Disney Buys 21st Century Fox for 52 Billion


Registered User
Hi everybody, long time lurker, first-time poster. Didn't see a thread on this so here it is.

With the deal, Disney will Win
  • The movie studio 20th Century Fox,
    the company’s TV production arm 20th Century Fox Television,
    Fox-owned cable networks (including FX and National Geographic),
    The company’s stakes in international networks like Star TV and Sky
    A Majority share in Hulu

The deal is not final, still has to be approved by the DOJ, but it's likely going to happen under the Trump administration.

To me, this stinks of monopoly. I hate that so many people are celebrating it because the x-men and Fantastic Four superhero movies will return to Marvel (personally I think the X-Men movies lately have been better than the MCU) but that really seems to me as missing the big picture.

For example, Netflix is about to get massively screwed.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Teddy Roosevelt would be furious!..if he knew his hard work at anti trust laws that was built on the back of the Sherman Act... had been slowly dismantled starting back in the 1980s and now was going full steam, towards mega-corp.

Sad day.

Not a fan of this either tbh.

Disney are basically going to own the rights to every movie and TV show ever made at this rate.

As Vini pointed out, sites like Netflix will also get screwed over.
Disney are moving all LucasFilm stuff to their own streaming channel, so they same will happen with all Fox stuff too eventually.
I don't use online stuff myself, but agree that this whole thing smacks of Monopoly.

According to the stats... these are the "Big Six" in Hollywood, with the percentage of ownership as of before Disney absorbed Fox...

Disney - 27%
Warner Bros - 17%
20th/21st Century Fox - 13%
Universal - 13%
Sony - 8%
Paramount - 8%

With Fox being bought out by Disney, it means Disney now own over 40% of the entirety of the movie and TV industry, with 2nd place, Warner, only owning 17%.

The new Big Six now is:

Disney - 40%
Warner Bros - 17%
Universal - 13%
Sony - 8%
Paramount - 8%
Lions Gate - 6%

That's some Monopoly.

In Brazil one media company had dominated about 75% of TV for decades, Globo. Overall, I don't think there will be a big difference in having a slighly more concentrated entertainment sector in the US. Big Corps are bad? That's just big business phobia.

It's true that Disney might make stuff be more risk averse, cliched and entertainment less creative since that is their business model but they are successful because their consumers like that type of stuff so they are getting more of the same. The cool small companies like Crunchyroll will not be affected although my biggest gripe with Disney is their awful disfigurement of Miyazaki's movies scripts, but they disfigured Miyazaki's scripts because they expected the Western consumers to like more that version so it's not their "fault" but the average consumer's fault.

So overall I don't see any problem with this: US movie and TV entertainment industry is moving more and more towards becoming vapid, bland, simplistic and cliche so nothing could be more natural than for Disney to own the whole thing.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
**** Disney.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Why is "Walt" starred out?
It's not Walt.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
^ ^ ^
Why is "Walt" starred out?
Oops I accidentally spelt Walt **** instead.

**** you Disney you ruined ****ing Star Wars you ****ing ***********. It's gonna be funny that you keep pouring $$$ into ****ty ****ing prequels that no one gives a **** about.

No I don't want to know how ****ing Han met Lando or Chewie, or watch him make the ****ing Kessel run in however many ****ing parsecs it took him. Nor do I want to watch ****ing old man Kenobi sitting around on ****ty ****ing Tatooine jerking off the dirty old perv.

Teddy Roosevelt would be furious!..if he knew his hard work at anti trust laws that was built on the back of the Sherman Act... had been slowly dismantled starting back in the 1980s and now was going full steam, towards mega-corp.

Sad day.
It is easy for the consumer not to buy into it unlike with other type of monopolies.

Registered User
It is easy for the consumer not to buy into it unlike with other type of monopolies.
Is it though? Entertainment is a human need, and if a company controls most of it, you may have to buy into it despite your objections. If not for yourself then for your children.

Is it though? Entertainment is a human need, and if a company controls most of it, you may have to buy into it despite your objections. If not for yourself then for your children.
We are not the Borg yet. There is alternative content you can show to anyone...

**** you Disney you ruined ****ing Star Wars you ****ing ***********. It's gonna be funny that you keep pouring $$$ into ****ty ****ing prequels that no one gives a **** about.

No I don't want to know how ****ing Han met Lando or Chewie, or watch him make the ****ing Kessel run in however many ****ing parsecs it took him. Nor do I want to watch ****ing old man Kenobi sitting around on ****ty ****ing Tatooine jerking off the dirty old perv.

Seriously though gandalf, you're going to loose your sh*t because of one film? 'Star Wars' is "ruined forever?" Really?

Let's not forget who owned Star Wars more than a couple of years ago.

The gobble-necked elderly cook who screwed around with the Original Trilogy several times, and made the beloved unedited versions pretty much inaccessible because his ego and his "vision" was 'more important than the fans.' And mostly importantly, HE was the sole perpetrator of those "****ty ****ing prequels that no one gives a **** about."