Director of the Month Project

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Also you don't have to watch all of them if you don't want to. This isn't a commitment thing like the Hall of Fames, you can just watch one or two or whatever, it's up to you.

That's what this thread is for. We all decide on four films of his to watch and review/discuss. None of us are that familiar with him either, i've seen one that i don't remember that well, Sean has seen three and Velvet hasn't seen any.

It's probably going to be A Woman Under The Influence, Shadows and Opening Night. Not decided a fourth yet.
Chinese Bookie?

Chinese Bookie?
Sean has seen that and Faces so neither of them. That leaves: Too Late Blues, A Child Is Waiting, Minnie and Moskowitz, Gloria, Love Streams and Big Trouble.

My vote goes to Love Streams as i've heard alot of good things about that one but i'm cool with something else if you guys would prefer one of the others.

Sean has seen that and Faces so neither of them. That leaves: Too Late Blues, A Child Is Waiting, Minnie and Moskowitz, Gloria, Love Streams and Big Trouble.

My vote goes to Love Streams as i've heard alot of good things about that one but i'm cool with something else if you guys would prefer one of the others.
I vote Love streams 2.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Love Streams sounds great. I will watch Influence as well. Haven't seen it since my first year on the site.

(A Woman Under The Influence, Shadows and Opening Night, Love Streams)

Is this a lock now? I wanna get them asap.

(A Woman Under The Influence, Shadows and Opening Night, Love Streams)

Is this a lock now? I wanna get them asap.
Yep those are the four we'll go for then. I made a post about it -

Going to watch L'amore tomorrow and Blimp by Thursday then this will start on Friday. Glad there's at least four of us taking part, should be fun.

A few of them are on Youtube in case anyone is having trouble finding them, if anyone needs links that's not Youtube PM me:


Opening Night:

A Woman Under The Influence:

Yep those are the four we'll go for then. I made a post about it -

Going to watch L'amore tomorrow and Blimp by Thursday then this will start on Friday. Glad there's at least four of us taking part, should be fun.
Already put all four on hold. I am 1st in line on all of them.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses

Looks like we're doing John Cassavettes for September, i know you're a big fan so just letting you know in case you are interested in joining in.
I don't need to read anymore.. I'm in!

Thanks so much!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I was reading some earlier posts... Aki Kaurismaki jumps ahead of my favorite directors with every movie, and I think many would like him. He has the perfect balance of pace, humor, narrative, everything, he's great.

Any future plans for Robert Bresson?

I was reading some earlier posts... Aki Kaurismaki jumps ahead of my favorite directors with every movie, and I think many would like him. He has the perfect balance of pace, humor, narrative, everything, he's great.

Any future plans for Robert Bresson?
Glad you are joining in

I'd definitely be up for Bresson at some point. Just watched my fourth of his L'argent the other day and i'm planning on watching The Devil Probably some time over the next week.


The first story was very good. The key to it working of course was dropping us in without knowing anything and not completely revealing everything, or at least not in an obvious way. Was really effective showing this as a one sided conversation; we had no idea what the person she was talking to was like, for all we know he was mean and manipulative and Magnani was so in love she didn't mind. It also did a great job of slowly introducing us to her. Another factor was the close focus on Magnani's expressionful face and just her heartfelt performance in general; her voice especially which was appropriately pained and passionate, she did a great job. Magnani has been the actor who has most impresessed me from these Rossellini films, looking forward to more from her. If i'm being honest i don't think i completely followed this, could definitely do with a rewatch at some point as i don't think i've pieced together the whole situation from that watch; there may be deliberately missing pieces though and i haven't missed anything i'm not sure. Just as a weird note, i considered that the person was a lover who had died at first which was why she was so broken up and she wasn't actually talking to anyone, couldn't remember if she called him or the other way round at first which is why i wasn't sure, obviously i know that's not the case as it went on though. Anyway very good. The second was pretty good too but i didn't love it. My main problem was on me, i don't think i totally engaged with it which left me not quite sure what they were going for; i mean obviously it was supposed to be a woman that believes she was the Virgin Mary but i'm not really sure beyond that. I did think Magnani was great and i liked the visuals and especially the music alot so overall i liked it. Good film.

So that's me done with Rossellini, really glad we went with him even though i only love Paisan so far i'm definitely into him. Paisan>L'Amore>Rome Open City>Germany Year Zero for me. Just Blimp left which i'll watch by Thursday.


