Movie Forums Most Recommended Films Project: Nominations


Well, here we go. I didn't know where else to put this, but I've participated in this with classical music and it was really fun, so I decided to give it a try here. The thing is, it's not really a game, it's more of a project, so I started it in General Movie Discussion. If people want it to be moved to Games and Tabs I think Yoda can do that. Anyways, here goes.

This is my goal to create a tiered list of recommendations from the people of Movie Forums. Yes, it would be a long term project, but depending on participation it could as long or as short as needed.

Naturally, this list represents the knowledge and tastes of the people who have helped build it. I do not claim that it is the single, official objective canon of film.

If you'd like to add your voice, making the list even better, you can vote!
You can vote once a day, and each time you get to either:
give a work a +2 and another work a +1; or,
give three different works +1 each.

If you give a work a +2 you may only vote for it once every other day.

This still may slant the obssessive voters, but once Phase 2 of this begins that should balance out. For right now, I'd like to get one film to 12 points, and then Phase 2 can begin.

You can view all nominations here.

My first votes:

+1 Pulp Fiction
+1 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
+1 The Godfather

Trouble with a capital "T"
Kudos for a good idea I like it, but...I'd change it from 10 top movies per day per person to 10 (or more movies) only once from a person. Otherwise your list will be dominated by obsessives/compulsive contributors and thus will be heavily weighted in one direction only.

I'd personally contribute a one time top 10 or top 25, but I don't want to post daily.

Kudos for a good idea I like it, but...I'd change it from 10 top movies per day per person to 10 (or more movies) only once from a person. Otherwise your list will be dominated by obsessives/compulsive contributors and thus will be heavily weighted in one direction only.

I'd personally contribute a one time top 10 or top 25, but I don't want to post daily.
Yeah, I've actually changed my mind. I'm re-editing the OP and it'll be a completely different set of rules. I should have thought this through better before posting.

obsessives/compulsive contributors
And you all know who you are.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

...Naturally, this list represents the knowledge and tastes of the people who have helped build it. I do not claim that it is the single, official objective canon of film.

If you'd like to add your voice, making the list even better, you can vote!
You can vote once a day, and each time you get to either:
give a work a +2 and another work a +1; or,
give three different works +1 each.

If you give a work a +2 you may only vote for it once every other day...
Your original post now says absolutely nothing about nominating movies and reads like we're trying to "tier" the ten movies you picked.

...Naturally, this list represents the knowledge and tastes of the people who have helped build it. I do not claim that it is the single, official objective canon of film.

If you'd like to add your voice, making the list even better, you can vote!
You can vote once a day, and each time you get to either:
give a work a +2 and another work a +1; or,
give three different works +1 each.

If you give a work a +2 you may only vote for it once every other day...
Your original post now says absolutely nothing about nominating movies and reads like we're trying to "tier" the ten movies you picked.
Forget about the link I posted, that was my original idea. Post 2 has the current board, either build off that or add your own like I did.

@ahwell, how about we post our top 10 movies, then you conglomerate them into a MoFo Film Canon.
Okay, I think what I’m going to do is change it back to the original plan. Theres no limit to the amount of films that can be added, and no film can be nominated twice (once I change the rules) so there’s no way that one obsessive voter will get in the way. If someone only wants to post ten films total instead of ten a day that is much appreciated too. But once a film is nominated don’t nominate it again, it is on the list.

The good thing is that no ones probably getting mad that I’m constantly changing the confusing rules because I don’t think that anyone’s reading it anyways. So best to get this brainstorming part out of the way right now. As for now, post ten films a day until I think of a better idea.

Them rules do be a work in progress that's fo' sure
Have to say I'm still just very much unclear as to what you/we are attempting to achieve here?
Personally anything where people can post multiple times and perhaps skew things in their direction is just immediately off-putting to me to be honest, but maybe if the ultimate goal was more clear or I had an idea just how 'phase 2 might balance that out' I'd be willing to take part.

Weird is relative.
Ok - so we can nominate up to ten films per day, and each time we do so, someone else can't suggest one of those?

