Things that annoy you...


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You couldn't pay me enough to live there, or any big city. I don't even like going into the nearby town which has so much traffic it's grid locked.

I agree with you 100%, but Hubby's parents live here, and he wants to stay in the area so he can help them with anything they need. If it was up to me, I would have moved out of this area years ago.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I agree with you 100%, but Hubby's parents live here, and he wants to stay in the area so he can help them with anything they need. If it was up to me, I would have moved out of this area years ago.
Where would you move? Back to Texas? I liked what I seen of Texas. Though I didn't really get to see much of it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Where would you move? Back to Texas? I liked what I seen of Texas. Though I didn't really get to see much of it.

I loved Texas, so that would definitely be one of my first choices, but I'm not sure that Hubby would be happy there. I'd like to live in a small town out west somewhere, where everything is calm and laid back, but Hubby likes being near the big shopping areas, so we'd probably agree on someplace like California or Florida, just outside of a big city.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I loved Texas, so that would definitely be one of my first choices, but I'm not sure that Hubby would be happy there. I'd like to live in a small town out west somewhere, where everything is calm and laid back, but Hubby likes being near the big shopping areas, so we'd probably agree on someplace like California or Florida, just outside of a big city.
I like to live in a more remote area, but I hate the idea of moving.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like to live in a more remote area, but I hate the idea of moving.

I know what you mean about moving. Hubby and I are both collectors, so we have stuff everywhere. Just the thought of having to pack everything up gives me nightmares. (And that doesn't even include our eBay inventory.)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Wait. They're coming out of a harness? That chest harness that straps under and behind the front shoulders? How do they come out of that? Not trying to derail! Just making sure I'm tracking here as I'm now dealing with a 60lb pup and don't want to lose her! I never heard of martingale collars before. Just watched a video. That looks like 95% of the collar I'm using now (for the dog) but It still only has the one point of connection. I bought a chest harness hoping that might be more secure, but reading along it doesn't seem to be the case.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Wait. They're coming out of a harness? That chest harness that straps under and behind the front shoulders? How do they come out of that? Not trying to derail! Just making sure I'm tracking here as I'm now dealing with a 60lb pup and don't want to lose her! I never heard of martingale collars before. Just watched a video. That looks like 95% of the collar I'm using now (for the dog) but It still only has the one point of connection. I bought a chest harness hoping that might be more secure, but reading along it doesn't seem to be the case.

Dogs can get out of harnesses, yes, especially if they're not fitted properly or are not put on correctly.

The main issue with harnesses though is that they give you very little control over the dog, which is especially problematic in a dog that likes to pull or is aggressive.

Wait. They're coming out of a harness? That chest harness that straps under and behind the front shoulders? How do they come out of that? Not trying to derail! Just making sure I'm tracking here as I'm now dealing with a 60lb pup and don't want to lose her! I never heard of martingale collars before. Just watched a video. That looks like 95% of the collar I'm using now (for the dog) but It still only has the one point of connection. I bought a chest harness hoping that might be more secure, but reading along it doesn't seem to be the case.

In my case (or my dog-neighbor's case, I should say...) if the dog is going forward and pulling he won't get out of the harness, but only when he freaks out he starts jumping and contorting in all directions can he slip out of it. I notice it's when he gets so excited that he jumps backward that he can slip the harness - this makes sense as it's the same direction as when you take it off him.

It's only happened twice and, like Vicky said, it's probably due to the harness not being fastened tight enough at the fastener at the midsection.

That's because you don't live in New York. Sometimes it feels like everything that happens around here is annoying.
I lived in the city for a decade & loved it. You’re on Long Island aren’t you?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That's because you don't live in New York. Sometimes it feels like everything that happens around here is annoying.
I lived in the city for a decade & loved it. You’re on Long Island aren’t you?
I' m curious . If you have time to answer and don't mind me asking:

What is annoying about where you live @gbgoodies ?

And what did you love about living in NYC @Stirchley ?

@lenslady, thanks for your interest.

To live in NYC was my childhood dream. No clue why. So I emigrated to America & lived in Manhattan for a decade. I believe it is the greatest city in the world. I especially like the people & felt very comfortable there immediately.

Unfortunately, I married a man who lived in Connecticut & ended up here. Such is life.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I lived in the city for a decade & loved it. You’re on Long Island aren’t you?
Yes, I'm on Long Island, but I'm about one block away from the Nassau/Queens border. I try to stay out of Queens as much as possible. Hubby and I do all of our local shopping in Nassau, (and sometimes Suffolk), County on the Island.

