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Showing results 1 to 25 of 66
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 06-26-11
Replies: 17
Cars 2
Posted By 1badgmc
I agree. I really enjoyed it and my 2 boys loved...

I agree. I really enjoyed it and my 2 boys loved it. No, it wasn't a strong Pixar film and wasn't as good as the first Cars, but it was typically Pixar beautiful to look at and I thought it was a...
Forum: Movie Reviews 12-22-10
Replies: 40
TRON Legacy
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: TRON Legacy

I've been a Tron fan since I was very young. As cheesy as it may be today, I still love the movie. I saw Tron Legacy on Saturday. My issues with the movie are relatively small, but overall I (and my...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 01-25-10
Replies: 41
Empire presents the "50 Greatest Movie Sequels"
Posted By 1badgmc
Batman Begins would be the remake. More...

Batman Begins would be the remake. More accurately a reboot. But The Dark Knight is unquestionably the sequel to Batman Begins.
Forum: Movie Reviews 01-14-10
Replies: 111
Inglourious Basterds
Posted By 1badgmc
If any history buff is going to a movie expecting...

If any history buff is going to a movie expecting perfectly factual accounts of events needs to have their head examined anyhow. That's why movies like that are "based on a true story" and not...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 12-31-09
Replies: 17
Cars 2
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: Cars 2

I loved the first one. Hell, I'm still collecting the die cast Cars characters that they keep coming out with. I just hope the second will be as good.
Replies: 463
Which TV series' do you own on DVD?
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: Which TV series' do you own on DVD?

What I Own:
CHiPs - Season 1
The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 1
Fraggle Rock - Complete Series
Friends - Seasons 1-10 (all)
The Gilmore Girls - Complete Series
Knight Rider - Complete Series...
Replies: 21
I will always be an addict. And you probably will too.
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: I will always be an addict. And you probably will too.

I've also come to the realization that I can become addicted to things. I've been able to keep my addictions away from substances, though. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs and I never have.

Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 12-31-09
Replies: 31
Val Kilmer
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: Val Kilmer

I've always liked Val Kilmer. I haven't seen all his movies, but I've enjoyed all the ones that I have seen. Top Gun is great, of course, but Top Secret!, Willow and especially Real Genius are 3 of...
Forum: Movie Reviews 12-22-09
Replies: 6
The Wraith
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: The Wraith

Thank you for that! It's been a really crappy day, but you helped brighten it a bit. :D
Forum: Movie Reviews 12-21-09
Replies: 6
The Wraith
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: The Wraith

I LOVE The Wraith. I grew up on this movie. Yeah, it's cheesy, has bad acting and as a car guy, I can find TONS of errors in it, but it's a guilty pleasure and I love every minute of it. One of my...
Forum: Movie Reviews 11-21-09
Replies: 214
80's Trash from the Future
Posted By 1badgmc
The picture is terrible, but if you can find it...

The picture is terrible, but if you can find it cheap enough, it is worth it. I got my copy for next to nothing.
Replies: 3
When was the first DVD released and what was on it?
Posted By 1badgmc
Yeah, that got answered over 3 months ago. :p

Yeah, that got answered over 3 months ago. :p
Replies: 8,218
What was the last DVD you bought and why?
Posted By 1badgmc
I'm a sucker for anything having to do with...

I'm a sucker for anything having to do with amusement parks and roller coasters.
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
Yeah, I know the feeling there too. It's no big...

Yeah, I know the feeling there too. It's no big deal if the entire title has been written out completely once or twice in the post and then the abbreviation is used for following instances, but you...
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
Don't forget to, too and two.

Don't forget to, too and two.
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
A funny language story: We were in Chicago...

A funny language story:

We were in Chicago a few years ago. We went to McDonald's and my brother-in-law ordered some breakfast burritos. They gave him his order and he asked for some picante...
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
I live in Texas and it just gets worse and worse....

I live in Texas and it just gets worse and worse. You wouldn't go to a non-English-speaking foreign country and expect them to cater to your language, so why should we have to cater to anyone else's.
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
So true. I can forgive a simple misspelled word...

So true. I can forgive a simple misspelled word now and then from typing to fast or fat fingers or whatever, but blatant disregard for all rules of grammar and spelling does nothing other than make...
Replies: 63
I can't take it anymore: A Rant
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: I can't take it anymore: A Rant

Inappropriate apostrophes bug me too. It really gets me when a person or business pays a professional sign company good money to make their sign or banner, and the sign company goes and screws it all...
Replies: 53
Do you still own and watch any films on VHS?
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: Do you still own and watch any films on VHS?

No. I have a VCR stacked with my cable box, but I don't even have it plugged in.
Replies: 3
When was the first DVD released and what was on it?
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: When was the first DVD released and what was on it?

Good topic. I hadn't ever thought about this.

According to IMDB, Twister was the first major movie released on DVD. Incidentally, it was also the last movie to be released on HD-DVD. Its original...
Replies: 18
1badgmc's DVD collection
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: 1badgmc's DVD collection

Thanks. I'm about to outgrow my cabinets. I need to go buy a third.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 08-07-09
Replies: 32
Director John Hughes Dies at 59
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: Director John Hughes Dies at 59

John Hughes was the '80's for most of us. You just simply cannot have a conversation about "80's movies" without having a John Hughes film thrown in the mix. I can't think of a single one of his...
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 08-07-09
Replies: 60
Poll: What's your favorite John Hughes film?
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: What's your favorite John Hughes film?

It was a tough choice, but my vote goes to Ferris.
Forum: Movie Reviews 08-03-09
Replies: 138
The Fry Box: Spud's Reviews
Posted By 1badgmc
Re: The Fry Box: Spud's Reviews

I'm a car guy, plain and simple. I eat, sleep and breathe cars. I love all types of cars and can find some enjoyment in any movie where cars are the focus, even that abortion of a movie Redline. When...