So if I said:

• The Wizard of Oz (1939)
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
• Woman in the Dunes (1964)
• In the Mood for Love (2000)
• Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

Then no one else can nominate, BUT they can vote for them if they wish. Right?

EDIT: I just re-read that. Well, if you only want ten per person total, then let us know.

Or if it were maybe the top 25 per person... if that would work better. It's hard to choose just ten films.

Ok - so we can nominate up to ten films per day, and each time we do so, someone else can't suggest one of those?

So if I said:

• The Wizard of Oz (1939)
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
• Woman in the Dunes (1964)
• In the Mood for Love (2000)
• Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

Then no one else can nominate, BUT they can vote for them if they wish. Right?

EDIT: I just re-read that. Well, if you only want ten per person total, then let us know.

Or if it were maybe the top 25 per person... if that would work better. It's hard to choose just ten films.
Yes, for now, no one is voting yet, so we’re just trying to get to 500 films until voting starts. After that people can continue nominating films as well, but a voting round will start as well. So you can nominate 5 more films today if you want.

Them rules do be a work in progress that's fo' sure
Have to say I'm still just very much unclear as to what you/we are attempting to achieve here?
Personally anything where people can post multiple times and perhaps skew things in their direction is just immediately off-putting to me to be honest, but maybe if the ultimate goal was more clear or I had an idea just how 'phase 2 might balance that out' I'd be willing to take part.
Yes, I said last post Phase 2 is when any voting begins, this round is basically just listing your favorite movies and I will add them to the google doc.

Yes, I said last post Phase 2 is when any voting begins, this round is basically just listing your favorite movies and I will add them to the google doc.
Yeah, it's all still pretty vague though (at least to me it is) and I'm no closer to understanding how this might differ from a standard MoFo Countdown or how phase 2 would potentially balance against those that would try to dominate such a venture. I guess I'll just leave it to others for now and see if it becomes any clearer to me in time. Hopefully you can get it off the ground.

Yeah, it's all still pretty vague though (at least to me it is) and I'm no closer to understanding how this might differ from a standard MoFo Countdown or how phase 2 would potentially balance against those that would try to dominate such a venture. I guess I'll sit back for now and see if it becomes any clearer in time. Hopefully you can get it off the ground.
Essentially a MoFo countdown is a top 100 or 200 of a particular genre or any film. In my idea, there is no limit to the amount of films that can be added, but they will be sorted into tiers (so clustered rankings) that I think are more accurate than rankings. Phase 2 would be the voting process but there would be no need to balance someone who votes continuously because a film can only be nominated once, and there is no limit to the amount of films, so it would simply be a question of when that film would be added. Phase 2 begins adding points and voting, but I haven't quite figured that out yet. For now, I'd just like to see 500 films nominated.

So, I've now added MijaFrost's five nominations to the list, we are now at 15. Right now, remember, no voting, and I will pause it once we get enough.

So what do you actually want from us in terms of nominations? top 5? top 10? top 25?

Honestly I think you'd be better off having this thread as a discussion on what form this is going to take then start another thread with a very clear opening post.

It seems like you idea is to really focus in a a small number of personal favourites both in noms and voting? I certainly like that idea relative to say having everyone do a top 50-100 or whatever as IMHO when you go that route results become more generic, big name films end up at the top not because there absolute favourites but because there getting a mention on everyones list.

To me anyway someone personal favourite films are always more interesting to hear that some attempt to create some objective judgement of cinema as a whole.

Ok, I'll chip in with ten to try and help you along...

Bin-jip [3-Iron] (2004)
Dohee-ya [A Girl At My Door] (2014)
Fish Tank (2009)
Hana-bi [Fireworks] (1997)
Ivanovo detstvo [Ivan's Childhood] (1962)
Kes (1969)
M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder [M] (1931)
Misery (1990)
The Long Good Friday (1980)
The War Of The Worlds (1953)

edit: if this is supposed to be a personal top ten films then ignore the above as whilst these are ten I certainly like well enough to put forward for something like this my personal top ten (if I had one) would probably actually look quite different.