18th Mofo Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Would it be possible for me to just be an honorary member, and people won't have to watch my movie until I've watched all of the other noms.

Also no hard feelings against anyone who doesn't want me in the HoF I've committed to these things and not followed through at least 3 times it's totally understandable.
honorary could work very nicely
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yup just keep in mind

1 movie the first 2 weeks
2 movies the first month
4 movies the first 6 weeks
See I like that as it weeds out the riff raft right from the get go.

You should expand that to include 6 movies (by such and such time), 8 movies, 10 movies, etc.. so that someone doesn't watch only 4 movies then set on their ass until they drop out at the end.

Like @Miss Vicky and @Citizen Rules I don't do HoFs to compete. I'm interested in seeing films others consider good but that wouldn't have landed on my watchlist otherwise (I've even enjoyed few of those). I also try to nominate films that I like a lot and that everyone hasn't already seen.

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Seance on a Wet Afternoon
The Little Stranger
Forbidden Planet
That Hamilton Woman
Raiders is good (without rewatching the whole series I'd say it's my 2nd favorite Indy after Temple). Forbidden Planet I've seen ages ago and don't have too positive memories of it.

Haven't seen the others but Seance and Little Stranger look interesting. I think there's a high chance I'd hate Hamilton Woman but who knows, maybe it'll surprise me.

Of your replacements Love & Mercy doesn't sound too interesting to me. Touch of Evil I've seen ages ago and it's been on my rewatch list for a while now (I remember it being quite good).

All right, now that I better understand what is going on, here is my new, revised list of possible nominees:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001: A Space Odyssey
Jaws is OK I'd remember. I'm not a huge fan but not hater either. Snow White I haven't (surprisingly) seen but I don't expect to like it. Ben-Hur was a real bore last time I saw it. Holy Grail is one of the best comedies ever made and probably my favorite Python. 2001 is my controversial movie opinion - I've tried to watch it several times but never managed to finish. I've been meaning to give it another go so nominating it would at least ensure that I'd see it completely.

See I like that as it weeds out the riff raft right from the get go.

You should expand that to include 6 movies (by such and such time), 8 movies, 10 movies, etc.. so that someone doesn't watch only 4 movies then set on their ass until they drop out at the end.

If we have 10 entrants then the deadline is 10 weeks so they have a month to finish 6 films or they are out.

If we get 15 participants I'll add another cut line but it seems to me that when people drop out they do so at the pre-mid point.

This is also easier for me because I'm not going to be around much in February I have hard deadlines I can send out the pm's make the checks and come back.

All right, now that I better understand what is going on, here is my new, revised list of possible nominees:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001: A Space Odyssey
Any other thoughts on this?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001: A Space Odyssey
I've not seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs but I'd welcome a viewing of it

Okay, screw it. I've been debating on what to nominate. I was torn between three movies - one is a long time favorite that I've considered for several HOFs and think could do well, another is a long time favorite that probably won't do well but is relevant to the upcoming countdown, and the third is a recent discovery that I really loved, is relevant to the countdown, and probably would do well. As illogical as it might be, I'm going with option #2.

Weird is relative.
I enjoy participating in HOFs, but I have a huge backlog right now of stuff I need to watch, so I would prefer to wait until after the reveal to check what's been nominated and if I can find everything, and then possibly send in a nom, if that's ok with you, @Siddon.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I enjoy participating in HOFs, but I have a huge backlog right now of stuff I need to watch, so I would prefer to wait until after the reveal to check what's been nominated and if I can find everything, and then possibly send in a nom, if that's ok with you, @Siddon.
I've enjoyed working with you in the HoFs, so I hope you'll join If it helps my movie is only 90 minutes long.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
My original pick was actually going to go way out there and I was going to nominate The Great Mouse Detective. I've been thinking about how seriously underrated I think it is as both an animation film and just for Disney in general. But I ultimately decided to go a different way. One of these times I will pull the trigger and do an animation nomination in a general.

My original pick was actually going to go way out there and I was going to nominate The Great Mouse Detective.
I love animated films, but not that particular animated film. I'm glad you decided against it. At least, I think I'm glad but then we'll see what you actually chose.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My original pick was actually going to go way out there and I was going to nominate The Great Mouse Detective. I've been thinking about how seriously underrated I think it is as both an animation film and just for Disney in general. But I ultimately decided to go a different way. One of these times I will pull the trigger and do an animation nomination in a general.
That would've been cool to see and I bet it would have done much better than you think. It might not have won but I bet it would come in at the middle of the pack at least.

When's the big reveal? It feels like ages since I've been in an HoF and I'm looking forward to being in one again.
You should have joined the horror HoF But yeah, I'm looking forward to the reveal as well. Really curious on what I must watch this time.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I love animated films, but not that particular animated film. I'm glad you decided against it. At least, I think I'm glad but then we'll see what you actually chose.
When's the last time you saw it? Only say it because it seems I like it a lot more as an adult than I did as a kid.