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Last Activity: 01-26-24

mark f

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
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16¾ years HERE

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I'm an Anteater, and I've been a film reference book editor and center air traffic controller. In 2012, I had a stroke which basically left me bedridden and killed my right side. Biography
Escaped from Behind the Orange Curtain to L.A. Location
Movies, Music, Photography, Living in the Past since 2012 Interests
Teacher/Underachieving Bum/Needy Crybaby Occupation
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page
Showing Comments 325 to 328 of 331
  1. 01-16-09
    Oh Mark hun I'm sorry! Was not on this on me bday.....the whole celebration and drinks and what have you made me lose track lol!!!!! Now we can chat
  2. 01-14-09
    Hello, Mark! I've updated my review fairly significantly. I included a brief paragraph discussing the four directors, deleted a few of those excessive adjectives, and talked about the Cinerama experience.

    From your previous PM to me, I used some of your exact wording (in 1-2 sentences in my review) and one of the pictures you sent me. Is that okay? I gave you credit for your help, but if you'd like me to remove them, just say the word.

    Thanks again for your help, sir. It means a lot.
  3. 01-13-09
    Hi Mark, no problemo re Desperately Seeking Susan, I was clutching at straws with that question really.
  4. 01-13-09
    Hello, mark. As you did last time, feedback on my latest review (which I just posted) would be greatly appreciated. I know I didn't mention the director, but in this case I wasn't familiar with much else of their work, so I left them out. With everything else, though, I think I nailed my feelings decently well.
I Know Where I'm Going!   10/13/22
I especially love the B&W photography, the castle with rhe curse in it, the falconer, the strangely-placed tel

Some Like It Hot   8/06/22
If Billy Wilder were making movies today, he would tackle more topical subjects, but he was always attracted t

Bringing Up Baby   7/29/22
Susan is taking care of her brother's pet leopard Baby, and when David visits her home, Baby escapes and the f

Mulholland Drive   1/26/22
If not, why isn't someone's interpretation of a film as "idiotic nonsense" make as much sense as the interpret

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