I liked this but didn't fall in love. This is two distinct stories and I liked the first part better than the second. The first is one person on a phone call and we only hear her side of the conversation. I really like these kind of conceits and the actress who plays the role is really good. Pretty sure she has been in the first three Rossellini films I have watched. As she talks the reason for the call and what is going on in her life slowly reveals itself. Maybe the biggest problem is that what is transpiring is exactly what you would have guessed. Overall I enjoyed this story.

The second story left a little more to be desired. It plays like a parable and isn't bad but overall it didn't really have a hook in for me. I have to admit I am not 100% sure what exactly the story is trying to convey thematically. It obviously is mirroring the journey of Mary a bit but what it is trying to say different than the actual virgin birth story is probably beyond me.

Interesting that these two stories were combined into one film. Kind of wonder if this was more a marriage of convenience rather than a thematic through line. Any help with putting this puzzle together is appreciated.
Pretty much agree except i liked it a bit more than you. Not really sure why or if they were connected either. Amore means love right? The first one it's obvious what that refers to, the second is most likely her unwavering love for god. Both she continues to love despite circumstances where she shouldn't, her husband or whoever he was in the first is seeing someone else now and it would be easy to lose your faith in god after going through so many hardships.Beyond that i'm not sure either.

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

Extremely difficult to post about a film this length that covers this much so i'm keeping it short and to the point. Have to say was a little terrified of this film before watching. The fact that Black Narcissus is the only Powell & Pressburger i've really liked so far made the running time daunting. It worked though as a big epic. It actually reminded me of Forrest Gump a bit, the humour and the real events and people mixed in with fiction, curious if this was an influence on Gump. Clive Candy is easily the best thing about this film. It's such a journey you go on with him and he really does change alot throughout, his character development was my favourite thing. Never heard of Roger Livesly before, he was excellent. I actually wasn't on board at first largely because of his voice; it was one of those early 20th Century English upper class gentleman voices which can be insufferable, but i got used to it and overall he was great. I'm definitely not Pro-British Empire like this film seemed to be so that could have been a problem but it wasn't as it wouldn't have made much sense if it was Anti considering when it was made and set. Also it was critical of some British things, and more than anything made fun of them. The visuals again were stunning. Powell & Pressburger films always look excellent, this is my fifth of theirs and they have all been among the best looking films of the 40's. Surprisingly i don't have anything against any of the performances, that was a big surprise in a film this size i thought i'd at least dislike one but not really. The only actual problem was one nearly unavoidable, got a little restless at times as certain scenes i did not find interesting. This is something that's difficult to avoid in a nearly three hour film though. Other than that i could recognize alot of humour but i didn't find the film all that funny.

Very good film.


That's me finished August at the last second then. Thanks again to Sean for taking part and suggesting the directors, i really disliked one film and had mixed feelings with some but overall i had a good time with this. For the record since i always need to rank things.


01.Paisan (didn't watch for this thread)
03.Rome Open City
04.Germany Year Zero

Powell & Pressburger:

01.Black Narcissus
02.The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
03.The Thief of Bagdad (didn't watch for this thread)
04.The Red Shoes (didn't watch for this thread)
05.49th Parallel

Cassavetes from Friday then

pretty sure the movies are in. I will try to pick them up today and watch one of them over the weekend.
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Turned on Shadows last night but fell asleep about half way through. Sorry to say but I don't know if I will watch the rest guys. I will wait and see what you all think of it and maybe that will convince me. I know by this point I should be able to enjoy a film like this on an academic level, but I just can't. It is in the style of Faces which I hated. Nothing for me to cling on a character or story level. Then you have the editing which is distracting, which I am sure is due to footage lost, but still distracting. Plus tons of ADR due to the same reason, which bothers me so much.

I will await the thoughts of others before proceeding. Looking forward to my rewatch of Women Under The Influence, so may do that in the next couple nights.

Turned on Shadows last night but fell asleep about half way through. Sorry to say but I don't know if I will watch the rest guys. I will wait and see what you all think of it and maybe that will convince me. I know by this point I should be able to enjoy a film like this on an academic level, but I just can't. It is in the style of Faces which I hated. Nothing for me to cling on a character or story level. Then you have the editing which is distracting, which I am sure is due to footage lost, but still distracting. Plus tons of ADR due to the same reason, which bothers me so much.

I will await the thoughts of others before proceeding. Looking forward to my rewatch of Women Under The Influence, so may do that in the next couple nights.
Bummer, I still haven't picked my copies up from the library cause I keep forgetting.