
Hmm? I never found Picard himself that interesting. Probably the most interesting thing to happen to him was being assimilated by the Borg and escaping to be human again. I don't have much interest in the south of France or its vineyards either.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hmm? I never found Picard himself that interesting. Probably the most interesting thing to happen to him was being assimilated by the Borg and escaping to be human again. I don't have much interest in the south of France or its vineyards either.
I think Patrick Stewart was by far the best actor who every worked on any Star Trek TV show. However I'm not sure a show about him is going to succeed. Hopefully they build a strong ensemble cast.

A system of cells interlinked
Hmm? I never found Picard himself that interesting. Probably the most interesting thing to happen to him was being assimilated by the Borg and escaping to be human again. I don't have much interest in the south of France or its vineyards either.
Don't forget this...

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Don't forget this...

That was a great episode!

Still didn't make Picard that much more interesting - he was just an officer who refused to crack under attempted brainwashing & torture while imprisoned by an enemy.

(Kirk would have made his tormentors self destruct by confusing them with counter-questions, taken out all his guards with karate chops to the neck, then went and slept with their women before escaping!)

I think Patrick Stewart was by far the best actor who every worked on any Star Trek TV show. However I'm not sure a show about him is going to succeed. Hopefully they build a strong ensemble cast.
Maybe if they made Mr. Worf his roommate? That would be cool.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Whaaaat. Picard was the best. Loved him. One of the best all-time Star Trek characters.

See also: The Drumhead.

Actually, lots of people in today's society should watch The Drumhead.
And agreed again

I'm on season 7 of re-watching STTNG, I've really enjoyed it, lots of great writing and acting Then it's onto DSN.

Whaaaat. Picard was the best. Loved him. One of the best all-time Star Trek characters.
I don't hate him or anything, just never found him so interesting as to warrant his own series.

Of course, context is everything - what will the show be about? Being the head of Star Fleet? Becoming a diplomat for alien negotiations? Being head of a subversive group to protect Earth from a Borg resurgence? Or a soap opera about being retired on a French vineyard in the 24th century?

On the same note, I probably wouldn't want to see a series just about Kirk either - I'd much rather see Kirk with a crew on the bridge of the Enterprise (but in an actual prequel - not some splinter, off-shoot, concurrent-but-alternate counter continuity! Gotta get in my jabs at Abrams' reboot!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't hate him or anything, just never found him so interesting as to warrant his own series.

Of course, context is everything - what will the show be about? Being the head of Star Fleet? Becoming a diplomat for alien negotiations? Being head of a subversive group to protect Earth from a Borg resurgence? Or a soap opera about being retired on a French vineyard in the 24th century?
The French vineyard soap opera idea sounds good to me. That's what STTNG and DSN had over the original show, more in depth character building and a continuation of the relationships between the crew. I don't care if it's ST original or STTNG or whatever, but when the show is about ship battles and phaser fights, I tune out. Hopefully ST Picard would be split between his life in France on his families vineyard and his time as a professor teaching classes to cadets at Star Fleet Academy.
On the same note, I probably wouldn't want to see a series just about Kirk either - I'd much rather see Kirk with a crew on the bridge of the Enterprise (but in an actual prequel - not some splinter, off-shoot, concurrent-but-alternate counter continuity! Gotta get in my jabs at Abrams' reboot!)
I'd rather see a prequel series with Captain Pike in command of the early days of the Enterprise. I think Capt Kirk and the crew should be laid to rest on their laurels. They deserve them, so rebooting them is like digging them out of the grave. Abrams-grave digger!

This is probably better for the TOS thread - but according to current canon continuity, there was another 5-year mission by Kirk and crew that took place after the V-ger incident (yet to be explored by any TV series or movie).

According to the ST timeline is was almost 11 years between the events in TMP and Wrath of Khan even though in reality the films were only 3 years apart.

So another long mission involving the original crew that took place after the first one is still up for grabs! Maybe some future film maker or TV producer will resurrect the crew for the 2nd mission (and hopefully not make it some kind of splinter continuity where the characters call up the actors who played their older selves, but in another dimension to ask advice of how they handled the situation in their own movie!)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Is this going to be pay per view?

I'm not sure, but I thought I read that this will be on CBS All Access. I think that's a pay channel.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That artwork looks great! I'd be real interested in seeing this, but I don't pay to watch TV. Oh well maybe it will come out on DVD someday.

That artwork looks great! I'd be real interested in seeing this, but I don't pay to watch TV. Oh well maybe it will come out on DVD someday.
It's heading to Amazon Prime UK, you can start your free trial month right after Picard's season ending watch it and cancel your subscription.