I Walk Through The Valley: The PTA Fan Club


My second favorite PTA film. It's full of fantastic individual scenes, but it also perfectly works as a flowing whole.

It's a cliché to call this film PTA's Goodfellas, but it just exactly describes this film's energetic tone and fluent quality. An absolute masterpiece.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Watching Magnolia at the moment. Loving going back through all these films. Review later gators.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

John C Reilly
Tom Cruise
Phillip Baker Hall
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Melinda Dillon
William H Macy

"Its a dangerous thing to confuse children with angels."

" The most useless thing in the world is what's behind me."

"I have sickness all around me and you ask me my life."

"This is the regret that you make."

"And we may be through with the past but the past is not through with us."

" Sometimes people need a little help, sometimes they need to be forgiven, and sometimes they need to go to jail."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
My Magnolia review. This was my third viewing. This film firmly planted itself in my top five from my first viewing. There are five movies in my life that are no brainers when people ask me my favorites. I have many other favorites, but these five are at the tip top and don't shuffle spots no matter my mood. They are perfect in every single way to me. They make me laugh, cry, and think. I love their scores, dialogue, and characters. Magnolia is one of those movies and always will be. It is the reason I am such a PTA fan boy. I would love him anyway, but this makes him one of my favorite directors. Review linked below.

Magnolia Review

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I really need to see Magnolia again. It is the only PTA film that I like currently. Punch Drunk Love is ok, and the other two I saw were rubbish.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really need to see Magnolia again. It is the only PTA film that I like currently. Punch Drunk Love is ok, and the other two I saw were rubbish.
Magnolia commentary.

I really need to see Magnolia again. It is the only PTA film that I like currently. Punch Drunk Love is ok, and the other two I saw were rubbish.
They weren't rubbish. You're just a rubbish film watcher.

I've given it some thought and this is how I would rank PTA's films today:

1. The Master
2. Boogie Nights
3. There Will Be Blood
4. Inherent Vice
5. Magnolia
6. Punch-Drunk Love
7. Hard Eight

The Master is ultimately probably the only "perfect" film he's made so far for me, but I would consider my personal top five films of his strong candidates for my top 100 favorite movies list (if I made one now). Punch-Drunk Love is also truly great and Hard Eight is very solid.

What do other people think after having seen Inherent Vice (perhaps a couple of times already) now?

I think my rankings would be the same, except Boogie Nights at the top. The bottom three are definitely those three for me. I would need to rewatch The Master, There Will Be Blood and Inherent Vice to be completely sure of their exact rankings, though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
What do other people think after having seen Inherent Vice (perhaps a couple of times already) now?
I watched it for the second time a couple weeks ago. I am a PTA fan boy so it may seem to some like I am force feeding it but I liked it much more on a second watch. I think already having read a lot about it before I saw it really hurt my first viewing. I was too engaged the first go around, if that makes sense. I was trying to line everything up with what I had heard. It is not a hard movie to follow despite many people seeing it that way. So I just let it wash over me this time. I laughed a lot more and enjoyed the side characters much more this time. I gave it a 4/5. Which is a star higher then first viewing. Still my least favorite PTA but since I love them all that is not a slight. I can see it passing Hard Eight eventually.

Glad to hear that, Seanc! I totally agree with the fact that it's not a hard film to follow at all. Everything in it actually makes perfect sense. The plot is nowhere near as complicated as for instance Hawks' The Big Sleep.

Mine would looklike this:

1.There Will Be Blood
2.The Master
4.Punch Drunk Love
5.Inherent Vice
6.Boogie Nights
7.Hard Eight

I really have to rewatch Inherent Vice and Boogie Nights both I've only seen once. Especially the latter which I haven't seen in about five years, at most Vice would go above PDL, but I'm curious to see where Boogie fits in after a proper second watch.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So do we all agree that the narrator character in Inherent Vice is Doc's concious? It doesn't even seem cryptic to me after the second viewing.

I gave Inherent Vice another try, worked so much better for me this time. It's weird, because this time around it worked exactly in those areas that I was disappointed in. Feels like I watched a different film or something.

Great typical PTA mood piece, featuring some deleted scenes of Inherent Vice (like he did with The Master and Punch-Drunk Love). There are a few gorgeous shots!

for what I've seen from him...

1- Magnolia
2- Boogie Nights
3- There Will Be Blood
4- Punch Drunk Love
5- The Master (definitely need a rewatch)
6- Inherent Vice
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk