Any guilty pleasure movies you like?


Nothing, because I don't get ashamed about liking movies. That's stupid. To answer the question the way most others are by putting movies I know are bad but love anyway;

Howard The Duck, Glen Or Glenda , and Oliver and Company

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Not considered a good movie, but the only Transporter movie I like. I thought that girl was hot too, even though she was a huge ditz

Con-Air is a badass movie, a bit over the top, but not bad at all. Also there should be no reason for anyone to feel guilty for liking Who Framed Roger Rabbit, National Lampoon's Vacation, or National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Probably the closest for me would be Showgirls, but I don't feel especially guilty about it.

Agree about the Vacation films, it's just that some people pan the 4th one (Las Vegas) but I enjoy it almost as much as the first. Granted,"European" leaves something to be desired, but it's got several great moments. I always had a small problem with "Christmas", not because there's anything wrong with it (it's hilarious as heck!), but just that it doesn't really fit with the others because the Griswalds don't go anywhere, i.e. it's not another "road trip" movie.

My Roger Rabbit story is that right after I first saw it in the theater, a friend's parents asked me what I thought. I told them it was a masterpiece and a work of genius. They rolled their eyes and said it was one of the most immature, idiotic, tedious things they ever had to sit through and then they reminded me that there was nothing original about it since Disney had been mixing live action and animation for decades. (They obviously didn't "get it".) But they did go out of their way to try to make me feel embarrassed for liking what they considered an unoriginal, low-brow, kiddie film.

Any guilty pleasure movies you like?

Ed Wood Jr movies. Especially Jail Bait and The Violent Years
He's a true artist! Why feel guilty about liking his films?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Like most I don't feel guilty for liking these, but they are all pretty bad.

The Man Who Knew Too Little - This movie is so dumb and full of predictable jokes but I can't help find it hilarious.

Billy Madison - Well to be fair I haven't seen this in about five years still I always found it funny.

Scary Movie 2 - Hate all the other Scary, Date, Disaster, etc movies I've seen but I do really like this one.

Agreed with Spaulding on Mortal Kombat too, the cheesy 90s soundtrack and horrible acting make this brilliant somehow, although the sequel is one of the worst film I've ever seen. Kinda agree with The Room too, I had a great time watching it but I doubt I'd ever watch it again.

Sounds to me like your friend's parents are idiotic.
They were kind of upper crust yet always trying to be avant garde. They always had the latest technology before it became "household". The father owned a DeLorean jut before Back to the Future came out. They'd vacation in France every year (if that tells you anything).


I don't know, maybe a little bit for liking White Chicks or Saving Silverman.

I don't feel any whatsoever for liking Knowing.

Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man - my favourite guilty pleasure.
"If money talks an' ******** walks, we walkin' ".

The Duchess's Avatar
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The Ed Wood movies Plan 9 From Outer Space and Bride Of The Monster. And I wear my angora sweater as well along with a nice dress and full makeup. Oh my!

Attack Of The 50' Woman

It's a movie you express "guilt" for liking, either because you yourself think it's "bad", it's so overwhelmingly reviled by other people you're afraid you'll be chastised for defending it, you find it's "message" repugnant, or some other reason.

no. i have good taste in film
I do too... but I do have a guilty pleasure... Im sorry, if I see it on.. I have to watch it..

And seriously, its because of my love for the process of Mummifcation... and a bit of dry comedy that I enjoy this film. Ok and yeah I like Ancient Egypt stuff...