The Women Directors Hall of Fame


Like he said Ed sent in his nomination We've got five solid films so far, i haven't seen any of them other than my nom so things are looking good. Hopefully a few more join.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wonder if Ed's nom is what I was going to nominate in the 15th? It could be, he doesn't know that I know he really likes that movie but he does, so do I. Well as long as someone nominates it, it's all good. I really do want to see it again.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm sure there will be quite a few more joining in, Camo. No worries about that.

And @Citizen Rules, since I don't know that you know: I don't know if that's the one you know about, that I don't know you fully know how much I like it. . . um, . . ya know?
Though I will say it is another blind grab for me for a movie I've been dying to watch since I first stumbled past the dvd cover and that little gut voice whispered "watch me - you'll really like me" nearly a decade ago. And it's only got louder since and then last night getting a short list from both Camo's and @Velvet's lists that they posted (VERY HELPFULLY THANK YOU BOTH!!) I saw it and hit brakes, checked for availability online AND at my library - because I'm pretty sure my room mate would love it too and sent it over to Camo.

I could be tempted by this one. Not sure what I'd most like to nominate. Arthouse or action? Hmmm....
Would be more than glad to have you Actually considered messaging you as i know you are watching stuff for the Countdown right now. Let me know when you've decided.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was going to go with a documentary but I decided to pick something that people will likely enjoy.
Glad you could join. Maybe some of the other members of the Virgin Hof will also join in.

I was going to go with a documentary but I decided to pick something that people will likely enjoy.
What was the documentary out of interest?

I don't think anyone has nominated a Documentary outside the Documentary HoF, from what i remember at least. Actually i think Night and Fog may have at some point but that was in a Short HoF.

What was the documentary out of interest?

I don't think anyone has nominated a Documentary outside the Documentary HoF, from what i remember at least. Actually i think Night and Fog may have at some point but that was in a Short HoF.
I was going to go with Blackfish(2013), which is a movie I rank ahead of what I ended up nominating.

The documentary field for women is very deep, I was also conisdering nominating The Kid Stays in the Picture(2002).

I liked Blackfish quite a bit. It got to me quite alot since (on top of how sad and disturbing it is anyway) i went to Seaworld Orlando a bunch as a kid and probably saw Tilkum. Thought it was alot better than The Cove personally. Haven't seen the other one.

Cricket is our eighth member Was starting to think he wasn't going to join which was breaking my heart Got his nom, again it's something i've not seen

Also we've sorted the Velvet's nom situation. Will be the same thing that happened with Red Psalm. He nominated one that was really impossible to find so he graciously changed it and it looks like this one will work.

So i'll probably kick this off either Monday or Tuesday after this thread has been up a week. Depending on how many join i'm fine extending this a week or two due to the holidays. It depends how many joins and how close to the deadline we are. If say we end up with 12 and we start on Tuesday, that will be over 14 weeks from the deadline meaning we could expand it an extra week or two. That's if people want it we'll see when we start.

im really hoping people nominated some art films. Im trying to grow my knowledge of cinema and it would be lovely to find a new favorite through this hof
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

im really hoping people nominated some art films. Im trying to grow my knowledge of cinema and it would be lovely to find a new favorite through this hof
All films are art. But yeah the way i think you're defining it there is some. You could find a new favourite that's not an Art House film. I really don't like when people think only Art House or Conventional films are worthwhile, there's plenty of great stuff in both. Not accusing you of that just saying you'll increase your knowledge of film whether there's Art House in this or not.

getting a great little turnout, should be a really nice diversity to the films.
Paint me intrigued!
Thanks for the bump! It would be good if Thursday Next who expressed interest and another 1-3 joined. 10-12 seems the perfect amount with the distance to the deadline.

Will most likely start on Monday and as i said we can decide then if there should be an extra week or two for the holidays.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Thanks for the bump! It would be good if Thursday Next who expressed interest and another 1-3 joined. 10-12 seems the perfect amount with the distance to the deadline.

Will most likely start on Monday and as i said we can decide then if there should be an extra week or two for the holidays.
I'm sure a few more will make it in, there's already a pretty good amount for only being open for about a day -- not too shabby.
Having Thursday and a couple more would be pretty great.

Used my host privileges to watch one of the noms . That's the only one i'll see before the start, it's fairly short and i've been really wanting to see it. Won't say what i thought until Monday and don't bother checking Letterboxd i'm not that dumb