I' m curious . If you have time to answer and don't mind me asking:

What is annoying about where you live @gbgoodies ?

And what did you love about living in NYC @Stirchley ?
I don't like the congestion here. It's way to crowded everywhere we go. It's too loud, and everyone is always in a hurry. It's a nightmare for people like me who are patient and like to take their time because other people are always rushing us.

Plus most of the people are rude and obnoxious. I had an argument with a waitress last week because she was UNDERCHARGING us over $20 for our meal, but she just kept arguing with me and telling me that I was wrong. If she had just looked at the bill that she brought, I had proof that we were supposed to pay more than she was charging us. After about a 15 minute argument, which include her telling us that her manager was too busy to come to the table and talk to us, I finally gave in and told her that she was right.

I could write a book with actual stories about stores and restaurants where we've had problems because the workers were too stupid to realize that they were wrong.

People around here drive like they have to be the front car, even if they have to drive dangerously and cut others off to get there. A few days ago we were cut off by a BMW who may have been the cause of a 4-car accident a short while later on the parkway.

I could go on, but I guess you can see my point by now.

@lenslady, thanks for your interest.

To live in NYC was my childhood dream. No clue why. So I emigrated to America & lived in Manhattan for a decade. I believe it is the greatest city in the world. I especially like the people & felt very comfortable there immediately.

Unfortunately, I married a man who lived in Connecticut & ended up here. Such is life.
That's kind of funny because the only reason that I'm still here is because Hubby doesn't want to move. I guess we both picked the right guy in the wrong location.

Well thank you for your answers. Interesting to hear.

It's not always the case that you dream of something as a child, seek it out as an adult and then find it's all you wanted it to be- and more. So Stirch has had her fondest dreams come true.

So has gbg but in a different way. She has the opposite reaction to the hubbub and bustle, but when she steps inside her home and says hello to her hubby- and her tribbles - I' m thinking she has all the peace of a field of wildflowers on a Texas hillside,.

Hope I' m not waxing too philosophical. And I know this is the place we are supposed to vent andd blow off some steam. So everyone can feel free now to go back to being annoyed .

But before we do; think I'll just send you each a song about the place your heart calls home.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
So has gbg but in a different way. She has the opposite reaction to the hubbub and bustle, but when she steps inside her home and says hello to her hubby- and her tribbles - I' m thinking she has all the peace of a field of wildflowers on a Texas hillside,.
You would think so, but there are annoying things happening inside too. I just have more control over those issues.

Just to give you another example, this happened today at the local shopping center.

We were driving to the parking lot exit, and there was a car stopped in the middle of the exit lane blocking the whole exit. (This parking lot has a separate entrance and exit, so the exit is only one lane.) After the passenger got out of the car, the idiot in front of us BACKED UP into the parking lot, and nearly hit us. (He only stopped when Hubby honked the horn.) We couldn't back up because there were cars behind us, but this idiot kept backing up, trying to force us to back up into the car behind us. When we didn't back up, he leaned out of his window, extended his middle finger, and cursed us out.

We have the whole incident on dashcam, including the guy's license plate. If I thought the police would do anything about it, I'd report him for trying to hit us with his car.

@Stirchley, Maybe you had different experiences when you lived around here, but we have these problems with people around here every day. (Hubby and I were talking about it recently, and I don't know why, but we both agreed that it seems to have gotten much worse around here since 9/11/01. Nobody seems to care about anyone but themselves since then.)

I try to stay out of Queens as much as possible.
Too funny. That’s where I met my old man (in Flushing).

I guess we both picked the right guy in the wrong location.
Don’t think I even picked the right guy, but of all the men in Manhattan I had to marry someone from Connecticut.

She has the opposite reaction to the hubbub and bustle, but when she steps inside her home and says hello to her hubby- and her tribbles - I' m thinking she has all the peace of a field of wildflowers on a Texas hillside
Why do I have the feeling that @lenslady has never been married? Or is she just a romantic?

Maybe you had different experiences when you lived around here, but we have these problems with people around here every day.
You can’t compare living in Manhattan to living on the island. The main difference & the cause of many of your problems is driving on the island. I lived in midtown Manhattan & none of us drove a car. (I don’t even know how to drive.) I walked to the office & back for 10 years & maybe got in a car once or twice? Living in the city has its own stresses, of course (more so now than when I lived there), but not the same problems that you encounter.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Why do I have the feeling that @lenslady has never been married? Or is she just a romantic?...
I think she must be a kind hearted soul, someone who sees the glass half full of a really yummy drink