14th Hall of Fame


Who nominated what then? Think i've got these ones:

Grand illusion - Ed (He told me before this started)
Mommy - Cricket (Same)
Black Snake Moan - Miss Vicky
M - Cosmic (? would be weird if it wasn't)
Empire of Passion - JJ
Lone Star - Joel
The Hurricane - Raul

Barton Fink is Yams maybe? And one of the two 2016 ones are Citizen, guessing it's Passengers.

Empire of Passion looks good, might watch that and Night On Earth. Seen three Jarmusch films so far: Loved Ghost Dog and especially Dead Man, liked but was overall disappointed in Stranger Than Paradise.

Who nominated what then? Think i've got these ones:

Grand illusion - Ed (He told me before this started)
Mommy - Cricket (Same)
Black Snake Moan - Miss Vicky
M - Cosmic (? would be weird if it wasn't)
Empire of Passion - JJ
Lone Star - Joel
The Hurricane - Raul

Barton Fink is Yams maybe? And one of the two 2016 ones are Citizen, guessing it's Passengers.

Empire of Passion looks good, might watch that and Night On Earth. Seen three Jarmusch films so far: Loved Ghost Dog and especially Dead Man, liked but was overall disappointed in Stranger Than Paradise.


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Passengers (2016)

I think the largely negative reception this film received when it was still in theatres was mostly due to how the film was marketed. It was presented as a suspenseful, sci-fi film where two unlucky passengers find themselves in over their heads when things start to go wrong with the ship. The scenes of romance and action were accompanied by a hint that something wasn't quite right with their situation, and that perhaps the reason for their voyage was not quite what they expected, or even that the malfunctions were intentional. This, as anyone who has seen the film would know, is incorrect.

Well said and I believe that to be true. People often go into a movie with expectations of what they want to see, and if the trailer has 'sold' them on another type of movie other than what's being shown, people will not get their expatiation filled, and often will hate it.

If Passenger had just been another block buster suspense action sci fi, I could have cared less. In fact I'll admit something, when I first seen this advertised, I said outloud to my wife, "no way am I watching Jennifer Lawrence in outer space!" I have not been a fan of JL's movies.

I prefer a story that allows a deep introspective into the human character and that's what drew me into Passengers. If Passengers had been only "suspenseful, sci-fi film where two unlucky passengers find themselves in over their heads when things start to go wrong with the ship", I would not have nominated it or even liked it. There's plenty of sci fi films like that. I nominated this for the questionable morality it shows? So I understand what you're saying about the ending @Cosmic I could even agree, what I like is Passengers makes a person think what would I do in Jim's (Chris Pratts) shoes? Cosmic if that was you what would you have done to keep from being alone?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Well said and I believe that to be true. People often go into a movie with expectations of what they want to see, and if the trailer has 'sold' them on another type of movie other than what's being shown, people will not get their expatiation filled, and often will hate it.

If Passenger had just been another block buster suspense action sci fi, I could have cared less. In fact I'll admit something, when I first seen this advertised, I said outloud to my wife, "no way am I watching Jennifer Lawrence in outer space!" I have not been a fan of JL's movies.

I prefer a story that allows a deep introspective into the human character and that's what drew me into Passengers. If Passengers had been only "suspenseful, sci-fi film where two unlucky passengers find themselves in over their heads when things start to go wrong with the ship", I would not have nominated it or even liked it. There's plenty of sci fi films like that. I nominated this for the questionable morality it shows? So I understand what you're saying about the ending @Cosmic I could even agree, what I like is Passengers makes a person think what would I do in Jim's (Chris Pratts) shoes? Cosmic if that was you what would you have done to keep from being alone?

I had wondered what the reasons were for you choosing this one, CR. Now I understand and also have the correct mindset for when I watch this as well. That,(what a surprise) the trailers were bullsh!t and there is so much more going on in this movie.
I had the same experience with Vicky's excellent pick: Black Snake Moan. The trailers playing it up as something different that it truly was.

@Camo. You mentioned seeing several Jarmusch films. By any chance was one of them Only Lovers Left and if so, what did ya think of it?
I've been tempted to nominated it but I sincerely doubt a lot of people would care for it or find it too slow.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The more I read reviews, the more I realize what wasn't apparent while watching it. There were a lot of pieces to the puzzle that I mistook for a bit of overload. I may need to revisit this at some point. Great review!
That is a general consensus. I'm hoping very much for a rewatch to catch all the things I taking enough interest in the first time around.
Yes, I watched Contratiempo. I usually don't watch movies with subtitles, but everyone seemed to like this movie a lot, and I couldn't read much about it because you guys kept saying to "go into this movie blind", so I decided to watch it.

WARNING: "SPOILERS about "Contratiempo"!!!!" spoilers below
At the beginning, I was sure he did it, not only because there was no way that someone could have gotten out of the room, but also because that's the way these movies usually go. They make you think that the suspect is innocent, but he ends up being guilty at the end.

But this movie had me going back and forth on my decision of who was guilty. At first, I thought it was him. Then when he was explaining how it was all her idea, I wasn't sure anymore. But then when she was with the missing guy's parents, I didn't think she was the one who decided to cover it up because of the way she acted around his parents, and I was pretty sure it was him again.

The part that they really got me on was the lawyer being the missing guy's mother. I knew she was up to something, but I didn't know what, but I had no idea that she was his mother in disguise until the very end.

