The David Fincher "Green Tinted Perfectionists" Fan Club


Hello David Fincher fans! Feel free to talk about anything relating to Fincher or his films. You can talk about what Fincher film you're watching, which ones are your favorites, and why you're a fan. Anything related to David Fincher can be said and discussed here. Enjoy

So far, our members are:

- Deadite
- mrtylerdurden (President)
- The Rodent
- The Sci-Fi Slob
- Sexy Celebrity
- Skepsis93
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

He is a good directer, but not among my favorites. Just never connected with me. It also happens a lot of his more recent flicks I had no idea were his and never ended up seeing them like Benjamin Button and Social Network.

Also Alien 3 is not very good so I think you made the right decision. But interesting trivia fact, one of the first scripts for Alien 3 got turned into Pitch Black.

Did not know that. You should really give Fincher another try. I have seen Benjamin Button and it is well worth watching. It's very well made and truly an epic spectacle. It is a bit long and drags at times but there's no denying the insane amount of work it took to make it, and Fincher really put his heart into it, just like his other films.

I will try more of his flicks. I know he has quite a fan base.
Yep you're looking at one! Fincher is such a perfectionist that I've seen behind the scenes footage of him telling someone to move a salt shaker that's not even in focus like 2 inches to the left. He looks at the tiniest details that NO ONE else notices, and partly that's why he's my favorite director. He's so precise.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hey Fincher fans. @rauldc14 and I have a thread where we discuss directors, pick some of their films, and watch them. It is fairly casual but also keeps us busy and focused on certain films. We are planning on Fincher next, starting sometime in the next week. If anyone is interested in joining us, or if the curator would like to make that part of the club, PM one of us or post in our thread. Click Here

Hello David Fincher fans! Feel free to talk about anything relating to Fincher or his films. You can talk about what Fincher film you're watching, which ones are your favorites, and why you're a fan. Anything related to David Fincher can be said and discussed here. Enjoy

So far, our members are:

- Deadite
- mrtylerdurden (President)
- The Rodent
- The Sci-Fi Slob
- Sexy Celebrity
- Skepsis93
I don't think I've seen enough of Fincher's work to call myself a fan but I liked what he did with Alien 3. I also like Paul McGann's story about going to meet Fincher and not realising that the young man that met him was in fact the director – and Fincher noticed .