KasperKristensen's Avatar
Last Activity: 08-14-18


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2,063 POSTS



16¼ years HERE

I judge movies by the amount of goosebumps they cause me. Biography
In a Glass Penthouse on a Hillside Location
Reading, Writing and Movies Interests
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 110
  1. 01-17-13
    well hey there....
  2. 08-07-12
  3. 02-10-12
    I am just really confused now.
  4. 12-20-11
    Cool, can't wait to hear about it as it happens.
Rango   7/18/11
Rango’s themes are surprisingly mature and emits in part from an existential crisis, which might sound a bit t

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day   11/20/10
[i]All Saints Day[/i] is a mixed affair. Performances are al

Inglourious Basterds   9/21/09
...in the midst of this Nazi-killing massacre and extreme violence hides a strikingly brilliant film.

Antichrist   7/19/09
One Danish film critic said that one third of the audience would give this movie five stars. The second part w

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