me, they can not have already won an earlier Hall of Fame.

The Apartment and The Sting are off limits.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm joining, it would be great to have you Gideon
couldn't agree more, LOVED the stories you had during the musical HoFs, @Gideon58
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Gideon sent in his picks, one of them was so good it was already selected by another one of you.

The level of quality for this Hall is going to be very high

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I decided to join this HoF. I sent in my two noms. I usually try to pick "hidden gem" type of movies that I don't read much about here on MoFo, so hopefully they'll be new watches for most of you.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Gideon sent in his picks, one of them was so good it was already selected by another one of you...
That you was probably me...if I know Gideon's taste in movies then I bet it was the comedy I picked from the 50s.

I decided to join this HoF. I sent in my two noms. I usually try to pick "hidden gem" type of movies that I don't read much about here on MoFo, so hopefully they'll be new watches for most of you.
Glad to have you join!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I decided to join this HoF. I sent in my two noms. I usually try to pick "hidden gem" type of movies that I don't read much about here on MoFo, so hopefully they'll be new watches for most of you.

Hmmm, curiousor and curiousor

How many joined including yourself? BTW I also see these names on the 1st post.

I sent a PM to Cosmic they might join, Mija and Yam both expressed interest in the last Comedy hall but didn't submit. The second post has the submission list.

We've got 14 nominations right now, and they are very good I think you'll be pleased.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I sent a PM to Cosmic they might join, Mija and Yam both expressed interest in the last Comedy hall but didn't submit. The second post has the submission list.

We've got 14 nominations right now, and they are very good I think you'll be pleased.
Sounds good! and I can't wait to see the reveal.

Like I just said in response to Siddon's PM, I haven't really had the chance to think about what I wanted to nominate. If he doesn't mind me joining after the reveal, I might be able to come up with something while doing inventory this evening. But I'm quite indecisive, and I'd prefer to have time to rewatch the films first, so that might not work out anyway.

I am looking forward to seeing what the nominations are though. There are a number of great comedies from this period. Even if I don't end up joining, I might watch some of the films anyway. I could definitely use some laughs after the stressful week I've had (that unfortunately isn't quite over yet).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Like I just said in response to Siddon's PM, I haven't really had the chance to think about what I wanted to nominate. If he doesn't mind me joining after the reveal, I might be able to come up with something while doing inventory this evening.
That would be cool to have you join Ed did the Open Door Policy in the 19th where people can join after the reveal for a period of time, and I'm going to do that too when I host the 20th HoF.