I haven't seen most of the movies in this HoF, but if I was in it, I think this movie would have a good chance at being at the top of my list.
WARNING: "I agree," spoilers below
I was on and off with him being guilty for the first third, then I started to doubt him as Virginia was catching him in his lies. Which, at the same time made me begin to wonder what her end game was. I kept thinking she had switched sides and DID NOT even consider her being the mother in disguise. They kept the mother so beautifully out of the viewer's mind. She seemed too distraught to the point of being hospitalized ( and now I wonder if that was a ruse as well. Not actually BEING in the hospital, but simply a lie to help conceal Virginia's actual identity).

@Camo. You mentioned seeing several Jarmusch films. By any chance was one of them Only Lovers Left and if so, what did ya think of it?
I've been tempted to nominated it but I sincerely doubt a lot of people would care for it or find it too slow.
No mate, i actually mentioned the three i've seen in that post. Dead Man, Ghost Dog and Stranger Than Paradise. Only Lovers Left Alive is the one i want to see second most after Mystery Train so i probably will soon.

Warning: Passengers spoilers below.
Cosmic if that was you what would you have done to keep from being alone?
In movies like this one, where one person wakes up to an empty world and discovers that they're all alone, they tend to go stir crazy rather quickly, which I never really get. As long as there was still electricity, I think I'd be fine for at least a few years on my own. That's one thing I liked about the set up for Passengers. We know that Jim was there for over a year before succumbing to the temptation, which I think is far more realistic timeline for most people.

I'm a rather pragmatic person. If I felt like I had to wake someone up, I highly doubt I'd wake up an attractive person just because I was lonely. While the actual crew was locked in a separate hibernation area, there were bound to be other people with technical and mechanical skills in the passenger hold who might be able to help figure out what went wrong and whether it was possible to go back into stasis. If I had been there past my breaking point, or if anything seemed wrong with the ship, an author would probably be my last choice.

Even if I don't think that I'd do the same thing, I do think that, however wrong they were, Jim's choices were realistic and relatable for a lot of people. I just didn't like the fantasy fairy tale ending they got and how it implied that the ends justified the means.

WARNING: "Passengers Ending" spoilers below
I would've preferred it if Jim and Aurora did not end up back together. If Jim wasn't going to die while venting the reactor (which I think would've been a fair ending allowing him to go out nobly), I think an ending where Aurora took the opportunity to go back into hibernation would've been preferable as well.

Ideally, however, I would've loved it if the film played more with that whole loneliness aspect, and the question regarding if it's right to drag someone else down with you. In my ending, Jim either dies in the reactor or is not able to be resuscitated after Aurora drags him back in. Aurora is then left alone on the ship, facing the same circumstances as Jim at the start of the film. This would allow her to fully understand the reasons why Jim woke her up in the first place, as she would then be faced with the same conundrum. Whether or not she decides to take the moral high ground would not be revealed.

That,(what a surprise) the trailers were bullsh!t and there is so much more going on in this movie.
The moral of the story seems to be not to trust cinematic trailers. If they're not giving away the entire film, they may be creating a false version of the film that could dramatically change how you feel about the final product.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
No mate, i actually mentioned the three i've seen in that post. Dead Man, Ghost Dog and Stranger Than Paradise. Only Lovers Left Alive is the one i want to see second most after Mystery Train so i probably will soon.
I would SOOO love to blame these simple faus pax on getting old -- I REALLY would lol

I'll be curious to see what ya think when you do.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The moral of the story seems to be not to trust cinematic trailers. If they're not giving away the entire film, they may be creating a false version of the film that could dramatically change how you feel about the final product.
OH SO true. Going for the Hype instead of the Essence as it were

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks Cosmic for you answer, and yes I'm going to ask everyone the same question! That moral dilema is why I like the film so much. Actually when I watched the film I had thought along the same lines as you did here:
WARNING: "That's a good idea" spoilers below
"Jim either dies in the reactor or is not able to be resuscitated after Aurora drags him back in. Aurora is then left alone on the ship, facing the same circumstances as Jim at the start of the film. This would allow her to fully understand the reasons why Jim woke her up in the first place, as she would then be faced with the same conundrum."
I like that! You should be a screen writer, that's the perfect ending. I myself wanted Jim to die too, not because I didn't like him or understand him but because the story would then end on the same note as it stared, only it would be Aurora (great name by the way) facing the same decision to wake someone up to keep from being lonely.

You didn't ask me what I would do in Jim's shoes, but that thought made me think of the film for days afterwards. Rarely does a film make me ponder my own reactions like Passengers did, and it was that moral dilemma that made me nominate this movie and it's the strongest part of the film. The ending to me was not nearly as important as the core of the film's subject mater.

[quote=cricket;1760029 @cricket
I've heard of Night on Earth. I'm interested to watch it since I hate the director's Dead Man.


I disliked Dead Man, as well. I can recommend some good Jarmusch flicks...slow but great to unwind to without torture.

Stranger Than Paradise, Ghost Dog, Down by Law (possibly his best), Broken Flowers, Mystery Train (very good movie)/

I like that! You should be a screen writer, that's the perfect ending.
Thanks. I don't think I could write an entire story, but I could definitely edit other people's screenplays to make the conclusions more depressing haha.

You didn't ask me what I would do in Jim's shoes, but that thought made me think of the film for days afterwards.
Feel free to share anyway though! I was going to ask, but I think I got sidetracked with my alternative ending.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks. I don't think I could write an entire story, but I could definitely edit other people's screenplays to make the conclusions more depressing haha.
Ha...depressing endings are usually more memorable. Your hired

Feel free to share anyway though! I was going to ask, but I think I got sidetracked with my alternative ending.
I'm going to rewatch Passengers even though I just watched it, then I will see how I feel about being in Pratt's characters shoes.

Let me know how the first page looks as far as reviews go! Hope I didn't miss any. Night on Earth today for me.
Looks good to me, I've seen 3. Hope you like Night on Earth, I did.