My Sexiest Female Movie Characters List



Maggie Pollitt, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof

I wouldn't be surprised if the sale of white slips went through the stratosphere after Elizabeth Taylor's steamiest performance hit screens.

This might just do nobody any good.
Ah, if this were a "Best Use Eyebrows" list...

She was so wonderful. How many actresses or actors can be the epitome of adorable and turn commanding with a look?

Batman Returns was a childhood favorite, in part to DeVito's performance (which terrified 8 year old me and always left me in tears at its demise), but mostly for Michelle.

I'll admit the costume didn't do as much for me as her eyes.


Vivian Ward, Pretty Woman

I'm sure someone out there thought this was going to be #1, huh? Well, #3 is pretty good. Julia Roberts became a movie star and received her second Oscar nomination playing a Hollywood Boulevard hooker who finds her Prince Charming in a businessman (Richard Gere) visiting from out of town.


The Girl, The Seven Year Itch

All this talk of referring to these women as their characters and this character didn't even have a name. Everyone loves the shot of her over the subway grating but I think she's sexiest the first time we lay eyes on her in the movie here...carrying that fan and trying to get that plug out of the door. Marilyn was all about sex appeal and I don't think it ever worked as well as it did here.

well, finally down to #2...hope I have some curiosity piqued because frankly,
I have been juggling #1 and #2 for the last week and a half trying to decide which was going to be honorable mentions, I want to wrap this up...and now my # 1 favorite sexiest female movie character:


Suzanne Stone Maretto, To Die For

Was there ever a sexier woman in a movie? I don't think so.

Hope someone enjoyed the list...stay tuned for the men.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Loved it Gid!

Don't know if I can follow the men's edition
Oh C'Mon. The manly thread will be fun. I don't have a problem admiring the ladies choices. Don't be bashful.

Loved it Gid!

Don't know if I can follow the men's edition
Believe me, I'm already aware that the men's list is not going to merit the attention the ladies did and I understand.

Don't know if I can follow the men's edition
But it'll follow you.... everywhere you go.

Believe me, I'm already aware that the men's list is not going to merit the attention the ladies did and I understand.
Not necessarily. This lady will be viewing the list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Awesome job Gideon! I've never seen your #1 choice Suzanne Stone Maretto, To Die For

But I like the pictures!

Many great choices here and enjoyed following it. Someday I might have to do my own list

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
just ran through the entire list repping away like mad

TRULY enjoyed it, BRAVO!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I'm the fool who hasn't seen Vertigo yet but I gotta. I saw the Truffaut/Hitchcock documentary and loved how Scorsese, Fincher and James Grey gushed over it.

Novak makes a huge impression just from the images I've seen.

I had avoided Vertigo for years because I never really cared about Jimmy Stewart or Kim Novak, but I was very impressed by the film and the actors, I highly recommend it.

Awesome job Gideon! I've never seen your #1 choice Suzanne Stone Maretto, To Die For

But I like the pictures!

Many great choices here and enjoyed following it. Someday I might have to do my own list
Citizen, I insist that you add To Die For to your watchlist...I know you're a Kidman fan, there are two of her films that I only saw on your recommendation and in my opinion, this is her best performance that should have earned her an Oscar nomination.